/* DroidFish - An Android chess program. Copyright (C) 2011 Peter Österlund, peterosterlund2@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.petero.droidfish.PGNOptions; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.Game.GameState; public class GameTree { // Data from the seven tag roster (STR) part of the PGN standard String event, site, date, round, white, black; // Result is the last tag pair in the STR, but it is computed on demand from the game tree. Position startPos; private String timeControl; // Non-standard tags static private final class TagPair { String tagName; String tagValue; } private List<TagPair> tagPairs; Node rootNode; Node currentNode; Position currentPos; // Cached value. Computable from "currentNode". private final PgnToken.PgnTokenReceiver gameStateListener; /** Creates an empty GameTree start the standard start position. * @param gameStateListener Optional tree change listener. */ public GameTree(PgnToken.PgnTokenReceiver gameStateListener) { this.gameStateListener = gameStateListener; try { setStartPos(TextIO.readFEN(TextIO.startPosFEN)); } catch (ChessParseError e) { } } final void setPlayerNames(String white, String black) { this.white = white; this.black = black; updateListener(); } /** Set start position. Drops the whole game tree. */ final void setStartPos(Position pos) { event = "?"; site = "?"; { Calendar now = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); int year = now.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int day = now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); date = String.format("%04d.%02d.%02d", year, month, day); } round = "?"; white = "?"; black = "?"; startPos = pos; timeControl = "?"; tagPairs = new ArrayList<TagPair>(); rootNode = new Node(); currentNode = rootNode; currentPos = new Position(startPos); updateListener(); } private final void updateListener() { if (gameStateListener != null) { gameStateListener.clear(); } } /** PngTokenReceiver implementation that generates plain text PGN data. */ private static class PgnText implements PgnToken.PgnTokenReceiver { private StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); private String header = ""; private int prevType = PgnToken.EOF; final String getPgnString() { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(4096); ret.append(header); ret.append('\n'); String[] words = sb.toString().split(" "); int currLineLength = 0; final int arrLen = words.length; for (int i = 0; i < arrLen; i++) { String word = words[i].trim(); int wordLen = word.length(); if (wordLen > 0) { if (currLineLength == 0) { ret.append(word); currLineLength = wordLen; } else if (currLineLength + 1 + wordLen >= 80) { ret.append('\n'); ret.append(word); currLineLength = wordLen; } else { ret.append(' '); currLineLength++; ret.append(word); currLineLength += wordLen; } } } ret.append("\n\n"); return ret.toString(); } @Override public void processToken(Node node, int type, String token) { if ( (prevType == PgnToken.RIGHT_BRACKET) && (type != PgnToken.LEFT_BRACKET)) { header = sb.toString(); sb = new StringBuilder(4096); } switch (type) { case PgnToken.STRING: { sb.append(" \""); int len = token.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = token.charAt(i); if ((c == '\\') || (c == '"')) { sb.append('\\'); } sb.append(c); } sb.append("\""); break; } case PgnToken.INTEGER: if ( (prevType != PgnToken.LEFT_PAREN) && (prevType != PgnToken.RIGHT_BRACKET)) sb.append(' '); sb.append(token); break; case PgnToken.PERIOD: sb.append('.'); break; case PgnToken.ASTERISK: sb.append(" *"); break; case PgnToken.LEFT_BRACKET: sb.append('['); break; case PgnToken.RIGHT_BRACKET: sb.append("]\n"); break; case PgnToken.LEFT_PAREN: sb.append(" ("); break; case PgnToken.RIGHT_PAREN: sb.append(')'); break; case PgnToken.NAG: sb.append(" $"); sb.append(token); break; case PgnToken.SYMBOL: if ((prevType != PgnToken.RIGHT_BRACKET) && (prevType != PgnToken.LEFT_BRACKET)) sb.append(' '); sb.append(token); break; case PgnToken.COMMENT: if ( (prevType != PgnToken.LEFT_PAREN) && (prevType != PgnToken.RIGHT_BRACKET)) sb.append(' '); sb.append('{'); sb.append(token); sb.append('}'); break; case