/* GtbCuckoo - Interface to Gaviota endgame tablebases. Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Peter Ă–sterlund, peterosterlund2@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.petero.droidfish.gtb; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.Move; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.MoveGen; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.Pair; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.Piece; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.Position; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.UndoInfo; /** Interface between Position class and GTB probing code. */ public class Probe { private final GtbProbe gtb; private final int whiteSquares[]; private final int blackSquares[]; private final byte whitePieces[]; private final byte blackPieces[]; private static final Probe INSTANCE = new Probe(); /** Get singleton instance. */ public static Probe getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** Constructor. */ private Probe() { gtb = new GtbProbe(); whiteSquares = new int[65]; blackSquares = new int[65]; whitePieces = new byte[65]; blackPieces = new byte[65]; } public void setPath(String tbPath, boolean forceReload) { gtb.setPath(tbPath, forceReload); } public static final class ProbeResult { public final static int DRAW = 0; public final static int WMATE = 1; public final static int BMATE = 2; public final static int UNKNOWN = 3; public int result; public int movesToMate; // Full moves to mate, or 0 if DRAW or UNKNOWN. } /** * Probe table bases. * @param pos The position to probe. * @param result Two element array. Set to [tbinfo, plies]. * @return True if success. */ public final ProbeResult probeHard(Position pos) { int castleMask = 0; if (pos.a1Castle()) castleMask |= GtbProbe.A1_CASTLE; if (pos.h1Castle()) castleMask |= GtbProbe.H1_CASTLE; if (pos.a8Castle()) castleMask |= GtbProbe.A8_CASTLE; if (pos.h8Castle()) castleMask |= GtbProbe.H8_CASTLE; int nWhite = 0; int nBlack = 0; for (int sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) { int p = pos.getPiece(sq); switch (p) { case Piece.WKING: whiteSquares[nWhite] = sq; whitePieces[nWhite++] = GtbProbe.KING; break; case Piece.WQUEEN: whiteSquares[nWhite] = sq; whitePieces[nWhite++] = GtbProbe.QUEEN; break; case Piece.WROOK: whiteSquares[nWhite] = sq; whitePieces[nWhite++] = GtbProbe.ROOK; break; case Piece.WBISHOP: whiteSquares[nWhite] = sq; whitePieces[nWhite++] = GtbProbe.BISHOP; break; case Piece.WKNIGHT: whiteSquares[nWhite] = sq; whitePieces[nWhite++] = GtbProbe.KNIGHT; break; case Piece.WPAWN: whiteSquares[nWhite] = sq; whitePieces[nWhite++] = GtbProbe.PAWN; break; case Piece.BKING: blackSquares[nBlack] = sq; blackPieces[nBlack++] = GtbProbe.KING; break; case Piece.BQUEEN: blackSquares[nBlack] = sq; blackPieces[nBlack++] = GtbProbe.QUEEN; break; case Piece.BROOK: blackSquares[nBlack] = sq; blackPieces[nBlack++] = GtbProbe.ROOK; break; case Piece.BBISHOP: blackSquares[nBlack] = sq; blackPieces[nBlack++] = GtbProbe.BISHOP; break; case Piece.BKNIGHT: blackSquares[nBlack] = sq; blackPieces[nBlack++] = GtbProbe.KNIGHT; break; case Piece.BPAWN: blackSquares[nBlack] = sq; blackPieces[nBlack++] = GtbProbe.PAWN; break; } } whiteSquares[nWhite] = GtbProbe.NOSQUARE; blackSquares[nBlack] = GtbProbe.NOSQUARE; whitePieces[nWhite] = GtbProbe.NOPIECE; blackPieces[nBlack] = GtbProbe.NOPIECE; int epSquare = pos.getEpSquare(); if (epSquare == -1) epSquare = GtbProbe.NOSQUARE; int[] result = new int[2]; boolean res = false; if (nWhite + nBlack <= 5) { gtb.initIfNeeded(); res = gtb.probeHard(pos.whiteMove, epSquare, castleMask, whiteSquares, blackSquares, whitePieces, blackPieces, result); } ProbeResult ret = new ProbeResult(); if (res) { switch (result[0]) { case GtbProbe.DRAW: ret.result = ProbeResult.DRAW; ret.movesToMate = 0; break; case