// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.api.ads.adwords.lib.selectorfields.v201609.cm; import com.google.api.ads.adwords.lib.selectorfields.EntityField; import com.google.api.ads.adwords.lib.selectorfields.Filterable; /** * A {@code Enum} to facilitate the selection of fields for {@code AdGroupAd}. */ public enum AdGroupAdField implements EntityField { // Fields constants definitions /** * List of disapproval reasons. */ @Filterable AdGroupAdDisapprovalReasons(true), /** * True if and only if this ad is not serving because it does not meet trademark policy. */ AdGroupAdTrademarkDisapproved(false), /** * Approval status. */ @Filterable AdGroupCreativeApprovalStatus(true), /** * The id of the adgroup containing this ad. */ @Filterable AdGroupId(true), /** * Type of ad. */ @Filterable AdType(true), /** * The Advertising Digital Identification code for this media, as defined by the American Association of Advertising Agencies, used mainly for television commercials. */ AdvertisingId(false), /** * ID of the base ad group from which this draft/trial ad was created. * For base ad groups this is equal to the ad group ID. * If the ad group was created in the draft or trial and has no corresponding base ad group, this field is null. * This field is only returned on get requests. */ @Filterable BaseAdGroupId(true), /** * ID of the base campaign from which this draft/trial ad was created. * This field is only returned on get requests. */ @Filterable BaseCampaignId(true), /** * The business name. * <span class="constraint Required">This field is required and should not be {@code null} when it is contained within {@code Operator}s : ADD.</span> */ @Filterable BusinessName(true), /** * Business name of the ad. */ @Filterable CallOnlyAdBusinessName(true), /** * If set to true, enable call tracking for the creative. * Enabling call tracking also enables call conversions. */ CallOnlyAdCallTracked(false), /** * Conversion type to attribute a call conversion to. * If not set, then a default conversion type id is used. * Only in effect if callTracked is also set to true otherwise this field is ignored. */ CallOnlyAdConversionTypeId(false), /** * Two letter country code for the ad. * Examples: 'US', 'GB'. */ @Filterable CallOnlyAdCountryCode(true), /** * First line of ad text. */ @Filterable CallOnlyAdDescription1(true), /** * Second line of ad text. */ @Filterable CallOnlyAdDescription2(true), /** * By default, call conversions are enabled when callTracked is on. * To disable call conversions, set this field to true. * Only in effect if callTracked is also set to true. * If callTracked is set to false, this field is ignored. */ CallOnlyAdDisableCallConversion(false), /** * Phone number string for the ad. * Examples: '(800) 356-9377', "16502531234", "+442001234567" */ @Filterable CallOnlyAdPhoneNumber(true), /** * Url to be used for phone number verification. */ @Filterable CallOnlyAdPhoneNumberVerificationUrl(true), /** * Media creation date in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+TZ. * This is not updatable and not specifiable. */ CreationTime(false), /** * A list of final app URLs that will be used on mobile if the user has the specific app installed. * <p>This field is used for upgraded urls only, as described at: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/upgraded-urls */ @Filterable CreativeFinalAppUrls(true), /** * A list of possible final mobile URLs after all cross domain redirects. * <p>This field is used for upgraded urls only, as described at: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/upgraded-urls */ @Filterable CreativeFinalMobileUrls(true), /** * A list of possible final URLs after all cross domain redirects. * <p>This field is used for upgraded urls only, as described at: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/upgraded-urls */ @Filterable CreativeFinalUrls(true), /** * URL template for constructing a tracking URL. * <p>This field is used for upgraded urls only, as described at: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/upgraded-urls */ @Filterable CreativeTrackingUrlTemplate(true), /** * A list of mappings to be used for substituting URL custom parameter tags in the trackingUrlTemplate, finalUrls, and/or finalMobileUrls. * <p>This field is used for upgraded urls only, as described at: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/upgraded-urls */ @Filterable CreativeUrlCustomParameters(true), /** * The descriptive text of the ad. */ @Filterable Description(true), /** * The first description line. */ @Filterable Description1(true), /** * The second description line. */ @Filterable Description2(true), /** * The device preference for the ad. * You can only specify a preference for mobile devices (CriterionId 30001). * If unspecified (no device preference), all devices are targeted. */ @Filterable DevicePreference(true), /** * Various dimension sizes for the media. * Only applies to image media (and video media for video thumbnails). */ Dimensions(false), /** * Visible URL. */ @Filterable DisplayUrl(true), /** * The duration of the associated audio, in milliseconds. */ @Filterable DurationMillis(true), /** * Allowed expanding directions. * These directions are used to match publishers' ad slots. * For example, if a slot allows expansion toward the right, only ads with EXPANDING_RIGHT specified will show up there. */ ExpandingDirections(false), /** * The size of the media file in bytes. */ FileSize(false), /** * The headline of the ad. */ @Filterable Headline(true), /** * First part of the headline. */ @Filterable HeadlinePart1(true), /** * Second part of the headline. */ @Filterable HeadlinePart2(true), /** * Height of the dimension */ Height(false), /** * ID of this ad. * This field is ignored when creating ads using {@code AdGroupAdService}. */ @Filterable Id(true), /** * The name label for this ad. * <span class="constraint Required"> This field is required and should not be {@code null}.