/* CuckooChess - A java chess program. Copyright (C) 2011 Peter Ă–sterlund, peterosterlund2@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package chess; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * * @author petero */ public class TranspositionTable { static final public class TTEntry { long key; // Zobrist hash key private short move; // from + (to<<6) + (promote<<12) private short score; // Score from search private short depthSlot; // Search depth (bit 0-14) and hash slot (bit 15). byte generation; // Increase when OTB position changes public byte type; // exact score, lower bound, upper bound short evalScore; // Score from static evaluation // FIXME!!! Test storing both upper and lower bound in each hash entry. static public final int T_EXACT = 0; // Exact score static public final int T_GE = 1; // True score >= this.score static public final int T_LE = 2; // True score <= this.score static public final int T_EMPTY = 3; // Empty hash slot /** Return true if this object is more valuable than the other, false otherwise. */ public final boolean betterThan(TTEntry other, int currGen) { if ((generation == currGen) != (other.generation == currGen)) { return generation == currGen; // Old entries are less valuable } if ((type == T_EXACT) != (other.type == T_EXACT)) { return type == T_EXACT; // Exact score more valuable than lower/upper bound } if (getDepth() != other.getDepth()) { return getDepth() > other.getDepth(); // Larger depth is more valuable } return false; // Otherwise, pretty much equally valuable } /** Return true if entry is good enough to spend extra time trying to avoid overwriting it. */ public final boolean valuable(int currGen) { if (generation != currGen) return false; return (type == T_EXACT) || (getDepth() > 3 * Search.plyScale); } public final void getMove(Move m) { m.from = move & 63; m.to = (move >> 6) & 63; m.promoteTo = (move >> 12) & 15; } public final void setMove(Move move) { this.move = (short)(move.from + (move.to << 6) + (move.promoteTo << 12)); } /** Get the score from the hash entry and convert from "mate in x" to "mate at ply". */ public final int getScore(int ply) { int sc = score; if (sc > Search.MATE0 - 1000) { sc -= ply; } else if (sc < -(Search.MATE0 - 1000)) { sc += ply; } return sc; } /** Convert score from "mate at ply" to "mate in x" and store in hash entry. */ public final void setScore(int score, int ply) { if (score > Search.MATE0 - 1000) { score += ply; } else if (score < -(Search.MATE0 - 1000)) { score -= ply; } this.score = (short)score; } /** Get depth from the hash entry. */ public final int getDepth() { return depthSlot & 0x7fff; } /** Set depth. */ public final void setDepth(int d) { depthSlot &= 0x8000; depthSlot |= ((short)d) & 0x7fff; } final int getHashSlot() { return depthSlot >>> 15; } public final void setHashSlot(int s) { depthSlot &= 0x7fff; depthSlot |= (s << 15); } } TTEntry[] table; TTEntry emptySlot; byte generation; /** Constructor. Creates an empty transposition table with numEntries slots. */ public TranspositionTable(int log2Size) { final int numEntries = (1 << log2Size); table = new TTEntry[numEntries]; for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { TTEntry ent = new TTEntry(); ent.key = 0; ent.depthSlot = 0; ent.type = TTEntry.T_EMPTY; table[i] = ent; } emptySlot = new TTEntry(); emptySlot.type = TTEntry.T_EMPTY; generation = 0; } public final void insert(long key, Move sm, int type, int ply, int depth, int evalScore) { if (depth < 0) depth = 0; int idx0 = h0(key); int idx1 = h1(key); TTEntry ent = table[idx0]; byte hashSlot = 0; if (ent.key != key) { ent = table[idx1]; hashSlot = 1; } if (ent.key != key) { if (table[idx1].betterThan(table[idx0], generation)) { ent = table[idx0]; hashSlot = 0; } if (ent.valuable(generation)) { int altEntIdx = (ent.getHashSlot() == 0) ? h1(ent.key) : h0(ent.key); if (ent.betterThan(table[altEntIdx], generation)) { TTEntry altEnt = table[altEntIdx]; altEnt.key = ent.key; altEnt.move = ent.move; altEnt.score = ent.score; altEnt.depthSlot = ent.depthSlot; altEnt.generation = (byte)ent.generation; altEnt.type = ent.type; altEnt.setHashSlot(1 - ent.getHashSlot()); altEnt.evalScore = ent.evalScore; } } } boolean doStore = true; if ((ent.key == key) && (ent.getDepth() > depth) && (ent.type == type)) { if (type == TTEntry.T_EXACT) { doStore = false; } else if ((type == TTEntry.T_GE) && (sm.score <= ent.getScore(ply))) { doStore = false; } else if ((type == TTEntry.T_LE) && (sm.score >= ent.getScore(ply))) { doStore = false; } } if (doStore) { if ((ent.key != key) || (sm.from != sm.to)) ent.setMove(sm); ent.key = key; ent.setScore(sm.score, ply); ent.setDepth(depth); ent.generation = (byte)generation; ent.type = (byte)type; ent.setHashSlot(hashSlot); ent.evalScore = (short)evalScore; } } /** Retrieve an entry from the hash table corresponding to "pos". */ public final TTEntry probe(long key) { int idx0 = h0(key); TTEntry ent = table[idx0]; if (ent.key == key) { ent.generation = (byte)generation; return ent; } int idx1 = h1(key); ent = table[idx1]; if (ent.key == key) { ent.generation = (byte)generation; return ent; } return emptySlot; } /** * Increase hash table generation. This means that subsequent inserts will be considered * more valuable than the entries currently present in the hash table. */ public final void nextGeneration() { generation++; } /** Clear the transposition table. */ public final void clear() { for (TTEntry ent : table) { ent.type = TTEntry.T_EMPTY; } } /** * Extract a list of PV moves, starting from "rootPos" and first move "m". */ public final ArrayList<Move> extractPVMoves(Position rootPos, Move m) { Position pos = new Position(rootPos); m = new Move(m); ArrayList<Move> ret = new ArrayList<Move>(); UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo(); List<Long> hashHistory = new ArrayList<Long>(); MoveGen moveGen = new MoveGen(); while (true) { ret.add(m); pos.makeMove(m, ui); if (hashHistory.contains(pos.zobristHash())) { break; } hashHistory.add(pos.zobristHash()); TTEntry ent = probe(pos.historyHash()); if (ent.type == TTEntry.T_EMPTY) { break; } m = new Move(0,0,0); ent.getMove(m); MoveGen.MoveList moves = moveGen.pseudoLegalMoves(pos); MoveGen.removeIllegal(pos, moves); boolean contains = false; for (int mi = 0; mi < moves.size; mi++) if (moves.m[mi].equals(m)) { contains = true; break; } if (!contains) break; } return ret; } /** Extract the PV starting from pos, using hash entries, both exact scores and bounds. */ public final String extractPV(Position pos) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(100); pos = new Position(pos); // To avoid modifying the input parameter boolean first = true; TTEntry ent = probe(pos.historyHash()); UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo(); ArrayList<Long> hashHistory = new ArrayList<Long>(); boolean repetition = false; MoveGen moveGen = MoveGen.instance; while (ent.type != TTEntry.T_EMPTY) { String type = ""; if (ent.type == TTEntry.T_LE) { type = "<"; } else if (ent.type == TTEntry.T_GE) { type = ">"; } Move m = new Move(0,0,0); ent.getMove(m); MoveGen.MoveList moves = moveGen.pseudoLegalMoves(pos); MoveGen.removeIllegal(pos, moves); boolean contains = false; for (int mi = 0; mi < moves.size; mi++) if (moves.m[mi].equals(m)) { contains = true; break; } if (!contains) break; String moveStr = TextIO.moveToString(pos, m, false); if (repetition) break; if (!first) { ret.append(" "); } ret.append(type); ret.append(moveStr); pos.makeMove(m, ui); if (hashHistory.contains(pos.zobristHash())) { repetition = true; } hashHistory.add(pos.zobristHash()); ent = probe(pos.historyHash()); first = false; } return ret.toString(); } /** Print hash table statistics. */ public final void printStats() { int unused = 0; int thisGen = 0; List<Integer> depHist = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final int maxDepth = 20*8; for (int i = 0; i < maxDepth; i++) { depHist.add(0); } for (TTEntry ent : table) { if (ent.type == TTEntry.T_EMPTY) { unused++; } else { if (ent.generation == generation) { thisGen++; } if (ent.getDepth() < maxDepth) { depHist.set(ent.getDepth(), depHist.get(ent.getDepth()) + 1); } } } double w = 100.0 / table.length; System.out.printf("Hash stats: size:%d unused:%d (%.2f%%) thisGen:%d (%.2f%%)\n", table.length, unused, unused*w, thisGen, thisGen*w); for (int i = 0; i < maxDepth; i++) { int c = depHist.get(i); if (c > 0) System.out.printf("%3d %8d (%6.2f%%)\n", i, c, c*w); } } private final int h0(long key) { return (int)(key & (table.length - 1)); } private final int h1(long key) { return (int)((key >> 32) & (table.length - 1)); } }