// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.api.ads.dfp.jaxws.v201608; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlEnum; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; /** * <p>Java class for CustomTargetingError.Reason. * * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * <p> * <pre> * <simpleType name="CustomTargetingError.Reason"> * <restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string"> * <enumeration value="KEY_NOT_FOUND"/> * <enumeration value="KEY_COUNT_TOO_LARGE"/> * <enumeration value="KEY_NAME_DUPLICATE"/> * <enumeration value="KEY_NAME_EMPTY"/> * <enumeration value="KEY_NAME_INVALID_LENGTH"/> * <enumeration value="KEY_NAME_INVALID_CHARS"/> * <enumeration value="KEY_NAME_RESERVED"/> * <enumeration value="KEY_DISPLAY_NAME_INVALID_LENGTH"/> * <enumeration value="VALUE_NOT_FOUND"/> * <enumeration value="GET_VALUES_BY_STATEMENT_MUST_CONTAIN_KEY_ID"/> * <enumeration value="VALUE_COUNT_FOR_KEY_TOO_LARGE"/> * <enumeration value="VALUE_NAME_DUPLICATE"/> * <enumeration value="VALUE_NAME_EMPTY"/> * <enumeration value="VALUE_NAME_INVALID_LENGTH"/> * <enumeration value="VALUE_NAME_INVALID_CHARS"/> * <enumeration value="VALUE_DISPLAY_NAME_INVALID_LENGTH"/> * <enumeration value="VALUE_MATCH_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED"/> * <enumeration value="VALUE_MATCH_TYPE_NOT_EXACT_FOR_PREDEFINED_KEY"/> * <enumeration value="SUFFIX_MATCH_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED"/> * <enumeration value="CONTAINS_MATCH_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED"/> * <enumeration value="KEY_WITH_MISSING_VALUES"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_OR_DIFFERENT_KEYS"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_TARGETING_EXPRESSION"/> * <enumeration value="DELETED_KEY_CANNOT_BE_USED_FOR_TARGETING"/> * <enumeration value="DELETED_VALUE_CANNOT_BE_USED_FOR_TARGETING"/> * <enumeration value="VIDEO_BROWSE_BY_KEY_CANNOT_BE_USED_FOR_CUSTOM_TARGETING"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_TARGET_AUDIENCE_SEGMENT"/> * <enumeration value="CANNOT_TARGET_INACTIVE_AUDIENCE_SEGMENT"/> * <enumeration value="INVALID_AUDIENCE_SEGMENTS"/> * <enumeration value="ONLY_APPROVED_AUDIENCE_SEGMENTS_CAN_BE_TARGETED"/> * <enumeration value="UNKNOWN"/> * </restriction> * </simpleType> * </pre> * */ @XmlType(name = "CustomTargetingError.Reason") @XmlEnum public enum CustomTargetingErrorReason { /** * * Requested {@link CustomTargetingKey} is not found. * * */ KEY_NOT_FOUND, /** * * Number of {@link CustomTargetingKey} objects created exceeds the limit * allowed for the network. * * */ KEY_COUNT_TOO_LARGE, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingKey} with the same {@link CustomTargetingKey#name} * already exists. * * */ KEY_NAME_DUPLICATE, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingKey#name} is empty. * * */ KEY_NAME_EMPTY, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingKey#name} is too long. * * */ KEY_NAME_INVALID_LENGTH, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingKey#name} contains unsupported or reserved * characters. * * */ KEY_NAME_INVALID_CHARS, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingKey#name} matches one of the reserved custom * targeting key names. * * */ KEY_NAME_RESERVED, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingKey#displayName} is too long. * * */ KEY_DISPLAY_NAME_INVALID_LENGTH, /** * * Requested {@link CustomTargetingValue} is not found. * * */ VALUE_NOT_FOUND, /** * * The {@code WHERE} clause in the {@link Statement#query} must always * contain {@link CustomTargetingValue#customTargetingKeyId} as one of its * columns in