package se.rhel; import se.rhel.EndPoint; import se.rhel.TcpConnection; import se.rhel.UdpConnection; import se.rhel.client.ClientPacketHandler; import; import; import se.rhel.packet.*; import se.rhel.util.Log; import; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Client implements EndPoint { private static final int CLIENT_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 200; private UdpConnection mUdpConnection; private TcpConnection mTcpConnection; private ClientObserver mClientObserver; private int mId = -1; private boolean mIsRunning; private boolean mSendIdlePackage; private static long startLatancy; private static long endLatency; private static ArrayList<Long> mAverageLatancey = new ArrayList<>(); private static long currLatency = -1L; Client() { Log.set(Log.LEVEL_DEBUG); ClientPacketHandler mHandler = new ClientPacketHandler(this); mClientObserver = new ClientObserver(); mHandler.setObserver(mClientObserver); mTcpConnection = new TcpConnection(mHandler); mUdpConnection = new UdpConnection(mHandler); PacketRegisterInitializer.register(); } @Override public void run() {"Client", "Client started"); while(mIsRunning) { // Do client stuff.. long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); update(); long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if(elapsedTime < CLIENT_UPDATE_INTERVAL) try { Thread.sleep(CLIENT_UPDATE_INTERVAL - elapsedTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void update () { // We want to send still-alive-packages to the server if(mSendIdlePackage) { // Also send latency packet sendTcp(new LatencyPacket(mId)); startLatancy = System.currentTimeMillis(); sendUdp(new IdlePacket(mId)); } } public void sendIdlePackage(boolean value) { mSendIdlePackage = value; } /** * Should be called when a time has been measured between * send and receive a packet */ public void setEndLatency() { endLatency = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(endLatency != 0L && startLatancy != 0L) { mAverageLatancey.add((endLatency-startLatancy)); } if(mAverageLatancey.size() == 10) { long sum = 0L; for(long latency : mAverageLatancey) { sum += latency; } sum /= mAverageLatancey.size(); currLatency = sum; mAverageLatancey.clear(); } } /** * Returns current average latency, or -1L if none * @return long latency */ public static long getLatency() { if(currLatency != -1L) return currLatency; if(mAverageLatancey.size() > 0) return mAverageLatancey.get(0); return -1L; } @Override public void start() { mIsRunning = true; new Thread(this, "ClientThread").start(); } @Override public void stop() { if(!mIsRunning) return; mIsRunning = false; } public UdpConnection getUDPConnection() { return mUdpConnection; } public void connect(String host, int tcpPort, int udpPort) throws IOException { try { InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(host); mUdpConnection.connect(address, udpPort); mTcpConnection.connect(address, tcpPort); } catch (IOException e) { dispose(); throw e; } } public void addListener(ClientListener toAdd) { mClientObserver.addListener(toAdd); } /** * If equals -1 it means that * the client haven't got response * from server yet * @return clientId */ public int getId() { return mId; } public void setId(int id) { mId = id; } public void sendTcp(Packet packet) { sendTcp(packet.getData()); } public void sendTcp(byte[] data) { Log.trace("Client", "Send TCP > " + Packet.class.getName()); mTcpConnection.sendTcp(data); } public void sendUdp(Packet packet) { sendUdp(packet.getData()); } public void sendUdp(byte[] data) { Log.trace("Client", "Send UDP >" + Packet.class.getName()); mUdpConnection.sendUdpFromClient(data); } public void dispose() { this.stop(); this.mUdpConnection.stop(); this.mTcpConnection.stop(); } }