// Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.pgm.init.api; import com.google.gerrit.common.Nullable; import com.google.gerrit.server.config.SitePaths; import com.google.gerrit.server.securestore.SecureStore; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.google.inject.assistedinject.Assisted; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Set; /** Helper to edit a section of the configuration files. */ public class Section { public interface Factory { Section get(@Assisted("section") String section, @Assisted("subsection") String subsection); } private final InitFlags flags; private final SitePaths site; private final ConsoleUI ui; private final String section; private final String subsection; private final SecureStore secureStore; @Inject public Section( final InitFlags flags, final SitePaths site, final SecureStore secureStore, final ConsoleUI ui, @Assisted("section") final String section, @Assisted("subsection") @Nullable final String subsection) { this.flags = flags; this.site = site; this.ui = ui; this.section = section; this.subsection = subsection; this.secureStore = secureStore; } public String get(String name) { return flags.cfg.getString(section, subsection, name); } public void set(final String name, final String value) { final ArrayList<String> all = new ArrayList<>(); all.addAll(Arrays.asList(flags.cfg.getStringList(section, subsection, name))); if (value != null) { if (all.size() == 0 || all.size() == 1) { flags.cfg.setString(section, subsection, name, value); } else { all.set(0, value); flags.cfg.setStringList(section, subsection, name, all); } } else if (all.size() == 1) { flags.cfg.unset(section, subsection, name); } else if (all.size() != 0) { all.remove(0); flags.cfg.setStringList(section, subsection, name, all); } } public <T extends Enum<?>> void set(final String name, final T value) { if (value != null) { set(name, value.name()); } else { unset(name); } } public void unset(String name) { set(name, (String) null); } public String string(final String title, final String name, final String dv) { return string(title, name, dv, false); } public String string( final String title, final String name, final String dv, final boolean nullIfDefault) { final String ov = get(name); String nv = ui.readString(ov != null ? ov : dv, "%s", title); if (nullIfDefault && nv.equals(dv)) { nv = null; } if (!eq(ov, nv)) { set(name, nv); } return nv; } public Path path(final String title, final String name, final String defValue) { return site.resolve(string(title, name, defValue)); } public <T extends Enum<?>, E extends EnumSet<? extends T>> T select( String title, String name, T defValue) { return select(title, name, defValue, false); } public <T extends Enum<?>, E extends EnumSet<? extends T>> T select( String title, String name, T defValue, boolean nullIfDefault) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E allowedValues = (E) EnumSet.allOf(defValue.getClass()); return select(title, name, defValue, allowedValues, nullIfDefault); } public <T extends Enum<?>, E extends EnumSet<? extends T>> T select( String title, String name, T defValue, E allowedValues) { return select(title, name, defValue, allowedValues, false); } public <T extends Enum<?>, A extends EnumSet<? extends T>> T select( String title, String name, T defValue, A allowedValues, final boolean nullIfDefault) { final boolean set = get(name) != null; T oldValue = flags.cfg.getEnum(section, subsection, name, defValue); T newValue = ui.readEnum(oldValue, allowedValues, "%s", title); if (nullIfDefault && newValue == defValue) { newValue = null; } if (!set || oldValue != newValue) { if (newValue != null) { set(name, newValue); } else { unset(name); } } return newValue; } public String select( final String title, final String name, final String dv, Set<String> allowedValues) { final String ov = get(name); String nv = ui.readString(ov != null ? ov : dv, allowedValues, "%s", title); if (!eq(ov, nv)) { set(name, nv); } return nv; } public String password(final String username, final String password) { final String ov = getSecure(password); String user = flags.sec.get(section, subsection, username); if (user == null) { user = get(username); } if (user == null) { flags.sec.unset(section, subsection, password); return null; } if (ov != null) { // If the user already has a password stored, try to reuse it // rather than prompting for a whole new one. // if (ui.isBatch() || !ui.yesno(false, "Change %s's password", user)) { return ov; } } final String nv = ui.password("%s's password", user); if (!eq(ov, nv)) { setSecure(password, nv); } return nv; } public String passwordForKey(String prompt, String passwordKey) { String ov = getSecure(passwordKey); if (ov != null) { // If the password is already stored, try to reuse it // rather than prompting for a whole new one. // if (ui.isBatch() || !ui.yesno(false, "Change %s", passwordKey)) { return ov; } } final String nv = ui.password("%s", prompt); if (!eq(ov, nv)) { setSecure(passwordKey, nv); } return nv; } public String getSecure(String name) { return flags.sec.get(section, subsection, name); } public void setSecure(String name, String value) { if (value != null) { secureStore.set(section, subsection, name, value); } else { secureStore.unset(section, subsection, name); } } String getName() { return section; } private static boolean eq(final String a, final String b) { if (a == null && b == null) { return true; } return a != null && a.equals(b); } }