GtbProbe.WMATE: ret.result = ProbeResult.WMATE; ret.movesToMate = (result[1] + 1) / 2; break; case GtbProbe.BMATE: ret.result = ProbeResult.BMATE; ret.movesToMate = (result[1] + 1) / 2; break; default: ret.result = ProbeResult.UNKNOWN; ret.movesToMate = 0; break; } } else { ret.result = ProbeResult.UNKNOWN; ret.movesToMate = 0; } return ret; } /** Return a list of all legal moves that are not known to be non-optimal. * Returns null if no legal move could be excluded. */ public final ArrayList<Move> findOptimal(Position pos) { ArrayList<Move> moveList = new MoveGen().pseudoLegalMoves(pos); moveList = MoveGen.removeIllegal(pos, moveList); ArrayList<Move> optimalMoves = new ArrayList<Move>(); ArrayList<Move> unknownMoves = new ArrayList<Move>(); final int MATE0 = 100000; int bestScore = -1000000; UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo(); for (Move m : moveList) { pos.makeMove(m, ui); ProbeResult res = probeHard(pos); pos.unMakeMove(m, ui); if (res.result == ProbeResult.UNKNOWN) { unknownMoves.add(m); } else { int wScore; if (res.result == ProbeResult.WMATE) wScore = MATE0 - res.movesToMate; else if (res.result == ProbeResult.BMATE) wScore = -(MATE0 - res.movesToMate); else wScore = 0; int score = pos.whiteMove ? wScore : -wScore; if (score > bestScore) { optimalMoves.clear(); optimalMoves.add(m); bestScore = score; } else if (score == bestScore) { optimalMoves.add(m); } else { // Ignore move } } } for (Move m : unknownMoves) optimalMoves.add(m); return (optimalMoves.size() < moveList.size()) ? optimalMoves : null; } /** For a given position and from square, return EGTB information * about all legal destination squares. Return null if no information available. */ public final ArrayList<Pair<Integer,Integer>> movePieceProbe(Position pos, int fromSq) { int p = pos.getPiece(fromSq); if ((p == Piece.EMPTY) || (pos.whiteMove != Piece.isWhite(p))) return null; ArrayList<Pair<Integer,Integer>> ret = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer,Integer>>(); ArrayList<Move> moveList = new MoveGen().pseudoLegalMoves(pos); moveList = MoveGen.removeIllegal(pos, moveList); UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo(); for (Move m : moveList) { if (m.from != fromSq) continue; pos.makeMove(m, ui); ProbeResult res = probeHard(pos); pos.unMakeMove(m, ui); if (res.result == ProbeResult.UNKNOWN) continue; int score = 0; if (res.result == ProbeResult.WMATE) { score = pos.whiteMove ? res.movesToMate + 1 : -res.movesToMate; } else if (res.result == ProbeResult.BMATE) { score = pos.whiteMove ? -res.movesToMate : res.movesToMate + 1; } ret.add(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(m.to, score)); } return ret; } /** For a given position and from square, return EGTB information * about all legal alternative positions for the piece on from square. * Return null if no information is available. */ public final ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> relocatePieceProbe(Position pos, int fromSq) { int p = pos.getPiece(fromSq); if (p == Piece.EMPTY) return null; boolean isPawn = (Piece.makeWhite(p) == Piece.WPAWN); ArrayList<Pair<Integer,Integer>> ret = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer,Integer>>(); for (int sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) { if ((sq != fromSq) && (pos.getPiece(sq) != Piece.EMPTY)) continue; if (isPawn && ((sq < 8) || (sq >= 56))) continue; pos.setPiece(fromSq, Piece.EMPTY); pos.setPiece(sq, p); ProbeResult res = probeHard(pos); pos.setPiece(sq, Piece.EMPTY); pos.setPiece(fromSq, p); if (res.result == ProbeResult.UNKNOWN) continue; int score = 0; if (res.result == ProbeResult.WMATE) { score = res.movesToMate; } else if (res.result == ProbeResult.BMATE) { score = -res.movesToMate; } ret.add(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(sq, score)); } return ret; } }