// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.api.ads.adwords.jaxws.v201607.cm; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlEnum; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; /** * <p>Java class for AdGroupCriterionError.Reason. * * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * <p> * <pre> * <simpleType name="AdGroupCriterionError.Reason"> * <restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string"> * <enumeration value="AD_GROUP_CRITERION_LABEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST"/> * <enumeration value="AD_GROUP_CRITERION_LABEL_ALREADY_EXISTS"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_ADD_LABEL_TO_NEGATIVE_CRITERION"/> * <enumeration value="TOO_MANY_OPERATIONS"/> * <enumeration value="CANT_UPDATE_NEGATIVE"/> * <enumeration value="CONCRETE_TYPE_REQUIRED"/> * <enumeration value="BID_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_ADGROUP"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_TARGET_AND_EXCLUDE"/> * <enumeration value="ILLEGAL_URL"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_KEYWORD_TEXT"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_DESTINATION_URL"/> * <enumeration value="MISSING_DESTINATION_URL_TAG"/> * <enumeration value="KEYWORD_LEVEL_BID_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_MANUALCPM"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_USER_STATUS"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_ADD_CRITERIA_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_EXCLUDE_CRITERIA_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_PRODUCT_PARTITION_HIERARCHY"/> * <enumeration value="PRODUCT_PARTITION_UNIT_CANNOT_HAVE_CHILDREN"/> * <enumeration value="PRODUCT_PARTITION_SUBDIVISION_REQUIRES_OTHERS_CASE"/> * <enumeration value="PRODUCT_PARTITION_REQUIRES_SAME_DIMENSION_TYPE_AS_SIBLINGS"/> * <enumeration value="PRODUCT_PARTITION_ALREADY_EXISTS"/> * <enumeration value="PRODUCT_PARTITION_DOES_NOT_EXIST"/> * <enumeration value="PRODUCT_PARTITION_CANNOT_BE_REMOVED"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_PRODUCT_PARTITION_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="PRODUCT_PARTITION_ADD_MAY_ONLY_USE_TEMP_ID"/> * <enumeration value="CAMPAIGN_TYPE_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_PARTIAL_FAILURE"/> * <enumeration value="OPERATIONS_FOR_TOO_MANY_SHOPPING_ADGROUPS"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_MODIFY_URL_FIELDS_WITH_DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_SET_WITHOUT_FINAL_URLS"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_CLEAR_FINAL_URLS_IF_FINAL_MOBILE_URLS_EXIST"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_CLEAR_FINAL_URLS_IF_FINAL_APP_URLS_EXIST"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_CLEAR_FINAL_URLS_IF_TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_EXISTS"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_CLEAR_FINAL_URLS_IF_URL_CUSTOM_PARAMETERS_EXIST"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_SET_BOTH_DESTINATION_URL_AND_FINAL_URLS"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_SET_BOTH_DESTINATION_URL_AND_TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE"/> * <enumeration value="FINAL_URLS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_CRITERION_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="FINAL_MOBILE_URLS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_CRITERION_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="UNKNOWN"/> * </restriction> * </simpleType> * </pre> * */ @XmlType(name = "AdGroupCriterionError.Reason") @XmlEnum public enum AdGroupCriterionErrorReason { /** * * No link found between the AdGroupCriterion and the label. * * */ AD_GROUP_CRITERION_LABEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST, /** * * The label has already been attached to the AdGroupCriterion. * * */ AD_GROUP_CRITERION_LABEL_ALREADY_EXISTS, /** * * Negative AdGroupCriterion cannot have labels. * * */ CANNOT_ADD_LABEL_TO_NEGATIVE_CRITERION, /** * * Too many operations for a single call. * * */ TOO_MANY_OPERATIONS, /** * * Negative ad group criteria are not updateable. * * */ CANT_UPDATE_NEGATIVE, /** * * Concrete type of criterion (keyword v.s. placement) is required for * ADD and SET operations. * * */ CONCRETE_TYPE_REQUIRED, /** * * Bid is incompatible with ad group's bidding