// Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.client.account; import com.google.gerrit.client.VoidResult; import com.google.gerrit.client.info.AccountInfo; import com.google.gerrit.client.info.AgreementInfo; import com.google.gerrit.client.info.GpgKeyInfo; import com.google.gerrit.client.rpc.CallbackGroup; import com.google.gerrit.client.rpc.NativeMap; import com.google.gerrit.client.rpc.NativeString; import com.google.gerrit.client.rpc.Natives; import com.google.gerrit.client.rpc.RestApi; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsArray; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsArrayString; import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** A collection of static methods which work on the Gerrit REST API for specific accounts. */ public class AccountApi { public static RestApi self() { return new RestApi("/accounts/").view("self"); } /** Retrieve the account edit preferences */ public static void getEditPreferences(AsyncCallback<EditPreferences> cb) { self().view("preferences.edit").get(cb); } /** Put the account edit preferences */ public static void putEditPreferences(EditPreferences in, AsyncCallback<EditPreferences> cb) { self().view("preferences.edit").put(in, cb); } public static void suggest(String query, int limit, AsyncCallback<JsArray<AccountInfo>> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/") .addParameterTrue("suggest") .addParameter("q", query) .addParameter("n", limit) .background() .get(cb); } public static void putDiffPreferences(DiffPreferences in, AsyncCallback<DiffPreferences> cb) { self().view("preferences.diff").put(in, cb); } /** Retrieve the username */ public static void getUsername(String account, AsyncCallback<NativeString> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("username").get(cb); } /** Set the username */ public static void setUsername(String account, String username, AsyncCallback<NativeString> cb) { UsernameInput input = UsernameInput.create(); input.username(username); new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("username").put(input, cb); } /** Retrieve the account name */ public static void getName(String account, AsyncCallback<NativeString> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("name").get(cb); } /** Set the account name */ public static void setName(String account, String name, AsyncCallback<NativeString> cb) { AccountNameInput input = AccountNameInput.create(); input.name(name); new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("name").put(input, cb); } /** Retrieve email addresses */ public static void getEmails(String account, AsyncCallback<JsArray<EmailInfo>> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("emails").get(cb); } /** Register a new email address */ public static void registerEmail(String account, String email, AsyncCallback<EmailInfo> cb) { JavaScriptObject in = JavaScriptObject.createObject(); new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("emails").id(email).ifNoneMatch().put(in, cb); } /** Set preferred email address */ public static void setPreferredEmail( String account, String email, AsyncCallback<NativeString> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("emails").id(email).view("preferred").put(cb); } /** Retrieve SSH keys */ public static void getSshKeys(String account, AsyncCallback<JsArray<SshKeyInfo>> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("sshkeys").get(cb); } /** Add a new SSH keys */ public static void addSshKey(String account, String sshPublicKey, AsyncCallback<SshKeyInfo> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("sshkeys").post(sshPublicKey, cb); } /** Retrieve Watched Projects */ public static void getWatchedProjects( String account, AsyncCallback<JsArray<ProjectWatchInfo>> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("watched.projects").get(cb); } /** Create/Update Watched Project */ public static void updateWatchedProject( String account, ProjectWatchInfo watchedProjectInfo, AsyncCallback<JsArray<ProjectWatchInfo>> cb) { Set<ProjectWatchInfo> watchedProjectInfos = new HashSet<>(); watchedProjectInfos.add(watchedProjectInfo); updateWatchedProjects(account, watchedProjectInfos, cb); } /** Create/Update Watched Projects */ public static void updateWatchedProjects( String account, Set<ProjectWatchInfo> watchedProjectInfos, AsyncCallback<JsArray<ProjectWatchInfo>> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/") .id(account) .view("watched.projects") .post(projectWatchArrayFromSet(watchedProjectInfos), cb); } /** Delete Watched Project */ public