package ch.epfl.gsn.monitoring; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.sql.*; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import ch.epfl.gsn.Main; import ch.epfl.gsn.beans.DataField; import ch.epfl.gsn.beans.DataTypes; import ch.epfl.gsn.beans.VSensorConfig; import ch.epfl.gsn.monitoring.Anomaly; import; import ch.epfl.gsn.vsensor.AbstractVirtualSensor; import org.slf4j.Logger; /* * Each AbstractVirtualSensor will have a reference to its instance of AnomalyDetector */ public class AnomalyDetector implements Monitorable { private static final transient Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger (AnomalyDetector.class); /* Reference to the VirtualSensor this instance belongs to */ private AbstractVirtualSensor sensor; /* OutputStructure of the VirtualSensor */ private DataField [] fields; /* HashMap functions * Key : Function * Value : ArrayList of Anomaly on which the function has to be applied */ private HashMap <String, ArrayList<Anomaly>> functions = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Anomaly>>(); /* A list of supported functions*/ private ArrayList <String> supportedFunctions = new ArrayList <String> () {{ add("positive_outlier"); add("negative_outlier"); add("iqr"); add("unique"); }}; // Constant flag for specifiying driection of outlier | Helps in code readability private static final boolean POSITIVE = true; private static final boolean NEGATIVE = false; public AnomalyDetector (AbstractVirtualSensor sensor) { this.sensor = sensor; this.fields = sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getOutputStructure(); initAnomalyParams(); } /* Parsing anomaly parameters from the VSP file configuration provided * * Valid Key Format : anomaly.function.field[.groupByField] * WHERE groupByField is optional * Function could be iqr, positive_outlier etc. * Valid Value format : interval[,value] * WHERE value is optional (needed for outliers) * interval = -1 if all the historical data is to be used * * Value is the threshold and interval is the recent time window over which * we look for anomalies. Interval should be specified as for e.g. 5h (last 5 hours) * or 3m (last 3 minutes) * */ /* TODO: ALL input should be parsed and validated here * Parsing should not be left for runtime */ private void initAnomalyParams() { TreeMap <String, String> params = sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration(). getMainClassInitialParams(); if (params == null) return; for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry : params.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey().trim(); // key should be of the form anomaly.function.field[.groupByField] String value = entry.getValue().trim(); // Value should be of the form interval[,value] if (!key.startsWith("anomaly.")) // For a parameter defined for anamaly, key (name) has to start with string "anomaly." continue; String parts [] = key.split("\\."); // Tokenizing String with '.' String function = null, fieldName=null, groupBy = null; if (parts.length < 3 || parts.length > 4) {"ANOMALY-PARSING-ERROR ["+key+"="+value+"] " + "Key: " + key + " should be of the form anomaly.function.field[.groupByField]"); continue; } try { function = parts[1]; if (!supportedFunctions.contains(function)) { ("ANOMALY-PARSING-ERROR ["+key+"="+value+"] " + "Function: " + function + " not supported"); continue; } fieldName = parts[2]; DataField field = getDataField(fieldName); if (field == null) { ("ANOMALY-PARSING-ERROR ["+ key+"="+value+"] " + "Field: " + fieldName + " is invalid"); continue; // Move to next anomaly } DataField groupByField = null; if (parts.length == 4) { groupBy = parts[3]; groupByField = getDataField(groupBy); if (groupByField == null) { ("ANOMALY-PARSING-ERROR ["+ key+"="+value+"] " + "GroupBy: " + groupByField + " is invalid"); continue; } } String valParts [] = value.split(","); Anomaly anomaly; if (valParts.length == 1) // Threshold is not provided anomaly = new Anomaly (function,field,valParts[0],groupByField); //valParts[0] is the interval else if (valParts.length == 2) // valParts[0] is interval and valParts[1] is threshold value anomaly = new Anomaly (function,field,valParts[0], groupByField,valParts[1]); else { ("ANOMALY-PARSING-ERROR ["+ key+"="+value+"] " + "Value: " + value + " should be of the form value,interval"); break; } if (!functions.containsKey(function)) { functions.put(function, new ArrayList <Anomaly>()); } functions.get(function).add(anomaly); (anomaly.