settings. * * */ BID_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_ADGROUP, /** * * Cannot target and exclude the same criterion at once. * * */ CANNOT_TARGET_AND_EXCLUDE, /** * * The URL of a placement is invalid. * * */ ILLEGAL_URL, /** * * Keyword text was invalid. * * */ INVALID_KEYWORD_TEXT, /** * * Destination URL was invalid. * * */ INVALID_DESTINATION_URL, /** * * The destination url must contain at least one tag (e.g. {lpurl}) * * */ MISSING_DESTINATION_URL_TAG, /** * * Keyword-level cpm bid is not supported * * */ KEYWORD_LEVEL_BID_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_MANUALCPM, /** * * For example, cannot add a biddable ad group criterion that had been removed. * * */ INVALID_USER_STATUS, /** * * Criteria type cannot be targeted for the ad group. Either the account * is restricted to keywords only, the criteria type is incompatible * with the campaign's bidding strategy, or the criteria type can only * be applied to campaigns. * * */ CANNOT_ADD_CRITERIA_TYPE, /** * * Criteria type cannot be excluded for the ad group. Refer to the * documentation for a specific criterion to check if it is excludable. * * */ CANNOT_EXCLUDE_CRITERIA_TYPE, /** * * Ad group is invalid due to the product partitions it contains. * * */ INVALID_PRODUCT_PARTITION_HIERARCHY, /** * * Product partition unit cannot have children. * * */ PRODUCT_PARTITION_UNIT_CANNOT_HAVE_CHILDREN, /** * * Subdivided product partitions must have an "others" case. * * */ PRODUCT_PARTITION_SUBDIVISION_REQUIRES_OTHERS_CASE, /** * * Dimension type of product partition must be the same as that of its siblings. * * */ PRODUCT_PARTITION_REQUIRES_SAME_DIMENSION_TYPE_AS_SIBLINGS, /** * * Product partition cannot be added to the ad group because it already exists. * * */ PRODUCT_PARTITION_ALREADY_EXISTS, /** * * Product partition referenced in the operation was not found in the ad group. * * */ PRODUCT_PARTITION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, /** * * Recursive removal failed because product partition subdivision is being created or modified * in this request. * * */ PRODUCT_PARTITION_CANNOT_BE_REMOVED, /** * * Product partition type is not allowed for specified AdGroupCriterion type. * * */ INVALID_PRODUCT_PARTITION_TYPE, /** * * Product partition in an ADD operation specifies a non temporary CriterionId. * * */ PRODUCT_PARTITION_ADD_MAY_ONLY_USE_TEMP_ID, /** * * Partial failure is not supported for shopping campaign mutate operations. * * */ CAMPAIGN_TYPE_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_PARTIAL_FAILURE, /** * * Operations in the mutate request changes too many shopping ad groups. Please split * requests for multiple shopping ad groups across multiple requests. * * */ OPERATIONS_FOR_TOO_MANY_SHOPPING_ADGROUPS, /** * * Not allowed to modify url fields of an ad group criterion if there are duplicate elements * for that ad group criterion in the request. * * */ CANNOT_MODIFY_URL_FIELDS_WITH_DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS, /** * * Cannot set url fields without also setting final urls. * * */ CANNOT_SET_WITHOUT_FINAL_URLS, /** * * Cannot clear final urls if final mobile urls exist. * * */ CANNOT_CLEAR_FINAL_URLS_IF_FINAL_MOBILE_URLS_EXIST, /** * * Cannot clear final urls if final app urls exist. * * */ CANNOT_CLEAR_FINAL_URLS_IF_FINAL_APP_URLS_EXIST, /** * * Cannot clear final urls if tracking url template exists. * * */ CANNOT_CLEAR_FINAL_URLS_IF_TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_EXISTS, /** * * Cannot clear final urls if url custom parameters exist. * * */ CANNOT_CLEAR_FINAL_URLS_IF_URL_CUSTOM_PARAMETERS_EXIST, /** * * Cannot set both destination url and final urls. * * */ CANNOT_SET_BOTH_DESTINATION_URL_AND_FINAL_URLS, /** * * Cannot set both destination url and tracking url template. * * */ CANNOT_SET_BOTH_DESTINATION_URL_AND_TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE, /** * * Final urls are not supported for this criterion type. * * */ FINAL_URLS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_CRITERION_TYPE, /** * * Final mobile urls are not supported for this criterion type. * * */ FINAL_MOBILE_URLS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_CRITERION_TYPE, UNKNOWN; public String value() { return name(); } public static AdGroupCriterionErrorReason fromValue(String v) { return valueOf(v); } }