</span> */ @Filterable ImageCreativeName(true), /** * The Industry Standard Commercial Identifier code for this media, used mainly for television commercials. */ IndustryStandardCommercialIdentifier(false), /** * Defines whether or not the ad is cookie targeted. * (i.e. * user list targeting, or the network's equivalent). */ IsCookieTargeted(false), /** * Defines whether or not the ad contains a tracking pixel of any kind. */ IsTagged(false), /** * Defines whether or not the ad is targeting user interest. */ IsUserInterestTargeted(false), /** * Labels that are attached to the AdGroupAd. * To associate an existing {@code Label} to an existing {@code AdGroupAd}, use {@code AdGroupAdService#mutateLabel} with ADD operator. * To remove an associated {@code Label} from the {@code AdGroupAd}, use {@code AdGroupAdService#mutateLabel} with REMOVE operator. * To filter on {@code Label}s, use one of {@code Predicate.Operator#CONTAINS_ALL}, {@code Predicate.Operator#CONTAINS_ANY}, {@code Predicate.Operator#CONTAINS_NONE} operators with a list of {@code Label} ids. */ @Filterable Labels(true), /** * Long format of the headline of the ad. */ @Filterable LongHeadline(true), /** * ID of this media object. */ MediaId(false), /** * The mime type of the media. */ MimeType(false), /** * Name of the ad. */ Name(false), /** * Text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL. */ @Filterable Path1(true), /** * In addition to {@code #path1}, more text that appears with the displayed URL. */ @Filterable Path2(true), /** * Indicates whether the audio is ready to play on the web. */ ReadyToPlayOnTheWeb(false), /** * Media reference ID key. */ ReferenceId(false), /** * <a href="/adwords/api/docs/appendix/richmediacodes"> Certified Vendor Format ID</a>. */ RichMediaAdCertifiedVendorFormatId(false), /** * Duration for the ad (in milliseconds). * Default is 0. */ RichMediaAdDuration(false), /** * Impression beacon URL for the ad. */ RichMediaAdImpressionBeaconUrl(false), /** * Name of the rich media ad. * <span class="constraint Required">This field is required and should not be {@code null}.</span> */ RichMediaAdName(false), /** * Snippet for this ad. * Required for standard third-party ads. * <p>The length of the string should be between 1 and 3072, inclusive. */ RichMediaAdSnippet(false), /** * SourceUrl pointing to the third party snippet. * For third party in-stream video ads, this stores the VAST URL. * For DFA ads, it stores the InRed URL. */ RichMediaAdSourceUrl(false), /** * Type of this rich media ad, the default is Standard. */ RichMediaAdType(false), /** * Short format of the headline of the ad. */ @Filterable ShortHeadline(true), /** * The URL of where the original media was downloaded from (or a file name). */ SourceUrl(false), /** * The status of the ad. * This field is required and should not be {@code null} when it is contained within {@code Operator}s : SET. */ @Filterable Status(true), /** * The streaming URL of the audio. */ StreamingUrl(false), /** * Duration of this ad (if it contains playable media). */ TemplateAdDuration(false), /** * Name of this ad. * <span class="constraint Required"> This field is required and should not be {@code null}.</span> */ TemplateAdName(false), /** * Group ID of all template ads, which should be created together. * Template ads in the same union reference the same data but have different dimensions. * Single ads do not have a union ID. * If a template ad specifies an ad union with only one ad, no union will be created. */ TemplateAdUnionId(false), /** * The name of this field. */ TemplateElementFieldName(false), /** * Text value for text field types. * Null if not text field. * The field is a text field if type is ADDRESS, ENUM, TEXT, URL, or VISIBLE_URL. */ TemplateElementFieldText(false), /** * The type of this field. */ TemplateElementFieldType(false), /** * ID of the template to use. */ @Filterable TemplateId(true), /** * For copies, the ad id of the ad this was or should be copied from. */ TemplateOriginAdId(false), /** * A list of strings that represents the specific trademarked terms that were found in this ad. * The list returned is empty if the ad has no trademarked terms. */ Trademarks(false), /** * Type of the creative. */ Type(false), /** * Unique name for this element. */ UniqueName(false), /** * Destination URL. * <p>Do not set this field if you are using upgraded URLs, as described at: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/upgraded-urls */ @Filterable Url(true), /** * URLs pointing to the resized media for the given sizes. * Only applies to image media. */ Urls(false), /** * Video Types of the ad. * (RealMedia, Quick Time etc.) */ VideoTypes(false), /** * Width of the dimension */ Width(false), /** * For YouTube-hosted videos, the YouTube video ID (as seen in YouTube URLs) may also be filled in. */ YouTubeVideoIdString(false), ; private final boolean isFilterable; private AdGroupAdField(boolean isFilterable) { this.isFilterable = isFilterable; } @Override public boolean isFilterable() { return this.isFilterable; } }