package; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.Switch; import android.widget.Toast; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import tinygsn.beans.StaticData; import tinygsn.beans.StreamElement; import tinygsn.beans.WrapperConfig; import; import; import; import tinygsn.model.wrappers.AbstractWrapper; import; import tinygsn.utils.ToastUtils; public class LocationScheduler extends AbstractScheduler { public static final int STATE_LOST = 0; public static final int STATE_GPS = 1; public static final int STATE_STATIONARY = 2; public static final int REASON_ACC = 0; public static final int REASON_WIFI = 1; public static final int REASON_GPS = 2; private static final String accelerometerType = "tinygsn.model.wrappers.AndroidAccelerometerWrapper"; private static final String gpsType = "tinygsn.model.wrappers.AndroidGPSWrapper"; private static final String gyroscopeType = "tinygsn.model.wrappers.AndroidGyroscopeWrapper"; private static final String wifiType = "tinygsn.model.wrappers.WifiWrapper"; private static final String[] wrappers = new String[]{accelerometerType, gpsType, gyroscopeType, wifiType}; public final Class<? extends WrapperService> getSERVICE() { return LocationSchedulerService.class; } private static SqliteStorageManager storage = new SqliteStorageManager(); public LocationScheduler(WrapperConfig wc) { super(wc); } public LocationScheduler() { } @Override public String[] getManagedSensors() { return wrappers; } public void runOnce() { int machineState = STATE_LOST; int reason = REASON_ACC; //constants: int numLatest = 10; double accelerometerThreshold = 1.3; int wifiCountThreshold = 15; int SamplingRateAccelerometerMoving = 3; int SamplingRateAccelerometerStationary = 1; int SamplingRateAccelerometerLost = 2; int SamplingRateGyroscopeMoving = 3; int SamplingRateGyroscopeStationary = 1; int SamplingRateGyroscopeLost = 2; int SamplingRateGPSMoving = 1; int SamplingRateGPSStationary = 0; int SamplingRateGPSLost = 2; int SamplingRateWifiMoving = 0; int SamplingRateWifiStationary = 2; int SamplingRateWifiLost = 1; //end of constants AbstractWrapper accelerometerWrapper; String accelerometerVsName = null; AbstractWrapper gpsWrapper; String gpsVsName = null; AbstractWrapper wifiWrapper; String wifiVsName = null; int[] s = storage.getLatestState(); machineState = s[0]; reason = s[1]; try { //get the wrappers accelerometerWrapper = StaticData.getWrapperByName(accelerometerType); gpsWrapper = StaticData.getWrapperByName(gpsType); wifiWrapper = StaticData.getWrapperByName(wifiType); //get the first attached VS accelerometerVsName = storage.getVSfromSource(accelerometerType).get(0); wifiVsName = storage.getVSfromSource(wifiType).get(0); gpsVsName = storage.getVSfromSource(gpsType).get(0); } catch (Exception e) { // Get Switch to click on it to deactivate the LocationScheduler ListView listViewScheduler = (ListView) TinyGSN.getCurrentActivity().findViewById(; int count = listViewScheduler.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { View view = listViewScheduler.getChildAt(i); ArrayList<View> views = view.getTouchables(); for (int j = 0; j < views.size(); j++) { SensorRow sensorRow = (SensorRow) listViewScheduler.getAdapter().getItem(j); if (sensorRow.getName().equals("")) { final Switch sw = (Switch) views.get(j); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { sw.performClick(); } }); j = views.size(); i = count; } } } // Warn the user with a Toast warnUserOfError(); return; } //calculation of parameters Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "State is: " + machineState); long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double avgChangedAccelometer = 0; boolean gpsConstant = true; boolean isInKnownWifiAccess = true; ArrayList<StreamElement> accelerometerResult = null; ArrayList<StreamElement> gpsResult = null; ArrayList<StreamElement> wifiResult = null; if (wifiVsName != null) { wifiResult = storage.executeQueryGetLatestValues("vs_" + wifiVsName, wifiWrapper.getFieldList(), wifiWrapper.getFieldType(), numLatest, curTime - 120000); isInKnownWifiAccess = ContainsFamiliarWifis(wifiResult, wifiCountThreshold); Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "is in known wifi access point: " + isInKnownWifiAccess); } if (gpsVsName != null) { gpsResult = storage.executeQueryGetLatestValues("vs_" + gpsVsName, gpsWrapper.getFieldList(), gpsWrapper.getFieldType(), 180, curTime - 180000); if (gpsResult != null && gpsResult.size() != 0) { if (gpsResult.get(gpsResult.size() - 1).getTimeStamp() - gpsResult.get(0).getTimeStamp() > 120000) { long longitude = Math.round(((Double) (gpsResult.get(0).getData("longitude")) * 1000)); long latitude = Math.round(((Double) (gpsResult.get(0).getData("latitude")) * 1000)); for (int i = 0; i < gpsResult.size(); i++) { if (Math.round(((Double) (gpsResult.get(i).getData("longitude")) * 1000)) != longitude || Math.round(((Double) (gpsResult.get(i).getData("latitude")) * 1000)) != latitude) gpsConstant = false; } } else { gpsConstant = false; } } else gpsConstant = false; Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "is GPS constant: " + gpsConstant); } if (accelerometerVsName != null) { accelerometerResult = storage.executeQueryGetLatestValues("vs_" + accelerometerVsName, accelerometerWrapper.getFieldList(), accelerometerWrapper.getFieldType(), 32, curTime - 30000); if (accelerometerResult.