a way that it is AND'ed with the rest of the query. * * */ GET_VALUES_BY_STATEMENT_MUST_CONTAIN_KEY_ID, /** * * The number of {@link CustomTargetingValue} objects associated with a * {@link CustomTargetingKey} exceeds the network limit. This is only * applicable for keys of type {@code CustomTargetingKey.Type#PREDEFINED}. * * */ VALUE_COUNT_FOR_KEY_TOO_LARGE, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingValue} with the same * {@link CustomTargetingValue#name} already exists. * * */ VALUE_NAME_DUPLICATE, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingValue#name} is empty. * * */ VALUE_NAME_EMPTY, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingValue#name} is too long. * * */ VALUE_NAME_INVALID_LENGTH, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingValue#name} contains unsupported or reserved * characters. * * */ VALUE_NAME_INVALID_CHARS, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingValue#displayName} is too long. * * */ VALUE_DISPLAY_NAME_INVALID_LENGTH, /** * * Only DFP Premium networks can have {@link CustomTargetingValue#matchType} * other than {@link CustomTargetingValue.MatchType#EXACT}. * * */ VALUE_MATCH_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED, /** * * You can only create {@link CustomTargetingValue} objects with match type * {@link CustomTargetingValue.MatchType#EXACT} when associating * with {@link CustomTargetingKey} objects of type * {@link CustomTargetingKey.Type#PREDEFINED} * * */ VALUE_MATCH_TYPE_NOT_EXACT_FOR_PREDEFINED_KEY, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingValue} object cannot have match type of * {@link CustomTargetingValue.MatchType#SUFFIX} when adding a * {@link CustomTargetingValue} to a line item. * * */ SUFFIX_MATCH_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED, /** * * {@link CustomTargetingValue} object cannot have match type of * {@link CustomTargetingValue.MatchType#CONTAINS} when adding a * {@link CustomTargetingValue} to targeting expression of a line item. * * */ CONTAINS_MATCH_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED, /** * * The {@link CustomTargetingKey} does not have any * {@link CustomTargetingValue} associated with it. * * */ KEY_WITH_MISSING_VALUES, /** * * {@link CustomCriteriaSet.LogicalOperator#OR} operation cannot be applied * to values with different keys. * * */ CANNOT_OR_DIFFERENT_KEYS, /** * * Targeting expression is invalid. This can happen if the sequence of * operators is wrong, or a node contains invalid number of children. * * */ INVALID_TARGETING_EXPRESSION, /** * * The key has been deleted. {@link CustomCriteria} cannot have deleted * keys. * * */ DELETED_KEY_CANNOT_BE_USED_FOR_TARGETING, /** * * The value has been deleted. {@link CustomCriteria} cannot have deleted * values. * * */ DELETED_VALUE_CANNOT_BE_USED_FOR_TARGETING, /** * * The key is set as the video browse-by key, which cannot be used for * custom targeting. * * */ VIDEO_BROWSE_BY_KEY_CANNOT_BE_USED_FOR_CUSTOM_TARGETING, /** * * {@link AudienceSegment} object cannot be targeted. * * */ CANNOT_TARGET_AUDIENCE_SEGMENT, /** * * Inactive {@link AudienceSegment} object cannot be targeted. * * */ CANNOT_TARGET_INACTIVE_AUDIENCE_SEGMENT, /** * * Targeted {@link AudienceSegment} object is not valid. * * */ INVALID_AUDIENCE_SEGMENTS, /** * * Targeted {@link AudienceSegment} objects have not been approved. * * */ ONLY_APPROVED_AUDIENCE_SEGMENTS_CAN_BE_TARGETED, /** * * The value returned if the actual value is not exposed by the requested API version. * * */ UNKNOWN; public String value() { return name(); } public static CustomTargetingErrorReason fromValue(String v) { return valueOf(v); } }