package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @since 1.0 * @version $LastChangedRevision$ <br/> * $LastChangedDate$ <br/> * $Author$ * @author $Author$ */ public class IntenzCallable { //********************************* VARIABLES ********************************// public static final String INTENZ_PACKAGE = ""; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(IntenzCallable.class); private static JAXBContext jaxbContext = null; static { try { jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(INTENZ_PACKAGE); } catch (JAXBException ex) { LOGGER.error(IintenzAdapter.FAILED_MSG + "Unable to find the package " + INTENZ_PACKAGE + " to map the intenz xml file!", ex); } } public static class GetIntenzCaller implements Callable<Intenz> { protected String ecUrl; public GetIntenzCaller(String ecUrl) { this.ecUrl = ecUrl; } public GetIntenzCaller() { } public Intenz call() throws Exception { return getData(); } public Intenz getData() { Intenz intenz = null; URL url = null; URLConnection con = null; InputStream is = null; try { url = new URL(ecUrl); // LOGGER.debug("SEARCH before openConnection"); con = url.openConnection(Proxy.NO_PROXY); con.connect(); // LOGGER.debug("SEARCH before getInputStream"); is = con.getInputStream(); // LOGGER.debug("SEARCH before creating unmarshaller"); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); if (is != null) { // LOGGER.debug("SEARCH before unmarshal"); intenz = (Intenz) unmarshaller.unmarshal(is); // LOGGER.debug("SEARCH after unmarshal"); } } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { LOGGER.error(IintenzAdapter.FAILED_MSG + "ec url is invalid: " + this.ecUrl, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(IintenzAdapter.FAILED_MSG + "Unable to connect to Intenz server!", ex); } catch (JAXBException ex) { LOGGER.error(IintenzAdapter.FAILED_MSG + "Failed to create/use unmarshaller!", ex); } finally { try { if (is != null) is.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to close inputstream of the intenz xml file! "); } } return intenz; } public EcClass setEnzymeName(XmlContentType contentType, String ecNumber) { EcClass ecClass = new EcClass(); String name = null; if (contentType != null) { List<Object> nameObject = contentType.getContent(); name = (String) nameObject.get(0); } else { name = ecNumber; } ecClass.setEc(ecNumber); ecClass.setName(name); return ecClass; } public List<EcClass> getEcClass(Intenz intenz) { List<EcClass> ecClasseList = new ArrayList<EcClass>(); EcClassType levelOne = intenz.getEcClass().get(0); String levelOneEc = levelOne.getEc1().toString(); EcClass ecClass = setEnzymeName(levelOne.getName(), levelOneEc); ecClasseList.add(ecClass); EcSubclassType levelTwo = levelOne.getEcSubclass().get(0); String levelTwoEc = levelOneEc +"." +levelTwo.getEc2().toString(); EcClass ecClass2 = setEnzymeName(levelTwo.getName(), levelTwoEc); ecClasseList.add(ecClass2); EcSubsubclassType levelThree = levelTwo.getEcSubSubclass().get(0); String levelThreeEc = levelTwoEc+"." + levelThree.getEc3().toString(); EcClass ecClass3 = setEnzymeName(levelThree.getName(), levelThreeEc); ecClasseList.add(ecClass3); EntryType levelFour = levelThree.getEnzyme().get(0); List<EnzymeNameType> acceptedNames = levelFour.getAcceptedName(); String enzymeName = null; if (acceptedNames == null || acceptedNames.isEmpty()){ // transferred or deleted entry? if (levelFour.getTransferred() != null){ enzymeName = levelFour.getTransferred().getNote(); } else if (levelFour.getDeleted() != null){ enzymeName = levelFour.getDeleted().getNote(); } } else { enzymeName = (String) acceptedNames.get(0).getContent().get(0); } final String ecNumber = levelFour.getEc().replace("EC ", ""); EcClass ecClass4 = new EcClass().withEc(ecNumber) .withName(enzymeName); ecClasseList.add(ecClass4); return ecClasseList; } } public static class GetSynonymsCaller implements Callable<Set<String>> { protected GetIntenzCaller intenzCaller; public GetSynonymsCaller(String ecUrl) { intenzCaller = new GetIntenzCaller(ecUrl); } public GetSynonymsCaller() { } public Set<String> call() throws Exception { return getSynonyms(); } public Set<String> getSynonyms() { Intenz intenz = intenzCaller.getData(); Set<String> synonyms = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); if (intenz != null) { synonyms.addAll(getSynonyms(intenz)); } return synonyms; } public Set<String> getSynonyms(Intenz intenz) { Set<String> names = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); Synonyms synonymsType = intenz.getEcClass().get(0) .getEcSubclass().get(0).getEcSubSubclass().get(0) .getEnzyme().get(0).getSynonyms(); if (synonymsType != null) { List<EnzymeNameType> synonyms = synonymsType.getSynonym(); if (synonyms.size() > 0) { for (EnzymeNameType synonym : synonyms) { List<Object> objList = synonym.getContent(); String name = (String) objList.get(0); names.add(name); } } } return names; } } public static class GetEcHierarchyCaller implements Callable<EnzymeHierarchy> { protected GetIntenzCaller intenzCaller; public GetEcHierarchyCaller(String ecUrl) { intenzCaller = new GetIntenzCaller(ecUrl); } public GetEcHierarchyCaller() { intenzCaller = new GetIntenzCaller(); } public EnzymeHierarchy call() throws Exception { Intenz intenz = intenzCaller.getData(); return getEcHierarchy(intenz); } public EnzymeHierarchy getEcHierarchy(Intenz intenz) { EnzymeHierarchy enzymeHierarchy = new EnzymeHierarchy(); List<EcClass> ecClassList = intenzCaller.getEcClass(intenz); enzymeHierarchy.setEcclass(ecClassList); return enzymeHierarchy; } } /** * Caller to retrieve cofactors from IntEnz. * @author rafa * */ public static class GetCofactorsCaller implements Callable<Collection<Molecule>>{ protected GetIntenzCaller intenzCaller; public GetCofactorsCaller(String ecUrl) { intenzCaller = new GetIntenzCaller(ecUrl); } public Collection<Molecule> call() { Intenz intenz = intenzCaller.getData(); return getCofactors(intenz); } protected Collection<Molecule> getCofactors(Intenz intenz) { Collection<Molecule> cofactors = null; Cofactors intenzCofactors = intenz.getEcClass().get(0) .getEcSubclass().get(0).getEcSubSubclass().get(0) .getEnzyme().get(0).getCofactors(); if (intenzCofactors != null){ serLoop: for (Serializable ser :intenzCofactors.getContent()) { if (ser instanceof JAXBElement<?>){ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") CofactorType ct = ((JAXBElement<CofactorType>) ser).getValue(); if (cofactors == null){ cofactors = new ArrayList<Molecule>(); } // Check that the cofactor is not already there: for (Molecule molecule : cofactors) { if (molecule.getId().equals(ct.getAccession())){ continue serLoop; } } StringBuilder cofName = new StringBuilder(); for (Object o : ct.getContent()) cofName.append(o); String cofUrl = Database.CHEBI.getEntryUrl(ct.getAccession()); cofactors.add(new Molecule().withId(ct.getAccession()) .withUrl(cofUrl).withName(cofName.toString())); } } } return cofactors; } } }