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { ("ANOMALY-PARSING-ERROR ["+key+" : " +value+"]"); (e.getMessage()); continue; } } } private DataField getDataField (String fieldName) { for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (fields[i].getName().equals(fieldName)) return fields[i]; } return null; } /* * Executes query for the positive or negative outlier and retrieves the no of anomalies */ private void countOutliers (Hashtable <String, Object> stat, boolean direction) throws SQLException { if (direction == POSITIVE && !functions.containsKey("positive_outlier")) return; if (direction == NEGATIVE && !functions.containsKey("negative_outlier")) return; ArrayList <Anomaly> anomalies = null; if (direction == POSITIVE) anomalies = functions.get("positive_outlier"); else anomalies = functions.get("negative_outlier"); if (anomalies == null || anomalies.size() == 0) return; StorageManager storageMan = Main.getStorage (sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName()); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; // Get connection, process anomalies of this function, close connection // Any SQLException thrown is propogated up the stack con = storageMan.getConnection(); Iterator <Anomaly> iterator = anomalies.iterator(); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { Anomaly anomaly =; DataField field = anomaly.getField(); String query; if (anomaly.isGroupBy()) query = getOutlierQueryByGroup (sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName().toLowerCase(), field, anomaly.getGroupByField(), direction); else query = getOutlierQuery (sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName().toLowerCase(), field, direction); try { ps = con.prepareStatement(query); switch (field.getDataTypeID()) { case DataTypes.DOUBLE: ps.setDouble (1, Double.parseDouble(anomaly.getValue())); break; case DataTypes.SMALLINT: ps.setShort(1, Short.parseShort (anomaly.getValue())); break; case DataTypes.INTEGER: ps.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt (anomaly.getValue())); break; case DataTypes.FLOAT: ps.setFloat(1, Float.parseFloat (anomaly.getValue())); break; default: ("ANOMALY-EXECUTION-ERROR [anomaly."+ anomaly.getFunction()+"."+ field.getName()+"="+anomaly.getValue()+","+anomaly.getTimeStr()+"] "+ "Field: " + field.getName() + " datatype " + field.getDataTypeID() + " not stuppored"); iterator.remove(); continue; } long timeStamp = this.getTimeStamp(anomaly.getTime()); ps.setDouble(2, timeStamp); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (anomaly.isGroupBy()) { while ( { stat.put(this.getMetricName (anomaly) +"."+ rs.getString(1)+".gauge", rs.getString(2)); } } else { if ( { // Putting monitoring result for this anomaly in the HashMap stat stat.put( this.getMetricName(anomaly)+".gauge", rs.getString(1)); } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // In case of number format exception, anomaly specification is erroneous, hence removing it //TODO: For other datatpyes, there could be different exception for formatting ("ANOMALY-EXECUTION-ERROR [anomaly."+ anomaly.getFunction()+"."+field.getName()+ "="+anomaly.getValue()+","+anomaly.getTimeStr()+"] "+ "Value: " + anomaly.getValue() + " Invalid number format"); iterator.remove(); continue; } finally { if (rs!= null) rs.close(); if (ps!=null) ps.close(); } } con.close(); } // Returns SQL query for outliers private String getOutlierQuery ( String tableName, DataField field, boolean direction ) { StringBuilder toReturn = new StringBuilder (); toReturn.append("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ").append(tableName).append( " WHERE " + field.getName()); // Outier could be positive or negative if (direction == POSITIVE) toReturn.append(" > "); else toReturn.append(" < "); toReturn.append("? AND timed > ?"); // ) as maxTable" return toReturn.toString(); } private String getOutlierQueryByGroup (String tableName, DataField field, DataField groupBy, boolean direction) { StringBuilder toReturn = new StringBuilder (); toReturn.append("SELECT " + groupBy.getName() + ", COUNT(*) FROM ").append(tableName).append(" WHERE " + field.getName()); if (direction == POSITIVE) toReturn.append(" > "); else toReturn.append(" < "); toReturn.append("? AND timed > ?"); toReturn.append(" GROUP BY " + groupBy.getName()); return toReturn.toString(); } private void interQuartileRange (Hashtable <String, Object> stat) throws SQLException { if (!functions.containsKey("iqr")) return; ArrayList <Anomaly> anomalies = functions.get("iqr"); // TODO: remove key iqr if (anomalies == null || anomalies.size() == 0) return; StorageManager storageMan = Main.getStorage(sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName()); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; con = storageMan.getConnection(); Iterator <Anomaly> iterator = anomalies.