package org.slf4j.impl; import cz.cuni.mff.d3s.been.taskapi.TaskLoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.ILoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.spi.LoggerFactoryBinder; /** * This logger binder ensures <em>slf4j</em> loads the EverBEEN implementation of the task logger */ public class StaticLoggerBinder implements LoggerFactoryBinder { private static TaskLoggerFactory factory = new TaskLoggerFactory(); private static StaticLoggerBinder singleton = new StaticLoggerBinder(); /** * Get the logger binder singleton * * @return the singleton */ public static StaticLoggerBinder getSingleton() { return singleton; } @Override public ILoggerFactory getLoggerFactory() { return factory; } @Override public String getLoggerFactoryClassStr() { return TaskLoggerFactory.class.getName(); } }