package cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.web.components.task; import org.apache.tapestry5.Block; import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Parameter; import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.SetupRender; import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Inject; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.core.task.TaskContextState; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.core.task.TaskState; /** * @author donarus */ public class StateIcon { @Parameter(required = false) private boolean hideStateDescription = false; @Parameter private TaskState taskState; @Parameter private TaskContextState taskContextState; @Inject private Block stateRunningBlock; @Inject private Block stateWaitingBlock; @Inject private Block stateFinishedBlock; @Inject private Block stateScheduledBlock; @Inject private Block stateAbortedBlock; @Inject private Block stateOtherBlock; @SetupRender void setupRender() throws Exception { if (taskState != null && taskContextState != null) { throw new Exception("Defined both taskState and taskContextState. Only one of them allowed."); } } public Block getSelected() { if (taskState != null) { return getCorrectTaskBlock(); } else if (taskContextState != null) { return getCorrectTaskContextBlock(); } else { // both taskState and taskContextState are null return stateOtherBlock; } } public Block getCorrectTaskBlock() { switch (taskState) { case RUNNING: return stateRunningBlock; case FINISHED: return stateFinishedBlock; case WAITING: return stateWaitingBlock; case SCHEDULED: return stateScheduledBlock; case ABORTED: return stateAbortedBlock; default: return stateOtherBlock; } } public Block getCorrectTaskContextBlock() { switch (taskContextState) { case RUNNING: return stateRunningBlock; case FINISHED: return stateFinishedBlock; case WAITING: return stateWaitingBlock; case FAILED: return stateAbortedBlock; default: return stateOtherBlock; } } public String getStateName() { if (hideStateDescription) { return ""; } else { if (taskState == null && taskContextState == null) { return " N/A  "; } else if (taskState != null) { return " " + + "  "; } else return " " + + "  "; } } }