// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.api.ads.dfp.jaxws.v201611; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlEnum; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; /** * <p>Java class for ProductTemplateError.Reason. * * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * <p> * <pre> * <simpleType name="ProductTemplateError.Reason"> * <restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string"> * <enumeration value="INVALID_FEATURE_EXPANDED_EXCLUSIVE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_EXPANDED_FEATURE_DEFAULT_NOT_TARGETED"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_EXPANDED_FEATURE_DEFAULT_LOCKED"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_EXPANDED_FEATURE_VALUE_TARGETED"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_EXPANDED_FEATURE_VALUE_LOCKED"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_FEATURE_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_ROADBLOCKING_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_DELIVERY_RATE_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_CREATIVE_ROTATION_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_COMPANION_DELIVERY_OPTION"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_TARGETING"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_FREQUENCY_CAPS"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_TECHNOLOGY_INCLUDE_EXCLUDE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_EXPANDED_PRODUCT_COUNT"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_TARGET_PLATFORM"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_NON_TARGETING_FEATURE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_FEATURE_CARDINALITY_AT_LEAST_ONE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_FEATURE_CARDINALITY_AT_MOST_ONE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_FEATURE_CARDINALITY_EXACTLY_ONE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_FEATURE_FOR_OFFLINE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_RATE_TYPE_FOR_OFFLINE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_RATE_TYPE_FOR_DFP"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_RATE_TYPE_FOR_NON_DFP"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_VALUES_FOR_CLICK_TRACKING_LINE_ITEM_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_SEGMENTATION_OR_TARGETING_FOR_CLICK_TRACKING_LINE_ITEM_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_LINE_ITEM_PRIORITY"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_LINE_ITEM_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="DUPLICATED_PLACEHOLDER_IN_NAMEMACRO"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_EXPANDED_FEATURE_IN_NON_EXPANDABLE_AFFINITY"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_FEATURE_DEFAULT_TARGET_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_FEATURE_VALUE_TARGET_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_FEATURE_AND_VALUE_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_CREATIVE_PLACEHOLDER"/> * <enumeration value="DUPLICATED_FEATURE"/> * <enumeration value="DUPLICATED_CUSTOM_TARGETING_KEY"/> * <enumeration value="DUPLICATED_CUSTOM_TARGETING_VALUE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_CUSTOM_TARGETING_KEY_ID"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_CUSTOM_TARGETING_VALUE_ID"/> * <enumeration value="MISSING_CUSTOM_TARGETING_VALUES"/> * <enumeration value="LOCATION_CANNOT_BE_TARGETED_IF_PARENT_IS_TARGETED"/> * <enumeration value="LOCATION_CANNOT_BE_EXCLUDED_IF_PARENT_IS_EXCLUDED"/> * <enumeration value="LOCATION_CANNOT_BE_EXCLUDED_DIRECTLY_WHEN_HAVE_TARGETED_LOCATION"/> * <enumeration value="CUSTOMIZABLE_CUSTOM_KEY_CANNOT_BE_SEGMENTED"/> * <enumeration value="CUSTOM_KEY_USED_IN_TARGETING_CANNOT_BE_SEGMENTED"/> * <enumeration value="MISSING_EXPANDED_FEATURE_PLACEHOLDER_IN_NAMEMACRO"/> * <enumeration value="MISSING_FEATURE_VALUE_OF_NAMEMACRO_PLACEHOLDER"/> * <enumeration value="MISSING_FEATURE_OF_NAMEMACRO_PLACEHOLDER"/> * <enumeration value="MISSING_SUBTYPE_FOR_CUSTOM_TARGETING"/> * <enumeration value="COMPANION_NOT_ALLOWED"/> * <enumeration value="MISSING_COMPANION"/> * <enumeration value="DUPLICATED_MASTER_SIZE"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_HAVE_CREATIVE_TEMPLATE"/> * <enumeration