PgnToken.EOF: break; } prevType = type; } @Override public boolean isUpToDate() { return true; } @Override public void clear() { } @Override public void setCurrent(Node node) { } } /** Export game tree in PGN format. */ public final String toPGN(PGNOptions options) { PgnText pgnText = new PgnText(); options.exp.pgnPromotions = true; pgnTreeWalker(options, pgnText); return pgnText.getPgnString(); } /** Walks the game tree in PGN export order. */ public final void pgnTreeWalker(PGNOptions options, PgnToken.PgnTokenReceiver out) { // Go to end of mainline to evaluate PGN result string. String pgnResultString; { List<Integer> currPath = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (currentNode != rootNode) { Node child = currentNode; goBack(); int childNum = variations().indexOf(child); currPath.add(childNum); } while (variations().size() > 0) goForward(0, false); pgnResultString = getPGNResultString(); while (currentNode != rootNode) goBack(); for (int i = currPath.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) goForward(currPath.get(i), false); } // Write seven tag roster addTagPair(out, "Event", event); addTagPair(out, "Site", site); addTagPair(out, "Date", date); addTagPair(out, "Round", round); addTagPair(out, "White", white); addTagPair(out, "Black", black); addTagPair(out, "Result", pgnResultString); // Write special tag pairs String fen = TextIO.toFEN(startPos); if (!fen.equals(TextIO.startPosFEN)) { addTagPair(out, "FEN", fen); addTagPair(out, "Setup", "1"); } if (!timeControl.equals("?")) addTagPair(out, "TimeControl", timeControl); // Write other non-standard tag pairs for (int i = 0; i < tagPairs.size(); i++) addTagPair(out, tagPairs.get(i).tagName, tagPairs.get(i).tagValue); // Write moveText section MoveNumber mn = new MoveNumber(startPos.fullMoveCounter, startPos.whiteMove); Node.addPgnData(out, rootNode, mn.prev(), options); out.processToken(null, PgnToken.SYMBOL, pgnResultString); out.processToken(null, PgnToken.EOF, null); } private final void addTagPair(PgnToken.PgnTokenReceiver out, String tagName, String tagValue) { out.processToken(null, PgnToken.LEFT_BRACKET, null); out.processToken(null, PgnToken.SYMBOL, tagName); out.processToken(null, PgnToken.STRING, tagValue); out.processToken(null, PgnToken.RIGHT_BRACKET, null); } final static class PgnScanner { String data; int idx; List<PgnToken> savedTokens; PgnScanner(String pgn) { savedTokens = new ArrayList<PgnToken>(); // Skip "escape" lines, ie lines starting with a '%' character StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int len = pgn.length(); boolean col0 = true; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = pgn.charAt(i); if (c == '%' && col0) { while (i + 1 < len) { char nextChar = pgn.charAt(i + 1); if ((nextChar == '\n') || (nextChar == '\r')) break; i++; } col0 = true; } else { sb.append(c); col0 = ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r')); } } sb.append('\n'); // Terminating whitespace simplifies the tokenizer data = sb.toString(); idx = 0; } final void putBack(PgnToken tok) { savedTokens.add(tok); } final PgnToken nextToken() { if (savedTokens.size() > 0) { int len = savedTokens.size(); PgnToken ret = savedTokens.get(len - 1); savedTokens.remove(len - 1); return ret; } PgnToken ret = new PgnToken(PgnToken.EOF, null); try { while (true) { char c = data.charAt(idx++); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { // Skip } else if (c == '.') { ret.type = PgnToken.PERIOD; break; } else if (c == '*') { ret.type = PgnToken.ASTERISK; break; } else if (c == '[') { ret.type = PgnToken.LEFT_BRACKET; break; } else if (c == ']') { ret.type = PgnToken.RIGHT_BRACKET; break; } else if (c == '(') { ret.type = PgnToken.LEFT_PAREN; break; } else if (c == ')') { ret.type = PgnToken.RIGHT_PAREN; break; } else if (c == '{') { ret.type = PgnToken.COMMENT; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();; while ((c = data.charAt(idx++)) != '}') { sb.append(c); } ret.token = sb.toString(); break; } else if (c == ';') { ret.type = PgnToken.COMMENT; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();; while (true) { c = data.charAt(idx++); if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r')) break; sb.append(c); } ret.token = sb.toString(); break; } else if (c == '"') { ret.type = PgnToken.STRING; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();; while (true) { c = data.charAt(idx++); if (c == '"') { break; } else if (c == '\\') { c = data.charAt(idx++); } sb.append(c); } ret.token = sb.toString(); break; } else if (c == '$') { ret.type = PgnToken.NAG; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();; while (true) { c = data.charAt(idx++); if (!Character.isDigit(c)) { idx--; break; } sb.append(c); } ret.token = sb.toString(); break; } else { // Start of symbol or integer ret.type = PgnToken.SYMBOL; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(c); boolean onlyDigits = Character.isDigit(c); final String term = ".*[](){;\"$"; while (true) { c = data.charAt(idx++); if (Character.isWhitespace(c) || (term.indexOf(c) >= 0)) { idx--; break; } sb.append(c); if (!Character.isDigit(c)) onlyDigits = false; } if (onlyDigits) { ret.type = PgnToken.INTEGER; } ret.token = sb.toString(); break; } } } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { ret.type = PgnToken.EOF; } return ret; } final PgnToken nextTokenDropComments() { while (true) { PgnToken tok = nextToken(); if (tok.type != PgnToken.COMMENT) return tok; } } } /** Import PGN data. */ public final boolean readPGN(String pgn, PGNOptions options) throws ChessParseError { PgnScanner scanner = new PgnScanner(pgn); PgnToken tok = scanner.nextToken(); // Parse tag section List<TagPair> tagPairs = new ArrayList<TagPair>(); while (tok.type == PgnToken.LEFT_BRACKET) { TagPair tp = new TagPair(); tok = scanner.nextTokenDropComments(); if (tok.type != PgnToken.SYMBOL) break; tp.tagName = tok.token; tok = scanner.nextTokenDropComments(); if (tok.type != PgnToken.STRING) break; tp.tagValue = tok.token; tok = scanner.nextTokenDropComments(); if (tok.type != PgnToken.RIGHT_BRACKET) { // In a well-formed PGN, there is nothing between the string // and the right bracket, but broken headers with non-escaped // " characters sometimes occur. Try to do something useful // for such headers here. PgnToken prevTok = new PgnToken(PgnToken.STRING, ""); while ((tok.type == PgnToken.STRING) || (tok.type == PgnToken.SYMBOL)) { if (tok.type != prevTok.type) tp.tagValue += '"'; if ((tok.type == PgnToken.SYMBOL) && (prevTok.type == PgnToken.SYMBOL)) tp.tagValue += ' '; tp.tagValue += tok.token; prevTok = tok; tok = scanner.nextTokenDropComments(); } } tagPairs.add(tp); tok = scanner.nextToken(); } scanner.putBack(tok); // Parse move section Node gameRoot = new Node(); Node.parsePgn(scanner, gameRoot, options); if (tagPairs.size() == 0) { gameRoot.verifyChildren(TextIO.readFEN(TextIO.startPosFEN)); if (gameRoot.children.size() == 0) return false; } // Store parsed data in GameTree String fen = TextIO.startPosFEN; int nTags = tagPairs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nTags; i++) { if (tagPairs.get(i).tagName.equals("FEN")) { fen = tagPairs.get(i).tagValue; } } setStartPos(TextIO.readFEN(fen)); String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < nTags; i++) { String name = tagPairs.get(i).tagName; String val = tagPairs.get(i).tagValue; if (name.equals("FEN") || name.equals("Setup")) { // Already handled } else if (name.equals("Event")) { event = val; } else if (name.equals("Site")) { site = val; } else if (name.equals("Date")) { date = val; } else if (name.equals("Round")) { round = val; } else if (name.equals("White")) { white = val; } else if (name.equals("Black")) { black = val; } else if (name.equals("Result")) { result = val; } else if (name.equals("TimeControl")) { timeControl = val; } else { this.tagPairs.add(tagPairs.get(i)); } } rootNode = gameRoot; currentNode = rootNode; // If result indicated draw by agreement or a resigned game, // add that info to the game tree. { // Go to end of mainline while (variations().size() > 0) goForward(0); GameState state = getGameState(); if (state == GameState.ALIVE) { if (result.equals("1-0")) { if (currentPos.whiteMove) { currentNode.playerAction = "resign"; } else { addMove("--", "resign", 0, "", ""); } } else if (result.equals("0-1")) { if (!currentPos.whiteMove) { currentNode.playerAction = "resign"; } else { addMove("--", "resign", 0, "", ""); } } else if (result.equals("1/2-1/2") || result.equals("1/2")) { currentNode.playerAction = "draw offer"; addMove("--", "draw accept", 0, "", ""); } } // Go back to the root while (currentNode != rootNode) goBack(); } updateListener(); return true; } /** Serialize to byte array. */ public final byte[] toByteArray() { try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(32768); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos); dos.writeUTF(event); dos.writeUTF(site); dos.writeUTF(date); dos.writeUTF(round); dos.writeUTF(white); dos.writeUTF(black); dos.writeUTF(TextIO.toFEN(startPos)); dos.writeUTF(timeControl); int nTags = tagPairs.size(); dos.writeInt(nTags); for (int i = 0; i < nTags; i++) { dos.writeUTF(tagPairs.get(i).tagName); dos.writeUTF(tagPairs.get(i).tagValue); } Node.writeToStream(dos, rootNode); ArrayList<Integer> pathFromRoot = currentNode.getPathFromRoot(); int pathLen = pathFromRoot.size(); dos.writeInt(pathLen); for (int i = 0; i < pathLen; i++) dos.writeInt(pathFromRoot.get(i)); dos.flush(); dos.close(); byte[] ret = baos.toByteArray(); baos.close(); return ret; } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } /** De-serialize from byte array. */ public final void fromByteArray(byte[] data) { try { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais); event = dis.readUTF(); site = dis.readUTF(); date = dis.readUTF(); round = dis.readUTF(); white = dis.readUTF(); black = dis.readUTF(); startPos = TextIO.readFEN(dis.readUTF()); currentPos = new Position(startPos); timeControl = dis.readUTF(); int nTags = dis.readInt(); tagPairs.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < nTags; i++) { TagPair tp = new TagPair(); tp.tagName = dis.readUTF(); tp.tagValue = dis.readUTF(); tagPairs.add(tp); } rootNode = new Node(); Node.readFromStream(dis, rootNode); currentNode = rootNode; int pathLen = dis.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < pathLen; i++) goForward(dis.readInt()); dis.close(); bais.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } catch (ChessParseError e) { } updateListener(); } /** Go backward in game tree. */ public final void goBack() { if (currentNode.parent != null) { currentPos.unMakeMove(currentNode.move, currentNode.ui); currentNode = currentNode.parent; } } /** Go forward in game tree. * @param variation Which variation to follow. -1 to follow default variation. */ public final void goForward(int variation) { goForward(variation, true); } public final void goForward(int variation, boolean updateDefault) { if (currentNode.verifyChildren(currentPos)) updateListener(); if (variation < 0) variation = currentNode.defaultChild; int numChildren = currentNode.children.size(); if (variation >= numChildren) variation = 0; if (updateDefault) currentNode.defaultChild = variation; if (numChildren > 0) { currentNode = currentNode.children.get(variation); currentPos.makeMove(currentNode.move, currentNode.ui); TextIO.fixupEPSquare(currentPos); } } /** Go to given node in game tree. * @return True if current node changed, false otherwise. */ public final boolean goNode(Node node) { if (node == currentNode) return false; ArrayList<Integer> path = node.getPathFromRoot(); while (currentNode != rootNode) goBack(); for (Integer c : path) goForward(c); return true; } /** List of possible continuation moves. */ public final ArrayList<Move> variations() { if (currentNode.verifyChildren(currentPos)) updateListener(); ArrayList<Move> ret = new ArrayList<Move>(); for (Node child : currentNode.children) ret.add(child.move); return ret; } /** Add a move last in the list of variations. * @return Move number in variations list. -1 if moveStr is not a valid move */ public final int addMove(String moveStr, String playerAction, int nag, String preComment, String postComment) { if (currentNode.verifyChildren(currentPos)) updateListener(); int idx = currentNode.children.size(); Node