// Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.server.patch; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import com.google.gerrit.common.data.CommentDetail; import com.google.gerrit.common.data.PatchScript; import com.google.gerrit.common.data.PatchScript.DisplayMethod; import com.google.gerrit.extensions.client.DiffPreferencesInfo; import com.google.gerrit.extensions.client.DiffPreferencesInfo.Whitespace; import com.google.gerrit.prettify.common.EditList; import com.google.gerrit.prettify.common.SparseFileContent; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.Change; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.Comment; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.Patch; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.Project; import com.google.gerrit.server.mime.FileTypeRegistry; import com.google.inject.Inject; import eu.medsea.mimeutil.MimeType; import eu.medsea.mimeutil.MimeUtil2; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CorruptObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.IncorrectObjectTypeException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk; import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk; class PatchScriptBuilder { static final int MAX_CONTEXT = 5000000; static final int BIG_FILE = 9000; private static final Comparator<Edit> EDIT_SORT = new Comparator<Edit>() { @Override public int compare(final Edit o1, final Edit o2) { return o1.getBeginA() - o2.getBeginA(); } }; private Repository db; private Project.NameKey projectKey; private ObjectReader reader; private Change change; private DiffPreferencesInfo diffPrefs; private ComparisonType comparisonType; private ObjectId aId; private ObjectId bId; private final Side a; private final Side b; private List<Edit> edits; private final FileTypeRegistry registry; private final PatchListCache patchListCache; private int context; @Inject PatchScriptBuilder(FileTypeRegistry ftr, PatchListCache plc) { a = new Side(); b = new Side(); registry = ftr; patchListCache = plc; } void setRepository(Repository r, Project.NameKey projectKey) { this.db = r; this.projectKey = projectKey; } void setChange(final Change c) { this.change = c; } void setDiffPrefs(final DiffPreferencesInfo dp) { diffPrefs = dp; context = diffPrefs.context; if (context == DiffPreferencesInfo.WHOLE_FILE_CONTEXT) { context = MAX_CONTEXT; } else if (context > MAX_CONTEXT) { context = MAX_CONTEXT; } } void setTrees(final ComparisonType ct, final ObjectId a, final ObjectId b) { comparisonType = ct; aId = a; bId = b; } PatchScript toPatchScript( final PatchListEntry content, final CommentDetail comments, final List<Patch> history) throws IOException { reader = db.newObjectReader(); try { return build(content, comments, history); } finally { reader.close(); } } private PatchScript build( final PatchListEntry content, final CommentDetail comments, final List<Patch> history) throws IOException { boolean intralineDifferenceIsPossible = true; boolean intralineFailure = false; boolean intralineTimeout = false; a.path = oldName(content); b.path = newName(content); a.resolve(null, aId); b.resolve(a, bId); edits = new ArrayList<>(content.getEdits()); if (!isModify(content)) { intralineDifferenceIsPossible = false; } else if (diffPrefs.intralineDifference) { IntraLineDiff d = patchListCache.getIntraLineDiff( IntraLineDiffKey.create(a.id, b.id, diffPrefs.ignoreWhitespace), IntraLineDiffArgs.create(a.src, b.src, edits, projectKey, bId, b.path)); if (d != null) { switch (d.getStatus()) { case EDIT_LIST: edits = new ArrayList<>(d.getEdits()); break; case DISABLED: intralineDifferenceIsPossible = false; break; case ERROR: intralineDifferenceIsPossible = false; intralineFailure = true; break; case TIMEOUT: intralineDifferenceIsPossible = false; intralineTimeout = true; break; } } else { intralineDifferenceIsPossible = false; intralineFailure = true; } } if (comments != null) { ensureCommentsVisible(comments); } boolean hugeFile = false; if (a.src == b.src && a.size() <= context && content.getEdits().isEmpty()) { // Odd special case; the files are identical (100% rename or copy) // and the user has asked for context that is larger than the file. // Send them the entire file, with an empty edit after the last line. // for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) { a.addLine(i); } edits = new ArrayList<>(1); edits.add(new Edit(a.size(), a.size())); } else { if (BIG_FILE < Math.max(a.size(), b.size())) { // IF the file is really large, we disable things to avoid choking // the browser client. // hugeFile = true; } // In order to expand the skipped common lines or syntax highlight the // file properly we need to give the client the complete file contents. // So force our context temporarily to the complete file size. // context = MAX_CONTEXT; packContent(diffPrefs.ignoreWhitespace != Whitespace.IGNORE_NONE); } return new PatchScript( change.getKey(), content.getChangeType(), content.getOldName(), content.getNewName(), a.fileMode, b.fileMode, content.getHeaderLines(), diffPrefs, a.dst, b.dst, edits, a.displayMethod, b.displayMethod, a.mimeType.toString(), b.mimeType.toString(), comments, history, hugeFile, intralineDifferenceIsPossible, intralineFailure, intralineTimeout, content.getPatchType() == Patch.PatchType.BINARY, aId == null ? null : aId.getName(), bId == null ? null : bId.getName()); } private static boolean isModify(PatchListEntry content) { switch (content.getChangeType()) { case MODIFIED: case COPIED: case RENAMED: case REWRITE: return true; case ADDED: case DELETED: default: return false; } } private static String oldName(final PatchListEntry entry) { switch (entry.getChangeType()) { case ADDED: return null; case DELETED: case MODIFIED: case REWRITE: return entry.getNewName(); case COPIED: case RENAMED: default: return entry.getOldName(); } } private static String newName(final PatchListEntry entry) { switch (entry.getChangeType()) { case DELETED: return null; case ADDED: case MODIFIED: case COPIED: case RENAMED: case REWRITE: default: return entry.getNewName(); } } private void ensureCommentsVisible(final CommentDetail comments) { if (comments.getCommentsA().isEmpty() && comments.getCommentsB().isEmpty()) { // No comments, no additional dummy edits are required. // return; } // Construct empty Edit blocks around each location where a comment is. // This will force the later packContent method to include the regions // containing comments, potentially combining those regions together if // they have overlapping contexts. UI renders will also be able to make // correct hunks from this, but because the Edit is empty they will not // style it specially. // final List<Edit> empty = new ArrayList<>(); int lastLine; lastLine = -1; for (Comment c : comments.getCommentsA()) { final int a = c.lineNbr; if (lastLine != a) { final int b = mapA2B(a - 1); if (0 <= b) { safeAdd(empty, new Edit(a - 1, b)); } lastLine = a; } } lastLine = -1; for (Comment c : comments.getCommentsB()) { int b = c.lineNbr; if (lastLine != b) { final int a = mapB2A(b - 1); if (0 <= a) { safeAdd(empty, new Edit(a, b - 1)); } lastLine = b; } } // Sort the final list by the index in A, so packContent can combine // them correctly later. // edits.addAll(empty); Collections.sort(edits, EDIT_SORT); } private void safeAdd(final List<Edit> empty, final Edit toAdd) { final int a = toAdd.getBeginA(); final int b = toAdd.getBeginB(); for (final Edit e : edits) { if (e.getBeginA() <= a && a <= e.getEndA()) { return; } if (e.getBeginB() <= b && b <= e.getEndB()) { return; } } empty.add(toAdd); } private int mapA2B(final int a) { if (edits.isEmpty()) { // Magic special case of an unmodified file. // return a; } for (int i = 0; i < edits.size(); i++) { final Edit e = edits.get(i); if (a < e.getBeginA()) { if (i == 0) { // Special case of context at start of file. // return a; } return e.getBeginB() - (e.getBeginA() - a); } if (e.getBeginA() <= a && a <= e.getEndA()) { return -1; } } final Edit last = edits.get(edits.size() - 1); return last.getEndB() + (a - last.getEndA()); } private int mapB2A(final int b) { if (edits.isEmpty()) { // Magic special case of an unmodified file. // return b; } for (int i = 0; i < edits.size(); i++) { final Edit e = edits.get(i); if (b < e.getBeginB()) { if (i == 0) { // Special case of context at start of file. // return b; } return e.getBeginA() - (e.getBeginB() - b); } if (e.getBeginB() <= b && b <= e.getEndB()) { return -1; } } final Edit last = edits.get(edits.size() - 1); return last.getEndA() + (b - last.getEndB()); } private void packContent(boolean ignoredWhitespace) { EditList list = new