package cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.detectors; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException; import; import; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.core.ri.MonitorSample; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.core.ri.RuntimeInfo; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.util.JSONUtils; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.util.JsonException; /** * Test run of the Detector. * * For testing purposes. * * @author Kuba Brecka */ public class DetectorRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { RuntimeInfo ri = new RuntimeInfo(); ri.setId("FAKE ID"); ri.setHost("localhost"); ri.setPort(0); Detector detector = new Detector(); detector.detectAll(ri); // show example XML output try { JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(RuntimeInfo.class); Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); marshaller.marshal(ri, System.out); } catch (JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // try some XPaths JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(ri); try { System.out.println(context.getValue("//cpu/vendor")); System.out.println(context.getValue("//networkInterface[1]/mtu")); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } // try the monitor for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { MonitorSample sample = detector.generateSample(true); try { String s = JSONUtils.newInstance().serialize(sample); System.out.println(s); } catch (JsonException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // monitor sampling benchmark long startTime = System.nanoTime(); long counter = 0; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); while (true) { if (System.nanoTime() - startTime > 1000 * 1000 * 1000) break; MonitorSample sample = detector.generateSample(true); try { mapper.writeValueAsString(sample); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JsonGenerationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } counter++; } System.out.println("Monitoring performs " + counter + " samples/second"); } }