node = new Node(currentNode, moveStr, playerAction, Integer.MIN_VALUE, nag, preComment, postComment); Move move = TextIO.UCIstringToMove(moveStr); if (move == null) move = TextIO.stringToMove(currentPos, moveStr); if (move == null) return -1; node.moveStr = TextIO.moveToString(currentPos, move, false); node.move = move; node.ui = new UndoInfo(); currentNode.children.add(node); updateListener(); return idx; } /** Move a variation in the ordered list of variations. */ public final void reorderVariation(int varNo, int newPos) { if (currentNode.verifyChildren(currentPos)) updateListener(); int nChild = currentNode.children.size(); if ((varNo < 0) || (varNo >= nChild) || (newPos < 0) || (newPos >= nChild)) return; Node var = currentNode.children.get(varNo); currentNode.children.remove(varNo); currentNode.children.add(newPos, var); int newDef = currentNode.defaultChild; if (varNo == newDef) { newDef = newPos; } else { if (varNo < newDef) newDef--; if (newPos <= newDef) newDef++; } currentNode.defaultChild = newDef; updateListener(); } /** Delete a variation. */ public final void deleteVariation(int varNo) { if (currentNode.verifyChildren(currentPos)) updateListener(); int nChild = currentNode.children.size(); if ((varNo < 0) || (varNo >= nChild)) return; currentNode.children.remove(varNo); if (varNo == currentNode.defaultChild) { currentNode.defaultChild = 0; } else if (varNo < currentNode.defaultChild) { currentNode.defaultChild--; } updateListener(); } /** Get linear game history, using default variations at branch points. */ public final Pair<List<Node>, Integer> getMoveList() { List<Node> ret = new ArrayList<Node>(); Node node = currentNode; while (node != rootNode) { ret.add(node); node = node.parent; } Collections.reverse(ret); int numMovesPlayed = ret.size(); node = currentNode; Position pos = new Position(currentPos); UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo(); boolean changed = false; while (true) { if (node.verifyChildren(pos)) changed = true; if (node.defaultChild >= node.children.size()) break; Node child = node.children.get(node.defaultChild); ret.add(child); pos.makeMove(child.move, ui); node = child; } if (changed) updateListener(); return new Pair<List<Node>, Integer>(ret, numMovesPlayed); } final void setRemainingTime(int remaining) { currentNode.remainingTime = remaining; } final int getRemainingTime(boolean whiteMove, int initialTime) { int undef = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int remainingTime = undef; Node node = currentNode; boolean wtm = currentPos.whiteMove; while (true) { if (wtm != whiteMove) { // If wtm in current mode, black made last move remainingTime = node.remainingTime; if (remainingTime != undef) break; } Node parent = node.parent; if (parent == null) break; wtm = !wtm; node = parent; } if (remainingTime == undef) { remainingTime = initialTime; } return remainingTime; } final GameState getGameState() { Position pos = currentPos; String action = currentNode.playerAction; if (action.equals("resign")) { // Player made null move to resign, causing whiteMove to toggle return pos.whiteMove ? GameState.RESIGN_BLACK : GameState.RESIGN_WHITE; } ArrayList<Move> moves = new MoveGen().pseudoLegalMoves(pos); moves = MoveGen.removeIllegal(pos, moves); if (moves.size() == 0) { if (MoveGen.inCheck(pos)) { return pos.whiteMove ? GameState.BLACK_MATE : GameState.WHITE_MATE; } else { return pos.whiteMove ? GameState.WHITE_STALEMATE : GameState.BLACK_STALEMATE; } } if (insufficientMaterial(pos)) { return GameState.DRAW_NO_MATE; } if (action.startsWith("draw accept")) { return GameState.DRAW_AGREE; } if (action.startsWith("draw rep")) { return GameState.DRAW_REP; } if (action.startsWith("draw 50")) { return GameState.DRAW_50; } return GameState.ALIVE; } /** Get additional info affecting gameState. A player "draw" or "resign" command. */ final String getGameStateInfo() { String ret = ""; String action = currentNode.playerAction; if (action.startsWith("draw rep ")) { ret = action.substring(9).trim(); } if (action.startsWith("draw 50 ")) { ret = action.substring(8).trim(); } return ret; } public final String