// Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.client.projects; import com.google.gerrit.client.ErrorDialog; import com.google.gerrit.client.info.ActionInfo; import com.google.gerrit.client.rpc.NativeMap; import com.google.gerrit.extensions.client.InheritableBoolean; import com.google.gerrit.extensions.client.ProjectState; import com.google.gerrit.extensions.client.SubmitType; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsArray; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsArrayString; import com.google.gwtexpui.safehtml.client.FindReplace; import com.google.gwtexpui.safehtml.client.LinkFindReplace; import com.google.gwtexpui.safehtml.client.RawFindReplace; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ConfigInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final native String description() /*-{ return this.description }-*/; public final native InheritedBooleanInfo requireChangeId() /*-{ return this.require_change_id; }-*/ ; public final native InheritedBooleanInfo useContentMerge() /*-{ return this.use_content_merge; }-*/ ; public final native InheritedBooleanInfo useContributorAgreements() /*-{ return this.use_contributor_agreements; }-*/ ; public final native InheritedBooleanInfo createNewChangeForAllNotInTarget() /*-{ return this.create_new_change_for_all_not_in_target; }-*/ ; public final native InheritedBooleanInfo useSignedOffBy() /*-{ return this.use_signed_off_by; }-*/ ; public final native InheritedBooleanInfo enableSignedPush() /*-{ return this.enable_signed_push; }-*/ ; public final native InheritedBooleanInfo requireSignedPush() /*-{ return this.require_signed_push; }-*/ ; public final native InheritedBooleanInfo rejectImplicitMerges() /*-{ return this.reject_implicit_merges; }-*/ ; public final native InheritedBooleanInfo enableReviewerByEmail() /*-{ return this.enable_reviewer_by_email; }-*/ ; public final SubmitType submitType() { return SubmitType.valueOf(submitTypeRaw()); } public final native NativeMap<NativeMap<ConfigParameterInfo>> pluginConfig() /*-{ return this.plugin_config || {}; }-*/ ; public final native NativeMap<ConfigParameterInfo> pluginConfig(String p) /*-{ return this.plugin_config[p]; }-*/ ; public final native NativeMap<ActionInfo> actions() /*-{ return this.actions; }-*/; private native String submitTypeRaw() /*-{ return this.submit_type }-*/; public final ProjectState state() { if (stateRaw() == null) { return ProjectState.ACTIVE; } return ProjectState.valueOf(stateRaw()); } private native String stateRaw() /*-{ return this.state }-*/; public final native MaxObjectSizeLimitInfo maxObjectSizeLimit() /*-{ return this.max_object_size_limit; }-*/ ; private native NativeMap<CommentLinkInfo> commentlinks0() /*-{ return this.commentlinks; }-*/; final List<FindReplace> commentlinks() { JsArray<CommentLinkInfo> cls = commentlinks0().values(); List<FindReplace> commentLinks = new ArrayList<>(cls.length()); for (int i = 0; i < cls.length(); i++) { CommentLinkInfo cl = cls.get(i); if (!cl.enabled()) { continue; } if (cl.link() != null) { commentLinks.add(new LinkFindReplace(cl.match(), cl.link())); } else { try { FindReplace fr = new RawFindReplace(cl.match(), cl.html()); commentLinks.add(fr); } catch (RuntimeException e) { int index = e.getMessage().indexOf("at Object"); new ErrorDialog( "Invalid commentlink configuration: " + (index == -1 ? e.getMessage() : e.getMessage().substring(0, index))) .center(); } } } return commentLinks; } final native ThemeInfo theme() /*-{ return this.theme; }-*/; final native NativeMap<JsArrayString> extensionPanelNames() /*-{ return this.extension_panel_names; }-*/; protected ConfigInfo() {} static class CommentLinkInfo extends JavaScriptObject { final native String match() /*-{ return this.match; }-*/; final native String link() /*-{ return this.link; }-*/; final native String html() /*-{ return this.html; }-*/; final native boolean enabled() /*-{ return !this.hasOwnProperty('enabled') || this.enabled; }-*/; protected CommentLinkInfo() {} } public static class InheritedBooleanInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public static InheritedBooleanInfo create() { return (InheritedBooleanInfo) createObject(); } public final native boolean value() /*-{ return this.value ? true : false; }-*/; public final native boolean inheritedValue() /*-{ return this.inherited_value ? true : false; }-*/ ; public final InheritableBoolean configuredValue() { return InheritableBoolean.valueOf(configuredValueRaw()); } private native String configuredValueRaw() /*-{ return this.configured_value }-*/; public final void setConfiguredValue(InheritableBoolean v) { setConfiguredValueRaw(v.name()); } public final native void setConfiguredValueRaw(String v) /*-{ if(v)this.configured_value=v; }-*/ ; protected InheritedBooleanInfo() {} } public static class MaxObjectSizeLimitInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final native String value() /*-{ return this.value; }-*/; public final native String inheritedValue() /*-{ return this.inherited_value; }-*/; public final native String configuredValue() /*-{ return this.configured_value }-*/; protected MaxObjectSizeLimitInfo() {} } public static class ConfigParameterInfo extends JavaScriptObject { public final native String name() /*-{ return this.name; }-*/; public final native String displayName() /*-{ return this.display_name; }-*/; public final native String description() /*-{ return this.description; }-*/; public final native String warning() /*-{ return this.warning; }-*/; public final native String type() /*-{ return this.type; }-*/; public final native String value() /*-{ return this.value; }-*/; public final native boolean editable() /*-{ return this.editable ? true : false; }-*/; public final native boolean inheritable() /*-{ return this.inheritable ? true : false; }-*/; public final native String configuredValue() /*-{ return this.configured_value; }-*/; public final native String inheritedValue() /*-{ return this.inherited_value; }-*/; public final native JsArrayString permittedValues() /*-{ return this.permitted_values; }-*/; public final native JsArrayString values() /*-{ return this.values; }-*/; protected ConfigParameterInfo() {} } public static class ConfigParameterValue extends JavaScriptObject { final native void init() /*-{ this.values = []; }-*/; final native void addValue(String v) /*-{ this.values.push(v); }-*/; final native void setValue(String v) /*-{ if(v)this.value = v; }-*/; public static ConfigParameterValue create() { ConfigParameterValue v = createObject().cast(); return v; } public final ConfigParameterValue values(String[] values) { init(); for (String v : values) { addValue(v); } return this; } public final ConfigParameterValue value(String v) { setValue(v); return this; } protected ConfigParameterValue() {} } }