EditList(edits, context, a.size(), b.size()); for (final EditList.Hunk hunk : list.getHunks()) { while (hunk.next()) { if (hunk.isContextLine()) { final String lineA = a.src.getString(hunk.getCurA()); a.dst.addLine(hunk.getCurA(), lineA); if (ignoredWhitespace) { // If we ignored whitespace in some form, also get the line // from b when it does not exactly match the line from a. // final String lineB = b.src.getString(hunk.getCurB()); if (!lineA.equals(lineB)) { b.dst.addLine(hunk.getCurB(), lineB); } } hunk.incBoth(); continue; } if (hunk.isDeletedA()) { a.addLine(hunk.getCurA()); hunk.incA(); } if (hunk.isInsertedB()) { b.addLine(hunk.getCurB()); hunk.incB(); } } } } private class Side { String path; ObjectId id; FileMode mode; byte[] srcContent; Text src; MimeType mimeType = MimeUtil2.UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE; DisplayMethod displayMethod = DisplayMethod.DIFF; PatchScript.FileMode fileMode = PatchScript.FileMode.FILE; final SparseFileContent dst = new SparseFileContent(); int size() { return src != null ? src.size() : 0; } void addLine(int line) { dst.addLine(line, src.getString(line)); } void resolve(final Side other, final ObjectId within) throws IOException { try { final boolean reuse; if (Patch.COMMIT_MSG.equals(path)) { if (comparisonType.isAgainstParentOrAutoMerge() && (aId == within || within.equals(aId))) { id = ObjectId.zeroId(); src = Text.EMPTY; srcContent = Text.NO_BYTES; mode = FileMode.MISSING; displayMethod = DisplayMethod.NONE; } else { id = within; src = Text.forCommit(reader, within); srcContent = src.getContent(); if (src == Text.EMPTY) { mode = FileMode.MISSING; displayMethod = DisplayMethod.NONE; } else { mode = FileMode.REGULAR_FILE; } } reuse = false; } else if (Patch.MERGE_LIST.equals(path)) { if (comparisonType.isAgainstParentOrAutoMerge() && (aId == within || within.equals(aId))) { id = ObjectId.zeroId(); src = Text.EMPTY; srcContent = Text.NO_BYTES; mode = FileMode.MISSING; displayMethod = DisplayMethod.NONE; } else { id = within; src = Text.forMergeList(comparisonType, reader, within); srcContent = src.getContent(); if (src == Text.EMPTY) { mode = FileMode.MISSING; displayMethod = DisplayMethod.NONE; } else { mode = FileMode.REGULAR_FILE; } } reuse = false; } else { final TreeWalk tw = find(within); id = tw != null ? tw.getObjectId(0) : ObjectId.zeroId(); mode = tw != null ? tw.getFileMode(0) : FileMode.MISSING; reuse = other != null && other.id.equals(id) && (other.mode == mode || isBothFile(other.mode, mode)); if (reuse) { srcContent = other.srcContent; } else if (mode.getObjectType() == Constants.OBJ_BLOB) { srcContent = Text.asByteArray(db.open(id, Constants.OBJ_BLOB)); } else if (mode.getObjectType() == Constants.OBJ_COMMIT) { String strContent = "Subproject commit " + ObjectId.toString(id); srcContent = strContent.getBytes(UTF_8); } else { srcContent = Text.NO_BYTES; } if (reuse) { mimeType = other.mimeType; displayMethod = other.displayMethod; src = other.src; } else if (srcContent.length > 0 && FileMode.SYMLINK != mode) { mimeType = registry.getMimeType(path, srcContent); if ("image".equals(mimeType.getMediaType()) && registry.isSafeInline(mimeType)) { displayMethod = DisplayMethod.IMG; } } } if (mode == FileMode.MISSING) { displayMethod = DisplayMethod.NONE; } if (!reuse) { if (srcContent == Text.NO_BYTES) { src = Text.EMPTY; } else { src = new Text(srcContent); } } if (srcContent.length > 0 && srcContent[srcContent.length - 1] != '\n') { dst.setMissingNewlineAtEnd(true); } dst.setSize(size()); dst.setPath(path); if (mode == FileMode.SYMLINK) { fileMode = PatchScript.FileMode.SYMLINK; } else if (mode == FileMode.GITLINK) { fileMode = PatchScript.FileMode.GITLINK; } } catch (IOException err) { throw new IOException("Cannot read " + within.name() + ":" + path, err); } } private TreeWalk find(final ObjectId within) throws MissingObjectException, IncorrectObjectTypeException, CorruptObjectException, IOException { if (path == null || within == null) { return null; } try (RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) { final RevTree tree = rw.parseTree(within); return TreeWalk.forPath(reader, path, tree); } } } private static boolean isBothFile(FileMode a, FileMode b) { return (a.getBits() & FileMode.TYPE_FILE) == FileMode.TYPE_FILE && (b.getBits() & FileMode.TYPE_FILE) == FileMode.TYPE_FILE; } }