// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.api.ads.dfp.jaxws.v201702; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlEnum; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; /** * <p>Java class for DaiIngestErrorReason. * * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * <p> * <pre> * <simpleType name="DaiIngestErrorReason"> * <restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string"> * <enumeration value="INVALID_INGEST_URL"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_CLOSED_CAPTION_URL"/> * <enumeration value="MISSING_CLOSED_CAPTION_URL"/> * <enumeration value="COULD_NOT_FETCH_HLS"/> * <enumeration value="COULD_NOT_FETCH_SUBTITLES"/> * <enumeration value="MISSING_SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE"/> * <enumeration value="COULD_NOT_FETCH_MEDIA"/> * <enumeration value="MALFORMED_MEDIA_BYTES"/> * <enumeration value="CHAPTER_TIME_OUT_OF_BOUNDS"/> * <enumeration value="INTERNAL_ERROR"/> * <enumeration value="CONTENT_HAS_CHAPTER_TIMES_BUT_NO_MIDROLL_SETTINGS"/> * <enumeration value="MALFORMED_MEDIA_PLAYLIST"/> * <enumeration value="MALFORMED_SUBTITLES"/> * <enumeration value="PLAYLIST_ITEM_URL_DOES_NOT_MATCH_INGEST_COMMON_PATH"/> * <enumeration value="COULD_NOT_UPLOAD_SPLIT_MEDIA_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED"/> * <enumeration value="COULD_NOT_UPLOAD_SPLIT_MEDIA_CONNECTION_FAILED"/> * <enumeration value="COULD_NOT_UPLOAD_SPLIT_MEDIA_WRITE_FAILED"/> * <enumeration value="PLAYLISTS_HAVE_DIFFERENT_NUMBER_OF_DISCONTINUITIES"/> * <enumeration value="PLAYIST_HAS_NO_STARTING_PTS_VALUE"/> * <enumeration value="PLAYLIST_DISCONTINUITY_PTS_VALUES_DIFFER_TOO_MUCH"/> * <enumeration value="SEGMENT_HAS_NO_PTS"/> * <enumeration value="SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE_DOES_NOT_MATCH_LANGUAGE_IN_FEED"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_DETERMINE_CORRECT_SUBTITLES_FOR_LANGUAGE"/> * <enumeration value="NO_CDN_CONFIGURATION_FOUND"/> * <enumeration value="CONTENT_HAS_MIDROLLS_BUT_NO_SPLIT_CONTENT_CONFIG"/> * <enumeration value="CONTENT_HAS_MIDROLLS_BUT_SOURCE_HAS_MIDROLLS_DISABLED"/> * <enumeration value="ADTS_PARSE_ERROR"/> * <enumeration value="AAC_SPLIT_ERROR"/> * <enumeration value="AAC_PARSE_ERROR"/> * <enumeration value="TS_PARSE_ERROR"/> * <enumeration value="TS_SPLIT_ERROR"/> * <enumeration value="UNSUPPORTED_CONTAINER_FORMAT"/> * <enumeration value="UNSUPPORTED_TS_MEDIA_FORMAT"/> * <enumeration value="NO_IFRAMES_NEAR_CUE_POINT"/> * <enumeration value="UNKNOWN"/> * </restriction> * </simpleType> * </pre> * */ @XmlType(name = "DaiIngestErrorReason") @XmlEnum public enum DaiIngestErrorReason { /** * * The ingest URL provided in the publisher's content source feed is invalid. The trigger for * this error is the ingest URL specified in the publisher's feed. * * */ INVALID_INGEST_URL, /** * * The closed caption URL provided in the publisher's content source feed is invalid. The * trigger for this error is the closed caption URL specified in the publisher's feed. * * */ INVALID_CLOSED_CAPTION_URL, /** * * There is no closed caption URL for a content in the publisher's content source feed. There * is no trigger for this error. * * */ MISSING_CLOSED_CAPTION_URL, /** * * There was an error while trying to fetch the HLS from the specified ingest URL. The trigger * for this error is the ingest URL specified in the publisher's feed. * * */ COULD_NOT_FETCH_HLS, /** * * There was an error while trying to fetch the subtitles from the specified closed caption url. * The trigger for this error is the closed caption URL specified in the publisher's feed. * * */ COULD_NOT_FETCH_SUBTITLES, /** * * One of the subtitles from the closed caption URL is missing a language. The trigger for this * error is the closed caption URL that does not have a language associated with it. * * */ MISSING_SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE, /** * * Error fetching the media files from the URLs specified in the master HLS playlist. The trigger * for this error is a media playlist URL within the publisher's HLS playlist that could not * be fetched. * * */ COULD_NOT_FETCH_MEDIA, /** * * The media from the publisher's CDN is malformed and cannot be conditioned. The trigger * for this error is a media playlist URL within the publisher's HLS playlist that is malformed. * * */ MALFORMED_MEDIA_BYTES, /** * * A chapter time for the content is outside of the range of the content's duration. The trigger * for this error is the chapter time (a parsable long representing the time in ms) that is out * of bounds. * * */ CHAPTER_TIME_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, /** * * An internal error occurred while conditioning the content. There is no trigger for this * error. * * */ INTERNAL_ERROR, /** * * The content has chapter times but the content's source has no CDN settings for midrolls. * There is no