package cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.annotation; import java.lang.annotation.*; /** * * The class was stolen from org.apache.httt.annotattion! Apache licence * applies. * * * The class to which this annotation is applied is not thread-safe. This * annotation primarily exists for clarifying the non-thread-safety of a class * that might otherwise be assumed to be thread-safe, despite the fact that it * is a bad idea to assume a class is thread-safe without good reason. * * @see ThreadSafe <p> * Based on code developed by Brian Goetz and Tim Peierls and concepts * published in 'Java Concurrency in Practice' by Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, * Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes and Doug Lea. */ @Documented @Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) // The original version used RUNTIME public @interface NotThreadSafe {}