package cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.socketworks; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.cluster.Service; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.cluster.ServiceException; import; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.socketworks.oneway.OneWayMessaging; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.socketworks.oneway.ReadOnlyHandler; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.socketworks.twoway.ReadReplyHandlerFactory; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.socketworks.twoway.TwoWayMessaging; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * A message dispatcher intended as high-level abstraction over inter-process * socket works. * * @author */ public class MessageDispatcher implements Service { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageDispatcher.class); private final String hostname; private final Map<String, QueueGuard> guards; private MessageDispatcher(String hostname) { this.hostname = hostname; this.guards = new TreeMap<String, QueueGuard>(); } /** * Create a message dispatcher (handles communication channels with task processes) * * @param hostname Hostname of this node under which message queues should be accessible from tasks * * @return A dispatcher server */ public static MessageDispatcher create(String hostname) { return new MessageDispatcher(hostname); } /** * Get the port a named queue listens on * * @param queueName Name of the queue * * @return The port the queue listens on */ public Integer getPortForQueue(String queueName) { return guards.get(queueName).getPort(); } /** * Create a new one-way named queue and associate it with a provided handler. * * Use this method <b>BEFORE</b> {@link #start()}. If you reverse the order, * the queue will be correctly created (and disposed of upon termination), but * will remain inactive. * * @param queueName * Name of the queue to create. Must be unique * @param handler * Handler that specifies what should be done with incoming messages * * @throws ServiceException * If sockets associated with any of the requested message queues * cannot be bound */ public void addReceiveHandler(String queueName, ReadOnlyHandler handler) throws ServiceException { try { guards.put(queueName, OneWayMessaging.createServer(hostname, queueName, handler)); } catch (MessagingException e) { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Unable to initialize receiver for queue \"%s\".", queueName), e); } } /** * Create a new two-way named queue and associated it with a provided handler * factory. This means that messages arriving to this queue will be handled by * handlers supplied by that factory. * * Use this method <b>BEFORE</b> {@link #start()}. If you reverse the order, * the queue will be correctly created (and disposed of upon termination), but * will remain inactive. * * @param queueName * Name of the created queue. Must be unique * * @param handlerFactory * Factory that provides handlers servicing the requests (messages) * * @throws ServiceException * If sockets associated with any of the requested message queues * cannot be found */ public void addRespondingHandler(String queueName, ReadReplyHandlerFactory handlerFactory) throws ServiceException { try { guards.put(queueName, TwoWayMessaging.createServer(hostname, queueName, handlerFactory)); } catch (MessagingException e) { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Unable to initialize receiver for queue \"%s\"", queueName), e); } } /** * Create a map of current bindings provided by this {@link MessageDispatcher} * * @return Guard bindings */ public Map<String, String> getBindings() { final Map<String,String> bindings = new TreeMap<String,String>(); for(Map.Entry<String, QueueGuard> binding: guards.entrySet()) { bindings.put(binding.getKey(), binding.getValue().getConnection()); } return bindings; } @Override public void start() throws ServiceException { for (QueueGuard guard : guards.values()) { guard.listen(); } } @Override public final void stop() { for (QueueGuard guard : guards.values()) { try { log.debug("Terminating {}", guard); guard.terminate(); log.debug("{} terminated", guard); } catch (MessagingException e) { log.error("Failed to purge queue {}"); } } } }