trigger for this error. * * */ CONTENT_HAS_CHAPTER_TIMES_BUT_NO_MIDROLL_SETTINGS, /** * * There is bad/missing/malformed data in a media playlist. The trigger for this error is the * URL that points to the malformed media playlist. * * */ MALFORMED_MEDIA_PLAYLIST, /** * * There is bad/missing/malformed data in a subtitles file. The trigger for this error is the * URL that points to the malformed subtitles. * * */ MALFORMED_SUBTITLES, /** * * A playlist item has a URL that does not begin with the ingest common path provided in the DAI * settings. The trigger for this error is the playlist item URL. * * */ PLAYLIST_ITEM_URL_DOES_NOT_MATCH_INGEST_COMMON_PATH, /** * * Uploading split media segments failed due to an authentication error. * * */ COULD_NOT_UPLOAD_SPLIT_MEDIA_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, /** * * Uploading spit media segments failed due to a connection error. * * */ COULD_NOT_UPLOAD_SPLIT_MEDIA_CONNECTION_FAILED, /** * * Uploading split media segments failed due to a write error. * * */ COULD_NOT_UPLOAD_SPLIT_MEDIA_WRITE_FAILED, /** * * Variants in a playlist do not have the same number of discontinuities. The trigger for this * error is the master playlist URI. * * */ PLAYLISTS_HAVE_DIFFERENT_NUMBER_OF_DISCONTINUITIES, /** * * The playlist does not have a starting PTS value. The trigger for this error is the master * playlist URI. * * */ PLAYIST_HAS_NO_STARTING_PTS_VALUE, /** * * The PTS at a discontinuity varies too much between the different variants. The trigger for this * error is the master playlist URI. * * */ PLAYLIST_DISCONTINUITY_PTS_VALUES_DIFFER_TOO_MUCH, /** * * A media segment has no PTS. The trigger for this error is the segment data URI. * * */ SEGMENT_HAS_NO_PTS, /** * * The language in the subtitles file does not match the language specified in the feed. The * trigger for this error is the feed language and the parsed language separated by a semi-colon, * e.g. "en;sp". * * */ SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE_DOES_NOT_MATCH_LANGUAGE_IN_FEED, /** * * There are multiple subtitles files at the closed caption URI, and none of them match the * language defined in the feed. The trigger for this error is language in the feed. * * */ CANNOT_DETERMINE_CORRECT_SUBTITLES_FOR_LANGUAGE, /** * * No CDN configuration found for the content. The trigger for this error is the content's master * playlist URI. * * */ NO_CDN_CONFIGURATION_FOUND, /** * * The content has midrolls but there was no split content config on the CDN configuration for * that content so the content was not conditioned. There is no trigger for this error. * * */ CONTENT_HAS_MIDROLLS_BUT_NO_SPLIT_CONTENT_CONFIG, /** * * The content has midrolls but the source the content was ingested from has mid-rolls disabled, * so the content was not conditioned. There is no trigger for this error. * * */ CONTENT_HAS_MIDROLLS_BUT_SOURCE_HAS_MIDROLLS_DISABLED, /** * * Error parsing ADTS while splitting the content. The trigger for this error is the * variant URL and the cue-point separated by a semi-colon, e.g. "www.variant2.com;5000". * * */ ADTS_PARSE_ERROR, /** * * Error splitting an AAC segment. The trigger for this error is the variant URL and the * cue-point separated by a semi-colon, e.g. "www.variant2.com;5000". * * */ AAC_SPLIT_ERROR, /** * * Error parsing an AAC file while splitting the content. The trigger for this error is * the variant URL and the cue-point separated by a semi-colon, e.g. "www.variant2.com;5000". * * */ AAC_PARSE_ERROR, /** * * Error parsing a TS file while splitting the content. The trigger for this error is the * variant URL and the cue-point separated by a semi-colon, e.g. "www.variant2.com;5000". * * */ TS_PARSE_ERROR, /** * * Error splitting a TS file while splitting the content. The trigger for this error is * the variant URL and the cue-point separated by a semi-colon, e.g. "www.variant2.com;5000". * * */ TS_SPLIT_ERROR, /** * * Encountered an unsupported container format while splitting the content. The trigger for this * error is the variant URL and the cue-point separated by a semi-colon, e.g. * "www.variant2.com;5000". * * */ UNSUPPORTED_CONTAINER_FORMAT, /** * * Encountered an unsupported TS media format while splitting the content. The trigger for this * error is the variant URL and the cue-point separated by a semi-colon, e.g. * "www.variant2.com;5000". * * */ UNSUPPORTED_TS_MEDIA_FORMAT, /** * * Error splitting because there were no i-frames near the target split point. The trigger for * this error is the variant URL and the cue-point separated by a semi-colon, e.g. * "www.variant2.com;5000". * * */ NO_IFRAMES_NEAR_CUE_POINT, /** * * The value returned if the actual value is not exposed by the requested API version. * * */ UNKNOWN; public String value() { return name(); } public static DaiIngestErrorReason fromValue(String v) { return valueOf(v); } }