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < accelerometerResult.size(); i++) { double changedAccelerometer = Math.pow((Double) (accelerometerResult.get(i).getData("x")) - (Double) (accelerometerResult.get(i - 1).getData("x")), 2); changedAccelerometer += Math.pow((Double) (accelerometerResult.get(i).getData("y")) - (Double) (accelerometerResult.get(i - 1).getData("y")), 2); changedAccelerometer += Math.pow((Double) (accelerometerResult.get(i).getData("z")) - (Double) (accelerometerResult.get(i - 1).getData("z")), 2); avgChangedAccelometer += Math.sqrt(changedAccelerometer); } avgChangedAccelometer = avgChangedAccelometer / accelerometerResult.size(); } Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "average Acc change: " + avgChangedAccelometer); } //end of parameter calculation //checking for next state if (gpsResult != null && gpsResult.size() != 0) { Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "Last GPS fix is : " + (curTime - gpsResult.get(0).getTimeStamp()) / 1000 + "s old."); } else { Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "no GPS results"); } if (wifiResult != null && wifiResult.size() != 0) { Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "Last wifi scan is : " + (curTime - wifiResult.get(0).getTimeStamp()) / 1000 + "s old."); } else { Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "no wifi results"); } if (accelerometerResult != null && accelerometerResult.size() != 0) { Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "Last acc scan is : " + (curTime - accelerometerResult.get(0).getTimeStamp()) / 1000 + "s old."); } else { Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "no acc results"); } switch (machineState) { case STATE_LOST: storage.setWrapperInfo(gyroscopeType, 15, SamplingRateGyroscopeLost); storage.setWrapperInfo(accelerometerType, 15, SamplingRateAccelerometerLost); storage.setWrapperInfo(gpsType, 15, SamplingRateGPSLost); storage.setWrapperInfo(wifiType, 60, SamplingRateWifiLost); //changing stage if (gpsResult != null && gpsResult.size() != 0) //gps fixed { machineState = STATE_GPS; Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "new state GPS"); } else if (wifiResult != null && wifiResult.size() != 0 && isInKnownWifiAccess) { machineState = STATE_STATIONARY; reason = REASON_WIFI; Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "new state STATIONARY (wifi)"); } else if (accelerometerResult != null && accelerometerResult.size() != 0 && avgChangedAccelometer < accelerometerThreshold) { machineState = STATE_STATIONARY; reason = REASON_ACC; Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "new state STATIONARY (acc)"); } break; case STATE_GPS: storage.setWrapperInfo(gyroscopeType, 15, SamplingRateGyroscopeMoving); storage.setWrapperInfo(accelerometerType, 15, SamplingRateAccelerometerMoving); storage.setWrapperInfo(gpsType, 15, SamplingRateGPSMoving); storage.setWrapperInfo(wifiType, 60, SamplingRateWifiMoving); if (gpsResult == null || gpsResult.size() == 0) //gps lost { machineState = STATE_LOST; Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "new state LOST"); } else if (gpsResult != null && gpsResult.size() != 0 && gpsConstant) { machineState = STATE_STATIONARY; reason = REASON_GPS; Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "new state STATIONARY (gps)"); } else if (accelerometerResult != null && accelerometerResult.size() != 0 && avgChangedAccelometer < accelerometerThreshold) { machineState = STATE_STATIONARY; reason = REASON_ACC; Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "new state STATIONARY (acc)"); } break; case STATE_STATIONARY: storage.setWrapperInfo(gyroscopeType, 15, SamplingRateGyroscopeStationary); storage.setWrapperInfo(accelerometerType, 15, SamplingRateAccelerometerStationary); storage.setWrapperInfo(gpsType, 15, SamplingRateGPSStationary); storage.setWrapperInfo(wifiType, 60, SamplingRateWifiStationary); if (reason == REASON_WIFI && (wifiResult == null || wifiResult.size() == 0 || !isInKnownWifiAccess)) { machineState = STATE_LOST; Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "new state LOST"); } else if (reason == REASON_ACC || reason == REASON_GPS) { if (wifiResult != null && wifiResult.size() != 0 && isInKnownWifiAccess) { reason = REASON_WIFI; Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "new state STATIONARY (wifi)"); } else if (accelerometerResult != null && accelerometerResult.size() != 0 && avgChangedAccelometer > accelerometerThreshold) { machineState = STATE_LOST; Log.d("tinygsn-scheduler", "new state LOST"); } } } storage.executeInsertSamples(machineState, reason); return; } private boolean ContainsFamiliarWifis(ArrayList<StreamElement> wifiResult, int wifiCountThreshold) { Map<Long, Integer> freqs = storage.getFrequencies(); for (int i = 0; i < wifiResult.size(); i++) { Long k = ((Double) (wifiResult.get(i).getData("mac1"))).longValue() * 16777216 + ((Double) (wifiResult.get(i).getData("mac2"))).longValue(); if (freqs.containsKey(k) && freqs.get(k) > wifiCountThreshold) { return true; } } return false; } private void warnUserOfError() { Context context = StaticData.globalContext.getApplicationContext(); CharSequence text = "The Location scheduler needs existing virtual sensors for GPS, Wifi and Accelerometer."; int duration = Toast.LENGTH_LONG; ToastUtils.showToastInUiThread(context, text, duration); } public static class LocationSchedulerService extends WrapperService { public LocationSchedulerService() { super("LocationScheduler"); setIntentRedelivery(true); } } }