static void deleteWatchedProject( String account, ProjectWatchInfo watchedProjectInfo, AsyncCallback<JsArray<ProjectWatchInfo>> cb) { Set<ProjectWatchInfo> watchedProjectInfos = new HashSet<>(); watchedProjectInfos.add(watchedProjectInfo); deleteWatchedProjects(account, watchedProjectInfos, cb); } /** Delete Watched Projects */ public static void deleteWatchedProjects( String account, Set<ProjectWatchInfo> watchedProjectInfos, AsyncCallback<JsArray<ProjectWatchInfo>> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/") .id(account) .view("watched.projects:delete") .post(projectWatchArrayFromSet(watchedProjectInfos), cb); } /** * Delete SSH keys. For each key to be deleted a separate DELETE request is fired to the server. * The {@code onSuccess} method of the provided callback is invoked once after all requests * succeeded. If any request fails the callbacks' {@code onFailure} method is invoked. In a * failure case it can be that still some of the keys were successfully deleted. */ public static void deleteSshKeys( String account, Set<Integer> sequenceNumbers, AsyncCallback<VoidResult> cb) { CallbackGroup group = new CallbackGroup(); for (int seq : sequenceNumbers) { new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("sshkeys").id(seq).delete(group.add(cb)); cb = CallbackGroup.emptyCallback(); } group.done(); } /** Generate a new HTTP password */ public static void generateHttpPassword(String account, AsyncCallback<NativeString> cb) { HttpPasswordInput in = HttpPasswordInput.create(); in.generate(true); new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("password.http").put(in, cb); } /** Retrieve account external ids */ public static void getExternalIds(AsyncCallback<JsArray<ExternalIdInfo>> cb) { self().view("external.ids").get(cb); } /** Delete account external ids */ public static void deleteExternalIds(Set<String> ids, AsyncCallback<VoidResult> cb) { self().view("external.ids:delete").post(Natives.arrayOf(ids), cb); } /** Enter a contributor agreement */ public static void enterAgreement(String account, String name, AsyncCallback<NativeString> cb) { AgreementInput in = AgreementInput.create(); in.name(name); new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("agreements").put(in, cb); } private static JsArray<ProjectWatchInfo> projectWatchArrayFromSet(Set<ProjectWatchInfo> set) { JsArray<ProjectWatchInfo> jsArray = JsArray.createArray().cast(); for (ProjectWatchInfo p : set) { jsArray.push(p); } return jsArray; } private static class AgreementInput extends JavaScriptObject { final native void name(String n) /*-{ if(n)this.name=n; }-*/; static AgreementInput create() { return createObject().cast(); } protected AgreementInput() {} } private static class HttpPasswordInput extends JavaScriptObject { final native void generate(boolean g) /*-{ if(g)this.generate=g; }-*/; static HttpPasswordInput create() { return createObject().cast(); } protected HttpPasswordInput() {} } private static class UsernameInput extends JavaScriptObject { final native void username(String u) /*-{ if(u)this.username=u; }-*/; static UsernameInput create() { return createObject().cast(); } protected UsernameInput() {} } private static class AccountNameInput extends JavaScriptObject { final native void name(String n) /*-{ if(n)this.name=n; }-*/; static AccountNameInput create() { return createObject().cast(); } protected AccountNameInput() {} } public static void addGpgKey( String account, String armored, AsyncCallback<NativeMap<GpgKeyInfo>> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("gpgkeys").post(GpgKeysInput.add(armored), cb); } public static void deleteGpgKeys( String account, Iterable<String> fingerprints, AsyncCallback<NativeMap<GpgKeyInfo>> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/") .id(account) .view("gpgkeys") .post(GpgKeysInput.delete(fingerprints), cb); } /** List contributor agreements */ public static void getAgreements(String account, AsyncCallback<JsArray<AgreementInfo>> cb) { new RestApi("/accounts/").id(account).view("agreements").get(cb); } private static class GpgKeysInput extends JavaScriptObject { static GpgKeysInput add(String key) { return createWithAdd(Natives.arrayOf(key)); } static GpgKeysInput delete(Iterable<String> fingerprints) { return createWithDelete(Natives.arrayOf(fingerprints)); } private static native GpgKeysInput createWithAdd(JsArrayString keys) /*-{ return {'add': keys}; }-*/; private static native GpgKeysInput createWithDelete(JsArrayString fingerprints) /*-{ return {'delete': fingerprints}; }-*/; protected GpgKeysInput() {} } }