// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.client.info; import com.google.gerrit.client.rpc.NativeMap; import com.google.gerrit.client.rpc.NativeString; import com.google.gerrit.client.rpc.Natives; import com.google.gerrit.common.data.LabelValue; import com.google.gerrit.common.data.SubmitRecord; import com.google.gerrit.extensions.client.ReviewerState; import com.google.gerrit.extensions.client.SubmitType; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.Change; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.PatchSet; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.Project; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsArray; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsArrayString; import com.google.gwtjsonrpc.client.impl.ser.JavaSqlTimestamp_JsonSerializer; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; public class ChangeInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final void init() { if (allLabels() != null) { allLabels().copyKeysIntoChildren("_name"); } } public final Project.NameKey projectNameKey() { return new Project.NameKey(project()); } public final Change.Id legacyId() { return new Change.Id(_number()); } public final Timestamp created() { Timestamp ts = _getCts(); if (ts == null) { ts = JavaSqlTimestamp_JsonSerializer.parseTimestamp(createdRaw()); _setCts(ts); } return ts; } public final boolean hasEditBasedOnCurrentPatchSet() { JsArray<RevisionInfo> revList = revisions().values(); RevisionInfo.sortRevisionInfoByNumber(revList); return revList.get(revList.length() - 1).isEdit(); } private native Timestamp _getCts() /*-{ return this._cts; }-*/; private native void _setCts(Timestamp ts) /*-{ this._cts = ts; }-*/; public final Timestamp updated() { return JavaSqlTimestamp_JsonSerializer.parseTimestamp(updatedRaw()); } public final Timestamp submitted() { return JavaSqlTimestamp_JsonSerializer.parseTimestamp(submittedRaw()); } public final String idAbbreviated() { return new Change.Key(changeId()).abbreviate(); } public final Change.Status status() { return Change.Status.valueOf(statusRaw()); } public final Set<String> labels() { return allLabels().keySet(); } public final Set<Integer> removableReviewerIds() { Set<Integer> removable = new HashSet<>(); if (removableReviewers() != null) { for (AccountInfo a : Natives.asList(removableReviewers())) { removable.add(a._accountId()); } } return removable; } public final native String id() /*-{ return this.id; }-*/; public final native String project() /*-{ return this.project; }-*/; public final native String branch() /*-{ return this.branch; }-*/; public final native String topic() /*-{ return this.topic; }-*/; public final native String changeId() /*-{ return this.change_id; }-*/; public final native boolean mergeable() /*-{ return this.mergeable ? true : false; }-*/; public final native int insertions() /*-{ return this.insertions; }-*/; public final native int deletions() /*-{ return this.deletions; }-*/; private native String statusRaw() /*-{ return this.status; }-*/; public final native String subject() /*-{ return this.subject; }-*/; public final native AccountInfo owner() /*-{ return this.owner; }-*/; public final native AccountInfo assignee() /*-{ return this.assignee; }-*/; private native String createdRaw() /*-{ return this.created; }-*/; private native String updatedRaw() /*-{ return this.updated; }-*/; private native String submittedRaw() /*-{ return this.submitted; }-*/; public final native boolean starred() /*-{ return this.starred ? true : false; }-*/; public final native boolean muted() /*-{ return this.muted ? true : false; }-*/; public final native boolean reviewed() /*-{ return this.reviewed ? true : false; }-*/; public final native boolean isPrivate() /*-{ return this.is_private ? true : false; }-*/; public final native boolean isWorkInProgress() /*-{ return this.work_in_progress ? true : false; }-*/; public final native NativeMap<LabelInfo> allLabels() /*-{ return this.labels; }-*/; public final native LabelInfo label(String n) /*-{ return this.labels[n]; }-*/; public final native String currentRevision() /*-{ return this.current_revision; }-*/; public final native void setCurrentRevision(String r) /*-{ this.current_revision = r; }-*/; public final native NativeMap<RevisionInfo> revisions() /*-{ return this.revisions; }-*/; public final native RevisionInfo revision(String n) /*-{ return this.revisions[n]; }-*/; public final native JsArray<MessageInfo> messages() /*-{ return this.messages; }-*/; public final native void setEdit(EditInfo edit) /*-{ this.edit = edit; }-*/; public final native EditInfo edit() /*-{ return this.edit; }-*/; public final native boolean hasEdit() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('edit') }-*/; public final native JsArrayString hashtags() /*-{ return this.hashtags; }-*/; public final native boolean hasPermittedLabels() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('permitted_labels') }-*/ ; public final native NativeMap<JsArrayString> permittedLabels() /*-{ return this.permitted_labels; }-*/ ; public final native JsArrayString permittedValues(String n) /*-{ return this.permitted_labels[n]; }-*/ ; public final native JsArray<AccountInfo> removableReviewers() /*-{ return this.removable_reviewers; }-*/ ; private native NativeMap<JsArray<AccountInfo>> _reviewers() /*-{ return this.reviewers; }-*/; public final Map<ReviewerState, List<AccountInfo>> reviewers() { NativeMap<JsArray<AccountInfo>> reviewers = _reviewers(); Map<ReviewerState, List<AccountInfo>> result = new HashMap<>(); for (String k : reviewers.keySet()) { ReviewerState state = ReviewerState.valueOf(k.toUpperCase()); List<AccountInfo> accounts = result.get(state); if (accounts == null) { accounts = new ArrayList<>(); result.put(state, accounts); } accounts.addAll(Natives.asList(reviewers.get(k))); } return result; } public final native boolean hasActions() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('actions') }-*/; public final native NativeMap<ActionInfo> actions() /*-{ return this.actions; }-*/; public final native int _number() /*-{ return this._number; }-*/; public final native boolean _more_changes() /*-{ return this._more_changes ? true : false; }-*/; public final SubmitType submitType() { String submitType = _submitType(); if (submitType == null) { return null; } return SubmitType.valueOf(submitType); } private native String _submitType() /*-{ return this.submit_type; }-*/; public final boolean submittable() { init(); return _submittable(); } private native boolean _submittable() /*-{ return this.submittable ? true : false; }-*/; /** * @return the index of the missing label or -1 if no label is missing, or if more than one label * is missing. */ public final int getMissingLabelIndex() { int i = -1; int ret = -1; List<LabelInfo> labels = Natives.asList(allLabels().values()); for (LabelInfo label : labels) { i++; if (!permittedLabels().containsKey(label.name())) { continue; } JsArrayString values = permittedValues(label.name()); if (values.length() == 0) { continue; } switch (label.status()) { case NEED: // Label is required for submit. if (ret != -1) { // more than one label is missing, so it's unclear which to quick // approve, return -1 return -1; } ret = i; continue; case OK: // Label already applied. case MAY: // Label is not required. continue; case REJECT: // Submit cannot happen, do not quick approve. case IMPOSSIBLE: return -1; } } return ret; } protected ChangeInfo() {} public static class LabelInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final SubmitRecord.Label.Status status() { if (approved() != null) { return SubmitRecord.Label.Status.OK; } else if (rejected() != null) { return SubmitRecord.Label.Status.REJECT; } else if (optional()) { return SubmitRecord.Label.Status.MAY; } else { return SubmitRecord.Label.Status.NEED; } } public final native String name() /*-{ return this._name; }-*/; public final native AccountInfo approved() /*-{ return this.approved; }-*/; public final native AccountInfo rejected() /*-{ return this.rejected; }-*/; public final native AccountInfo recommended() /*-{ return this.recommended; }-*/; public final native AccountInfo disliked() /*-{ return this.disliked; }-*/; public final native JsArray<ApprovalInfo> all() /*-{ return this.all; }-*/; public final ApprovalInfo forUser(int user) { JsArray<ApprovalInfo> all = all(); for (int i = 0; all != null && i < all.length(); i++) { if (all.get(i)._accountId() == user) { return all.get(i); } } return null; } private native NativeMap<NativeString> _values() /*-{ return this.values; }-*/; public final