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Anomaly anomaly =; DataField field = anomaly.getField(); String query; if (anomaly.isGroupBy()) query = getIQRQueryByGroup (sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName().toLowerCase(),field,anomaly.getGroupByField()); else query = getIQRQuery(sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName().toLowerCase(), field); ps = con.prepareStatement(query); long timestamp = 0; //TODO: Improve IQR SQL Query timestamp = this.getTimeStamp(anomaly.getTime()); ps.setDouble(1, timestamp); ps.setDouble(2, timestamp); ps.setDouble(3, timestamp); ps.setDouble(4, timestamp); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (anomaly.isGroupBy()) { while ( { stat.put (this.getMetricName (anomaly) +"."+ rs.getString(1)+".gauge", rs.getString (2)); } } else { if ( { stat.put(this.getMetricName(anomaly)+".gauge", rs.getString(1)); } } if (rs!=null) rs.close(); if (ps!=null) ps.close(); } con.close(); } //TODO: A complex IQR Query. It should be improved. //TODO : Comment the query private String getIQRQuery (String tableName, DataField field) { StringBuilder toReturn = new StringBuilder ("SELECT "); toReturn.append("(SELECT " + field.getName() + " FROM ( "); toReturn.append("SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY " + field.getName() + " ASC) AS ROWNUMBER, " + field.getName()); toReturn.append(" FROM " + tableName + " WHERE timed > ?"); toReturn.append(" ) AS q3"); toReturn.append(" WHERE ROWNUMBER = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tableName + " WHERE timed > ?)*75/100)"); toReturn.append(" - "); toReturn.append("(SELECT " + field.getName() + " FROM ( "); toReturn.append("SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY " + field.getName() + " ASC) AS ROWNUMBER, " + field.getName()); toReturn.append(" FROM " + tableName + " WHERE timed > ?"); toReturn.append(" ) AS q1"); toReturn.append(" WHERE ROWNUMBER = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tableName + " WHERE timed > ?) *25/100) AS IQR"); return toReturn.toString(); } private String getIQRQueryByGroup (String tableName, DataField field, DataField groupBy) { String fieldName = field.getName(); String groupByName = groupBy.getName(); StringBuilder toReturn = new StringBuilder ("SELECT q1." + groupByName + ", (q3." + fieldName +" - q1." + fieldName +") IQR "); toReturn.append ("FROM "); toReturn.append ("(SELECT doo." + fieldName + ", doo." + groupByName + ", doo.row "); toReturn.append ("FROM "); toReturn.append ("(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY " + groupByName + " ORDER BY " + groupByName + "," + fieldName + ") as row, " + groupByName + ", " + fieldName); toReturn.append (" FROM " + tableName + " WHERE timed > ?) doo, "); toReturn.append ("(SELECT max(foo.row)*25/100 AS max, " + groupByName); toReturn.append (" FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY " + groupByName + " ORDER BY " + groupByName + "," + fieldName + ") as row, " + groupByName + ", " + fieldName); toReturn.append (" FROM " + tableName + " WHERE timed > ?) foo "); toReturn.append (" GROUP BY " + groupByName + ") boo "); toReturn.append ("WHERE doo." + groupByName + "=" + "boo." + groupByName); toReturn.append (" AND doo.row = boo.max) q1, "); toReturn.append ("(SELECT doo." + fieldName + ", doo." + groupByName + ", doo.row "); toReturn.append ("FROM "); toReturn.append ("(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY " + groupByName + " ORDER BY " + groupByName + "," + fieldName + ") as row, " + groupByName + ", " + fieldName); toReturn.append (" FROM " + tableName + " WHERE timed > ?) doo, "); toReturn.append ("(SELECT max(foo.row)*75/100 AS max, " + groupByName); toReturn.append (" FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY " + groupByName + " ORDER BY " + groupByName + "," + fieldName + ") as row, " + groupByName + ", " + fieldName); toReturn.append (" FROM " + tableName + " WHERE timed > ?) foo "); toReturn.append (" GROUP BY " + groupByName + ") boo "); toReturn.append ("WHERE doo." + groupByName + "=" + "boo." + groupByName); toReturn.append (" AND doo.row = boo.max) q3 "); toReturn.append("WHERE q1." + groupByName + " = q3." +groupByName +";"); return toReturn.toString(); } // Count unique values of a field over a specified timed-interval private void countUnique (Hashtable <String, Object> stat) throws SQLException { if (!functions.containsKey("unique")) return; ArrayList <Anomaly> anomalies = functions.get("unique"); // TODO: remove key iqr if (anomalies == null || anomalies.size() == 0) { functions.remove("unique"); return; } StorageManager storageMan = Main.getStorage(sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName()); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; con = storageMan.getConnection(); Iterator <Anomaly> iterator = anomalies.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Anomaly anomaly =; DataField field = anomaly.getField(); String query; if (anomaly.isGroupBy()) query = getUniqueQueryByGroup(sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName().toLowerCase(), field, anomaly.getGroupByField()); else query = getUniqueQuery(sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName().toLowerCase(), field); ps = con.prepareStatement(query); long timeStamp = this.getTimeStamp(anomaly.getTime()); // ("COUNT UNIQUE timestamp : " + timeStamp); ps.setLong(1,timeStamp); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (anomaly.isGroupBy()) { while ( { stat.put (this.getMetricName(anomaly) +"."+ rs.getString(1)+".gauge",rs.getString(2)); } } else { if( { stat.put(this.getMetricName(anomaly)+".gauge", rs.getString(1)); } } if (rs!=null) rs.close(); if (ps!=null) ps.close(); } con.close(); } // Generates SQL query for the number of unique values of a field private String getUniqueQuery ( String tableName, DataField field) { StringBuilder toReturn = new StringBuilder ("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM ("); toReturn.append("SELECT DISTINCT " + field.getName() + " FROM ").append(tableName); toReturn.append(" WHERE timed > ?) AS maxTabel"); return toReturn.toString(); } private String getUniqueQueryByGroup ( String tableName, DataField field, DataField groupBy) { StringBuilder toReturn = new StringBuilder ("SELECT " + groupBy.getName()+", COUNT(*) "); toReturn.append("FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT " + field.getName() + ", station FROM ").append(tableName); toReturn.append(" WHERE timed > ?) AS temp "); toReturn.append("GROUP BY " + groupBy.getName()); return toReturn.toString(); } // Returns the time stamp by subtractive the windowSize from the current time private long getTimeStamp (long windowSize) { // Counter intuitively, zero represents we will look into all the stored data for anomalies if (windowSize ==-1) return -1; return System.currentTimeMillis() - windowSize; } public String toString () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\n"); for (Map.Entry <String, ArrayList <Anomaly>> entry : functions.entrySet ()) { String function = entry.getKey(); ArrayList <Anomaly> anomalies = entry.getValue(); sb.append(function); sb.append("\n"); for (Anomaly anomaly : anomalies ) { sb.append("\t"); sb.append(anomaly.toString()); sb.append("\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } public String getMetricName (Anomaly anomaly) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("vs."+sensor.getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName().replaceAll("\\,","_" )+".output"); sb.append(".anomaly." + anomaly.getFunction() + "." + anomaly.getField().getName()); if (anomaly.getFunction().equals ("positive_outlier") || anomaly.getFunction().equals ("negative_outlier")) sb.append("." + anomaly.getValue().trim()); if (anomaly.isGroupBy()) sb.append("." + anomaly.getGroupByField().getName()); return sb.toString(); } public Hashtable <String, Object> getStatistics () { Hashtable <String, Object> stat = new Hashtable <String, Object>(); try { countOutliers (stat, POSITIVE); countOutliers (stat, NEGATIVE); interQuartileRange(stat); countUnique(stat); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return stat; } }