value="NATIVE_CREATIVE_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_INCLUDE_NATIVE_PLACEHOLDER_WITHOUT_TEMPLATE_ID"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_MODIFY_READONLY_FEATURE"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_MODIFY_PRODUCT_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_ADD_SEGMENTATION"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_REMOVE_SEGMENTATION"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_REMOVE_VALUE_FROM_SEGMENTATION"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_ADD_FEATURE_VALUE_FOR_CUSTOM_TARGETING"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_MODIFY_BUILTIN_TARGETING_FEATURE"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_UPDATE_ARCHIVED_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_VIDEO_POSITION_VALUE_FOR_LINE_ITEM_TYPE"/> * <enumeration value="UNKNOWN"/> * </restriction> * </simpleType> * </pre> * */ @XmlType(name = "ProductTemplateError.Reason") @XmlEnum public enum ProductTemplateErrorReason { /** * * One feature affinity should be expanded or not-expanded exclusively. * * */ INVALID_FEATURE_EXPANDED_EXCLUSIVE, /** * * Expanded feature should have false default targeting type. * * */ INVALID_EXPANDED_FEATURE_DEFAULT_NOT_TARGETED, /** * * Expanded feature should be default locked. * * */ INVALID_EXPANDED_FEATURE_DEFAULT_LOCKED, /** * * Expanded feature value should have true targeting type. * * */ INVALID_EXPANDED_FEATURE_VALUE_TARGETED, /** * * Expanded feature value should be default locked. * * */ INVALID_EXPANDED_FEATURE_VALUE_LOCKED, /** * * The feature type is mismatch with feature value's type. * * */ INVALID_FEATURE_TYPE, /** * * The roadblocking type is invalid. * * */ INVALID_ROADBLOCKING_TYPE, /** * * The delivery rate type is invalid. * * */ INVALID_DELIVERY_RATE_TYPE, /** * * The creative rotation type is invalid. * * */ INVALID_CREATIVE_ROTATION_TYPE, /** * * The companion delivery option is invalid. * * */ INVALID_COMPANION_DELIVERY_OPTION, /** * * The targeting is invalid. * * */ INVALID_TARGETING, /** * * The frequency cap is invalid. * * */ INVALID_FREQUENCY_CAPS, /** * * The technology criteria is included and excluded at same time. * * */ INVALID_TECHNOLOGY_INCLUDE_EXCLUDE, INVALID_EXPANDED_PRODUCT_COUNT, /** * * The target platform should always be WEB. * * */ INVALID_TARGET_PLATFORM, /** * * The non-targeting feature cannot have default target type TRUE. * * */ INVALID_NON_TARGETING_FEATURE, /** * * The feature's targeted value number breaks the cardinality request, it should have at least * one value. * * */ INVALID_FEATURE_CARDINALITY_AT_LEAST_ONE, /** * * The feature's targeted value number breaks the cardinality request, it should have at most * one value. * * */ INVALID_FEATURE_CARDINALITY_AT_MOST_ONE, /** * * The feature's targeted value number breaks the cardinality request, it should have exactly * one value. * * */ INVALID_FEATURE_CARDINALITY_EXACTLY_ONE, /** * * The feature is invalid for offline product template. * * */ INVALID_FEATURE_FOR_OFFLINE, /** * * The rate type is invalid for offline product template. * * */ INVALID_RATE_TYPE_FOR_OFFLINE, /** * * The rate type should be in the valid set for corresponding line item type of a dfp product * template. * * */ INVALID_RATE_TYPE_FOR_DFP, /** * * The rate type should be in the valid set for corresponding line item type of a * {@link ProductType#NON_DFP} product template. * * */ INVALID_RATE_TYPE_FOR_NON_DFP, /** * * One or more values on the product template are not valid for a * {@link LineItemType#CLICK_TRACKING} line item type. * * */ INVALID_VALUES_FOR_CLICK_TRACKING_LINE_ITEM_TYPE, /** * * The segmentation or targeting on the product template is not valid for a * {@link LineItemType#CLICK_TRACKING} line item type. * * */ INVALID_SEGMENTATION_OR_TARGETING_FOR_CLICK_TRACKING_LINE_ITEM_TYPE, /** * * The line item priority feature is not match with line item type feature. * * */ INVALID_LINE_ITEM_PRIORITY, /** * * The line item type value is not supported. * * */ INVALID_LINE_ITEM_TYPE, /** * * The environment type is not valid. * * */ INVALID_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE, /** * * Duplication of placeholder for feature type affinity exists in name macro. * * */ DUPLICATED_PLACEHOLDER_IN_NAMEMACRO, /** * * Expanded features are not allowed in non expandable feature affinity. * * */ INVALID_EXPANDED_FEATURE_IN_NON_EXPANDABLE_AFFINITY, /** * * The default target type of the feature is not supported. * * */ INVALID_FEATURE_DEFAULT_TARGET_TYPE, /** * * The target type of the value is invalid. * * */ INVALID_FEATURE_VALUE_TARGET_TYPE, /** * * The default locked of feature is different with locked of feature values. * * */ INVALID_FEATURE_AND_VALUE_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, /** * * The creative placeholder should have at least a master size, or has one master and multiple * companion sizes. * * */ INVALID_CREATIVE_PLACEHOLDER, /** * * Duplicated features with the same feature type. * * */ DUPLICATED_FEATURE, /** * * Duplicated custom criteria key. * * */ DUPLICATED_CUSTOM_TARGETING_KEY, /** * * Duplicated custom criteria value. * * */ DUPLICATED_CUSTOM_TARGETING_VALUE, /** * * The id of custom criteria key is invalid. * * */ INVALID_CUSTOM_TARGETING_KEY_ID, /** * * The id of custom criteria value is invalid. * * */ INVALID_CUSTOM_TARGETING_VALUE_ID, /** * * Missing custom targeting values. * * */ MISSING_CUSTOM_TARGETING_VALUES, /** * * A child location can not be targeted if any one of its parent locations is also targeted. * * */ LOCATION_CANNOT_BE_TARGETED_IF_PARENT_IS_TARGETED, /** * * A child location can not be excluded if any one of its parent locations is also excluded. * * */ LOCATION_CANNOT_BE_EXCLUDED_IF_PARENT_IS_EXCLUDED, /** * * An excluded location must have one targeted parent when targeted location is not empty. * * */ LOCATION_CANNOT_BE_EXCLUDED_DIRECTLY_WHEN_HAVE_TARGETED_LOCATION, /** * * Customizable key is used in custom targeting segment. * * */ CUSTOMIZABLE_CUSTOM_KEY_CANNOT_BE_SEGMENTED, /** * * Custom targeting key is already used in custom targeting segment. * * */ CUSTOM_KEY_USED_IN_TARGETING_CANNOT_BE_SEGMENTED, /** * * A placeholder for an expanded feature type affinity is missing in name macro. * * */ MISSING_EXPANDED_FEATURE_PLACEHOLDER_IN_NAMEMACRO, /** * * The feature type affinity with placeholder been added is missing corresponding value. * * */ MISSING_FEATURE_VALUE_OF_NAMEMACRO_PLACEHOLDER, /** * * The feature type affinity with placeholder been added is not specified. * * */ MISSING_FEATURE_OF_NAMEMACRO_PLACEHOLDER, /** * * The SubTypeId of custom criteria feature is not specified. * * */ MISSING_SUBTYPE_FOR_CUSTOM_TARGETING, /** * * A placeholder contains companions but the roadblocking type is not CREATIVE_SET or the * product type is offline. * * */ COMPANION_NOT_ALLOWED, /** * * A placeholder does not contain companions but the roadblocking type is CREATIVE_SET. * * */ MISSING_COMPANION, /** * * A placeholder's master size is the same as another placeholder. * * */ DUPLICATED_MASTER_SIZE, /** * * Non-native placeholders cannot have creative templates. * * */ CANNOT_HAVE_CREATIVE_TEMPLATE, /** * * Placeholders can only have native creative templates. * * */ NATIVE_CREATIVE_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED, /** * * Cannot include native placeholders without native creative templates. * * */ CANNOT_INCLUDE_NATIVE_PLACEHOLDER_WITHOUT_TEMPLATE_ID, /** * * The feature is readonly. * * */ CANNOT_MODIFY_READONLY_FEATURE, /** * * The product type can not be modified after creation. * * */ CANNOT_MODIFY_PRODUCT_TYPE, /** * * Cannot add new segmentations after product template is saved. * * */ CANNOT_ADD_SEGMENTATION, /** * * Cannot remove segmentations after product template is saved. * * */ CANNOT_REMOVE_SEGMENTATION, /** * * Cannot remove value from segmentation after product template is saved. * * */ CANNOT_REMOVE_VALUE_FROM_SEGMENTATION, /** * * Cannot add feature value for custom targeting. * * */ CANNOT_ADD_FEATURE_VALUE_FOR_CUSTOM_TARGETING, /** * * Cannot modify a builtin targeting feature. * * */ CANNOT_MODIFY_BUILTIN_TARGETING_FEATURE, /** * * Cannot update an archived product template. * * */ CANNOT_UPDATE_ARCHIVED_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE, /** * * There are video position values that are invalid for the {@link LineItemType}. * * */ INVALID_VIDEO_POSITION_VALUE_FOR_LINE_ITEM_TYPE, /** * * The value returned if the actual value is not exposed by the requested API version. * * */ UNKNOWN; public String value() { return name(); } public static ProductTemplateErrorReason fromValue(String v) { return valueOf(v); } }