Set<String> values() { return Natives.keys(_values()); } public final native String valueText(String n) /*-{ return this.values[n]; }-*/; public final native boolean optional() /*-{ return this.optional ? true : false; }-*/; public final native boolean blocking() /*-{ return this.blocking ? true : false; }-*/; public final native short defaultValue() /*-{ return this.default_value; }-*/; public final native short _value() /*-{ if (this.value) return this.value; if (this.disliked) return -1; if (this.recommended) return 1; return 0; }-*/; public final String maxValue() { return LabelValue.formatValue(valueSet().last()); } public final SortedSet<Short> valueSet() { SortedSet<Short> values = new TreeSet<>(); for (String v : values()) { values.add(parseValue(v)); } return values; } public static final short parseValue(String formatted) { if (formatted.startsWith("+")) { formatted = formatted.substring(1); } else if (formatted.startsWith(" ")) { formatted = formatted.trim(); } return Short.parseShort(formatted); } protected LabelInfo() {} } public static class ApprovalInfo extends AccountInfo { public final native boolean hasValue() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('value'); }-*/; public final native short value() /*-{ return this.value || 0; }-*/; public final native VotingRangeInfo permittedVotingRange() /*-{ return this.permitted_voting_range; }-*/; protected ApprovalInfo() {} } public static class VotingRangeInfo extends AccountInfo { public final native short min() /*-{ return this.min || 0; }-*/; public final native short max() /*-{ return this.max || 0; }-*/; protected VotingRangeInfo() {} } public static class EditInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final native String name() /*-{ return this.name; }-*/; public final native String setName(String n) /*-{ this.name = n; }-*/; public final native String baseRevision() /*-{ return this.base_revision; }-*/; public final native CommitInfo commit() /*-{ return this.commit; }-*/; public final native boolean hasActions() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('actions') }-*/; public final native NativeMap<ActionInfo> actions() /*-{ return this.actions; }-*/; public final native boolean hasFetch() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('fetch') }-*/; public final native NativeMap<FetchInfo> fetch() /*-{ return this.fetch; }-*/; public final native boolean hasFiles() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('files') }-*/; public final native NativeMap<FileInfo> files() /*-{ return this.files; }-*/; protected EditInfo() {} } public static class RevisionInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public static RevisionInfo fromEdit(EditInfo edit) { RevisionInfo revisionInfo = createObject().cast(); revisionInfo.takeFromEdit(edit); return revisionInfo; } public static RevisionInfo forParent(int number, CommitInfo commit) { RevisionInfo revisionInfo = createObject().cast(); revisionInfo.takeFromParent(number, commit); return revisionInfo; } private native void takeFromEdit(EditInfo edit) /*-{ this._number = 0; this.name = edit.name; this.commit = edit.commit; this.edit_base = edit.base_revision; }-*/; private native void takeFromParent(int number, CommitInfo commit) /*-{ this._number = number; this.commit = commit; this.name = this._number; }-*/; public final native int _number() /*-{ return this._number; }-*/; public final native String name() /*-{ return this.name; }-*/; public final native boolean draft() /*-{ return this.draft || false; }-*/; public final native AccountInfo uploader() /*-{ return this.uploader; }-*/; public final native boolean isEdit() /*-{ return this._number == 0; }-*/; public final native CommitInfo commit() /*-{ return this.commit; }-*/; public final native void setCommit(CommitInfo c) /*-{ this.commit = c; }-*/; public final native String editBase() /*-{ return this.edit_base; }-*/; public final native boolean hasFiles() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('files') }-*/; public final native NativeMap<FileInfo> files() /*-{ return this.files; }-*/; public final native boolean hasActions() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('actions') }-*/; public final native NativeMap<ActionInfo> actions() /*-{ return this.actions; }-*/; public final