/* DroidFish - An Android chess program. Copyright (C) 2011 Peter Ă–sterlund, peterosterlund2@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.petero.droidfish; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.graphics.Color; public class ColorTheme { private static ColorTheme inst = null; /** Get singleton instance. */ static final ColorTheme instance() { if (inst == null) inst = new ColorTheme(); return inst; } final static int DARK_SQUARE = 0; final static int BRIGHT_SQUARE = 1; final static int SELECTED_SQUARE = 2; final static int CURSOR_SQUARE = 3; final static int DARK_PIECE = 4; final static int BRIGHT_PIECE = 5; final static int CURRENT_MOVE = 6; final static int ARROW_0 = 7; final static int ARROW_1 = 8; final static int ARROW_2 = 9; final static int ARROW_3 = 10; final static int ARROW_4 = 11; final static int ARROW_5 = 12; final static int SQUARE_LABEL = 13; final static int DECORATION = 14; final static int PGN_COMMENT = 15; private final static int numColors = 16; private int colorTable[] = new int[numColors]; private static final String[] prefNames = { "darkSquare", "brightSquare", "selectedSquare", "cursorSquare", "darkPiece", "brightPiece", "currentMove", "arrow0", "arrow1", "arrow2", "arrow3", "arrow4", "arrow5", "squareLabel", "decoration", "pgnComment" }; private static final String prefPrefix = "color_"; private final static int defaultTheme = 2; final static String[] themeNames = { "Original", "XBoard", "Blue", "Grey", "Scid Default", "Scid Brown", "Scid Green"}; private final static String themeColors[][] = { { // Original "#FF808080", "#FFBEBE5A", "#FFFF0000", "#FF00FF00", "#FF000000", "#FFFFFFFF", "#FF888888", "#A01F1FFF", "#A0FF1F1F", "#501F1FFF", "#50FF1F1F", "#1E1F1FFF", "#28FF1F1F", "#FFFF0000", "#FF9F9F66", "#FFC0C000" }, { // XBoard "#FF77A26D", "#FFC8C365", "#FFFFFF00", "#FF00FF00", "#FF202020", "#FFFFFFCC", "#FF6B9262", "#A01F1FFF", "#A0FF1F1F", "#501F1FFF", "#50FF1F1F", "#1E1F1FFF", "#28FF1F1F", "#FFFF0000", "#FF808080", "#FFC0C000" }, { // Blue "#FF83A5D2", "#FFFFFFFA", "#FF3232D1", "#FF5F5FFD", "#FF282828", "#FFF0F0F0", "#FF3333FF", "#A01F1FFF", "#A01FFF1F", "#501F1FFF", "#501FFF1F", "#1E1F1FFF", "#281FFF1F", "#FFFF0000", "#FF808080", "#FFC0C000" }, { // Grey "#FF666666", "#FFDDDDDD", "#FFFF0000", "#FF0000FF", "#FF000000", "#FFFFFFFF", "#FF888888", "#A01F1FFF", "#A0FF1F1F", "#501F1FFF", "#50FF1F1F", "#1E1F1FFF", "#28FF1F1F", "#FFFF0000", "#FF909090", "#FFC0C000" }, { // Scid Default "#FF80A0A0", "#FFD0E0D0", "#FFFF0000", "#FF00FF00", "#FF000000", "#FFFFFFFF", "#FF666666", "#A01F1FFF", "#A0FF1F1F", "#501F1FFF", "#50FF1F1F", "#1E1F1FFF", "#28FF1F1F", "#FFFF0000", "#FF808080", "#FFC0C000" }, { // Scid Brown "#B58863", "#F0D9B5", "#FFFF0000", "#FF00FF00", "#FF000000", "#FFFFFFFF", "#FF666666", "#A01F1FFF", "#A0FF1F1F", "#501F1FFF", "#50FF1F1F", "#1E1F1FFF", "#28FF1F1F", "#FFFF0000", "#FF808080", "#FFC0C000" }, { // Scid Green "#FF769656", "#FFEEEED2", "#FFFF0000", "#FF0000FF", "#FF000000", "#FFFFFFFF", "#FF666666", "#A01F1FFF", "#A0FF1F1F", "#501F1FFF", "#50FF1F1F", "#1E1F1FFF", "#28FF1F1F", "#FFFF0000", "#FF808080", "#FFC0C000" } }; final void readColors(SharedPreferences settings) { for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++) { String prefName = prefPrefix + prefNames[i]; String defaultColor = themeColors[defaultTheme][i]; String colorString = settings.getString(prefName, defaultColor); colorTable[i] = 0; try { colorTable[i] = Color.parseColor(colorString); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } } } final void setTheme(SharedPreferences settings, int themeType) { Editor editor = settings.edit(); for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++) editor.putString(prefPrefix + prefNames[i], themeColors[themeType][i]); editor.commit(); readColors(settings); } final int getColor(int colorType) { return colorTable[colorType]; } }