package; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Due to no similar functionality in JSTL, this function was designed to help * various operation in a Collection. * * @author joseph */ public final class Functions { private static ChebiConfig chebiConfig; private static ChemblConfig chemblConfig; private static Map<String, String> drugbankConfig; public Functions() { } public static void setChebiConfig(ChebiConfig chebiConfig) { Functions.chebiConfig = chebiConfig; } public static void setChemblConfig(ChemblConfig chemblConfig) { Functions.chemblConfig = chemblConfig; } public static void setDrugbankConfig(Map<String, String> config) { Functions.drugbankConfig = config; } public static boolean startsWithDigit(String data) { return Character.isDigit(data.charAt(0)); } /** * This function is to enable using capital letter case in checking if a * string starts with the letter * * @param data the original string * @param letter the first letter * @return true if the string starts with the first letter */ public static boolean startsWithLowerCase(String data, String letter) { String current = data; if (startsWithDigit(data)) { current = data.replaceAll("(-)?\\d+(\\-\\d*)?", "").trim(); } //return current.startsWith(letter.toLowerCase()); return current.startsWith(letter); } /** * * @param collection * @param item * @return true if the item is contained in the collection */ public static boolean contains(Collection collection, Object item) { return collection.contains(item); } /** * * @param alpha the first item * @param omega the last item * @return true if none of the items is null */ public static boolean alphaOmegaIsNotNull(Object alpha, Object omega) { boolean eval = true; if (alpha == null | omega == null) { eval = false; } return eval; } /** * * @param alpha first item * @param omega last item * @return true if the last item is null */ public static boolean omegaIsNull(Object alpha, Object omega) { boolean eval = false; if (alpha == null) { eval = false; } if (alpha != null && omega == null) { eval = true; } if ((alpha != null && !alpha.equals("") && !alpha.equals(" ")) && (omega == null || omega.equals("") || omega.equals(" "))) { eval = true; } return eval; } /** * * @param collection list of items * @param last the last item in the list * @return true if the item is the last in the list */ public static boolean lastInList(List<Object> collection, Object last) { boolean eval = false; LinkedList<Object> list = new LinkedList<>(collection); if (last.equals(list.getLast())) { eval = true; } return eval; } public static String escapeHTML(String value) { String text = HtmlUtility.cleanText(value); return text; } public static String removeSlash(String url) { String link = url; if (url.contains("/")) { link = url.replace("/", ""); } return "#omim" + link; } public static String replaceSpacesWithUnderScore(String text) { if (text.contains(" ")) { String refinedText = text.replaceAll(" ", "_"); return refinedText; } return text; } /** * split with = and - to return only the search term * * @param text of this format searchparams.text=cathepsin- for * example * @return index[1] - cathepsin */ public static String splitAndGetValue(String text) { String result = ""; String data[] = text.split("searchKey="); if (data[1] != null) { String keyword[] = data[1].split("-"); result = keyword[0]; } return result; } /** * * @param text text with hyphen e.g human- * @return the text before the hyphen e.g human */ public static String splitHyphen(String text) { String data[] = text.split("-"); return data[0]; } /** * Retrieves the URL to the source of the molecule, or builds it if it is * not set yet. * * @param molecule * @return a URL pointing to the source of the molecule. */ public static String getMoleculeUrl(Molecule molecule) { String url = (String) molecule.getUrl(); if (url == null || url.length() == 0) { // if (molecule.getId().startsWith("DB")){ // // DrugBank // url = Functions.drugbankConfig.get("compound.base.url") // + molecule.getId(); // } else if (molecule.getId().startsWith("CHEMBL")){ // // CHEMBL // url = Functions.chemblConfig.getCompoundBaseUrl() // + molecule.getId(); // } else if (molecule.getId().startsWith("CHEBI")){ // // ChEBI // url = Functions.chebiConfig.getCompoundBaseUrl() // + molecule.getId(); // } if (molecule.getId().startsWith("CHEMBL")) { url = Functions.chemblConfig.getCompoundBaseUrl() + molecule.getId(); } else if (molecule.getId().startsWith("CHEBI")) { url = Functions.chebiConfig.getCompoundBaseUrl() + molecule.getId(); } } return url; } /** * Builds the URL for the image of a molecule, according to its source * database. * * @param molecule * @return a URL for the image. */ public static String getMoleculeImgSrc(Molecule molecule) { String imgSrc = ""; if (molecule.getId().startsWith("CHEBI")) { imgSrc = Functions.chebiConfig.getCompoundImgBaseUrl() + molecule.getId(); } else if (molecule.getId().startsWith("CHEMBL")) { imgSrc = Functions.chemblConfig.getCompoundImgBaseUrl() + molecule.getId(); } else if (molecule.getId().startsWith("DB")) { imgSrc = MessageFormat.format( drugbankConfig.get("compound.img.base.url"), molecule.getId()); } return imgSrc; } public static String getSummaryBasketId(UniprotEntry summary) { List<String> accs = new ArrayList<>(); // accs.add(summary.getAccession()); // summary.getRelatedspecies().stream().forEach((acc) -> { // //accs.add(acc.getUniprotaccessions().get(0)); // Stream.of(acc.getUniprotaccessions().stream().findFirst().get()); // }); //return accs.toString(); return summary.getAccession(); // System.out.println("FUNCTION 1 "+ summary.getRelatedspecies().stream().findFirst().get().getUniprotaccession()); // System.out.println("FUNCTION 2 "+ summary.getRelatedspecies().stream().findFirst().get().getUniprotaccessions()); // // return summary.getRelatedspecies().stream().distinct().findFirst().get().getUniprotaccession(); // } public static List<UniprotEntry> sortBlastResult(List<UniprotEntry> enzymes) { List<UniprotEntry> enzymeSummaries =, id2) -> -(, id2.getIdentity()))).collect(Collectors.toList()); Collections.sort(enzymeSummaries, (id1, id2) -> -(, id2.getIdentity()))); return, id2) -> -(, id2.getIdentity()))).collect(Collectors.toList()); } }