native boolean hasFetch() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('fetch') }-*/; public final native NativeMap<FetchInfo> fetch() /*-{ return this.fetch; }-*/; public final native boolean hasPushCertificate() /*-{ return this.hasOwnProperty('push_certificate'); }-*/; public final native PushCertificateInfo pushCertificate() /*-{ return this.push_certificate; }-*/; public static void sortRevisionInfoByNumber(JsArray<RevisionInfo> list) { final int editParent = findEditParent(list); Collections.sort( Natives.asList(list), new Comparator<RevisionInfo>() { @Override public int compare(RevisionInfo a, RevisionInfo b) { return num(a) - num(b); } private int num(RevisionInfo r) { return !r.isEdit() ? 2 * (r._number() - 1) + 1 : 2 * editParent; } }); } public static int findEditParent(JsArray<RevisionInfo> list) { RevisionInfo r = findEditParentRevision(list); return r == null ? -1 : r._number(); } public static RevisionInfo findEditParentRevision(JsArray<RevisionInfo> list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length(); i++) { // edit under revisions? RevisionInfo editInfo = list.get(i); if (editInfo.isEdit()) { String parentRevision = editInfo.editBase(); // find parent for (int j = 0; j < list.length(); j++) { RevisionInfo parentInfo = list.get(j); String name = parentInfo.name(); if (name.equals(parentRevision)) { // found parent pacth set number return parentInfo; } } } } return null; } public final String id() { return PatchSet.Id.toId(_number()); } public final boolean isMerge() { return commit().parents().length() > 1; } protected RevisionInfo() {} } public static class FetchInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final native String url() /*-{ return this.url }-*/; public final native String ref() /*-{ return this.ref }-*/; public final native NativeMap<NativeString> commands() /*-{ return this.commands }-*/; public final native String command(String n) /*-{ return this.commands[n]; }-*/; protected FetchInfo() {} } public static class CommitInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final native String commit() /*-{ return this.commit; }-*/; public final native JsArray<CommitInfo> parents() /*-{ return this.parents; }-*/; public final native GitPerson author() /*-{ return this.author; }-*/; public final native GitPerson committer() /*-{ return this.committer; }-*/; public final native String subject() /*-{ return this.subject; }-*/; public final native String message() /*-{ return this.message; }-*/; public final native JsArray<WebLinkInfo> webLinks() /*-{ return this.web_links; }-*/; protected CommitInfo() {} } public static class GitPerson extends JavaScriptObject { public final native String name() /*-{ return this.name; }-*/; public final native String email() /*-{ return this.email; }-*/; private native String dateRaw() /*-{ return this.date; }-*/; public final Timestamp date() { return JavaSqlTimestamp_JsonSerializer.parseTimestamp(dateRaw()); } protected GitPerson() {} } public static class MessageInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final native AccountInfo author() /*-{ return this.author; }-*/; public final native String message() /*-{ return this.message; }-*/; public final native int _revisionNumber() /*-{ return this._revision_number || 0; }-*/; public final native String tag() /*-{ return this.tag; }-*/; private native String dateRaw() /*-{ return this.date; }-*/; public final Timestamp date() { return JavaSqlTimestamp_JsonSerializer.parseTimestamp(dateRaw()); } protected MessageInfo() {} } public static class MergeableInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final native String submitType() /*-{ return this.submit_type }-*/; public final native boolean mergeable() /*-{ return this.mergeable }-*/; protected MergeableInfo() {} } public static class IncludedInInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final Set<String> externalNames() { return Natives.keys(external()); } public final native JsArrayString branches() /*-{ return this.branches; }-*/; public final native JsArrayString tags() /*-{ return this.tags; }-*/; public final native JsArrayString external(String n) /*-{ return this.external[n]; }-*/; private native NativeMap<JsArrayString> external() /*-{ return this.external; }-*/; protected IncludedInInfo() {} } }