getPGNResultString() { String gameResult = "*"; switch (getGameState()) { case ALIVE: break; case WHITE_MATE: case RESIGN_BLACK: gameResult = "1-0"; break; case BLACK_MATE: case RESIGN_WHITE: gameResult = "0-1"; break; case WHITE_STALEMATE: case BLACK_STALEMATE: case DRAW_REP: case DRAW_50: case DRAW_NO_MATE: case DRAW_AGREE: gameResult = "1/2-1/2"; break; } return gameResult; } private static final boolean insufficientMaterial(Position pos) { if (pos.nPieces(Piece.WQUEEN) > 0) return false; if (pos.nPieces(Piece.WROOK) > 0) return false; if (pos.nPieces(Piece.WPAWN) > 0) return false; if (pos.nPieces(Piece.BQUEEN) > 0) return false; if (pos.nPieces(Piece.BROOK) > 0) return false; if (pos.nPieces(Piece.BPAWN) > 0) return false; int wb = pos.nPieces(Piece.WBISHOP); int wn = pos.nPieces(Piece.WKNIGHT); int bb = pos.nPieces(Piece.BBISHOP); int bn = pos.nPieces(Piece.BKNIGHT); if (wb + wn + bb + bn <= 1) { return true; // King + bishop/knight vs king is draw } if (wn + bn == 0) { // Only bishops. If they are all on the same color, the position is a draw. boolean bSquare = false; boolean wSquare = false; for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) { int p = pos.getPiece(Position.getSquare(x, y)); if ((p == Piece.BBISHOP) || (p == Piece.WBISHOP)) { if (Position.darkSquare(x, y)) { bSquare = true; } else { wSquare = true; } } } } if (!bSquare || !wSquare) { return true; } } return false; } /** Keep track of current move and side to move. Used for move number printing. */ private static final class MoveNumber { final int moveNo; final boolean wtm; // White to move MoveNumber(int moveNo, boolean wtm) { this.moveNo = moveNo; this.wtm = wtm; } public final MoveNumber next() { if (wtm) return new MoveNumber(moveNo, false); else return new MoveNumber(moveNo + 1, true); } public final MoveNumber prev() { if (wtm) return new MoveNumber(moveNo - 1, false); else return new MoveNumber(moveNo, true); } } /** * A node object represents a position in the game tree. * The position is defined by the move that leads to the position from the parent position. * The root node is special in that it doesn't have a move. */ public static class Node { String moveStr; // String representation of move leading to this node. Empty string root node. Move move; // Computed on demand for better PGN parsing performance. // Subtrees of invalid moves will be dropped when detected. // Always valid for current node. private UndoInfo ui; // Computed when move is computed String playerAction; // Player action. Draw claim/offer/accept or resign. int remainingTime; // Remaining time in ms for side that played moveStr, or INT_MIN if unknown. int nag; // Numeric annotation glyph String preComment; // Comment before move String postComment; // Comment after move private Node parent; // Null if root node int defaultChild; private List<Node> children; public Node() { this.moveStr = ""; this.move = null; this.ui = null; this.playerAction = ""; this.remainingTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE; this.parent = null; this.children = new ArrayList<Node>(); this.defaultChild = 0; this.nag = 0; this.preComment = ""; this.postComment = ""; } public Node(Node parent, String moveStr, String playerAction, int remainingTime, int nag, String preComment, String postComment) { this.moveStr = moveStr; this.move = null; this.ui = null; this.playerAction = playerAction; this.remainingTime = remainingTime; this.parent = parent; this.children = new ArrayList<Node>(); this.defaultChild = 0; this.nag = nag; this.preComment = preComment; this.postComment = postComment; } public Node getParent() { return parent; } /** nodePos must represent the same position as this Node object. */ private final boolean verifyChildren(Position nodePos) { boolean anyToRemove = false; for (Node child : children) { if (child.move == null) { Move move = TextIO.stringToMove(nodePos, child.moveStr); if (move != null) { child.moveStr = TextIO.moveToString(nodePos, move, false); child.move = move; child.ui = new UndoInfo(); } else { anyToRemove = true; } } } if (anyToRemove) { List<Node> validChildren = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Node child : children) if (child.move != null) validChildren.add(child); children = validChildren; } return anyToRemove; } final ArrayList<Integer> getPathFromRoot() { ArrayList<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<Integer>(64); Node node = this; while (node.parent != null) { Node p = node.parent; int childNo = -1; for (int i = 0; i < p.children.size(); i++) if (p.children.get(i) == node) { childNo = i; break; } if (childNo == -1) throw new RuntimeException(); ret.add(childNo); node = node.parent; } Collections.reverse(ret); return ret; } static final void writeToStream(DataOutputStream dos, Node node) throws IOException { while (true) { dos.writeUTF(node.moveStr); if (node.move != null) { dos.writeByte(node.move.from); dos.writeByte(node.move.to); dos.writeByte(node.move.promoteTo); } else { dos.writeByte(-1); } dos.writeUTF(node.playerAction); dos.writeInt(node.remainingTime); dos.writeInt(node.nag); dos.writeUTF(node.preComment); dos.writeUTF(node.postComment); dos.writeInt(node.defaultChild); int nChildren = node.children.size(); dos.writeInt(nChildren); if (nChildren == 0) break; for (int i = 1; i < nChildren; i++) { writeToStream(dos, node.children.get(i)); } node = node.children.get(0); } } static final void readFromStream(DataInputStream dis, Node node) throws IOException { while (true) { node.moveStr = dis.readUTF(); int from = dis.readByte(); if (from >= 0) { int to = dis.readByte(); int prom = dis.readByte(); node.move = new Move(from, to, prom); node.ui = new UndoInfo(); } node.playerAction = dis.readUTF(); node.remainingTime = dis.readInt(); node.nag = dis.readInt(); node.preComment = dis.readUTF(); node.postComment = dis.readUTF(); node.defaultChild = dis.readInt(); int nChildren = dis.readInt(); if (nChildren == 0) break; for (int i = 1; i < nChildren; i++) { Node child = new Node(); child.parent = node; readFromStream(dis, child); node.children.add(child); } Node child = new Node(); child.parent = node; node.children.add(0, child); node = child; } } /** Export whole tree rooted at "node" in PGN format. */ public static final void addPgnData(PgnToken.PgnTokenReceiver out, Node node, MoveNumber moveNum, PGNOptions options) { boolean needMoveNr = node.addPgnDataOneNode(out, moveNum, true, options); while (true) { int nChild = node.children.size(); if (nChild == 0) break; MoveNumber nextMN = moveNum.next(); needMoveNr = node.children.get(0).addPgnDataOneNode(out, nextMN, needMoveNr, options); if (options.exp.variations) { for (int i = 1; i < nChild; i++) { out.processToken(node, PgnToken.LEFT_PAREN, null); addPgnData(out, node.children.get(i), nextMN, options); out.processToken(node, PgnToken.RIGHT_PAREN, null); needMoveNr = true; } } node = node.children.get(0); moveNum = moveNum.next(); } } /** Export this node in PGN format. */ private final boolean addPgnDataOneNode(PgnToken.PgnTokenReceiver out, MoveNumber mn, boolean needMoveNr, PGNOptions options) { if ((preComment.length() > 0) && options.exp.comments) { out.processToken(this, PgnToken.COMMENT, preComment); needMoveNr = true; } if (moveStr.length() > 0) { boolean nullSkip = moveStr.equals("--") && (playerAction.length() > 0) && !options.exp.playerAction; if (!nullSkip) { if (mn.wtm) { out.processToken(this, PgnToken.INTEGER, Integer.valueOf(mn.moveNo).toString()); out.processToken(this, PgnToken.PERIOD, null); } else { if (needMoveNr) { out.processToken(this, PgnToken.INTEGER, Integer.valueOf(mn.moveNo).toString()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) out.processToken(this, PgnToken.PERIOD, null); } } String str = moveStr; if (options.exp.pgnPromotions && (move != null) && (move.promoteTo != Piece.EMPTY)) { str = TextIO.pgnPromotion(str); } out.processToken(this, PgnToken.SYMBOL, str); needMoveNr = false; } } if ((nag > 0) && options.exp.nag) { out.processToken(this, PgnToken.NAG, Integer.valueOf(nag).toString()); if (options.exp.moveNrAfterNag) needMoveNr = true; } if ((postComment.length() > 0) && options.exp.comments) { out.processToken(this, PgnToken.COMMENT, postComment); needMoveNr = true; } if ((playerAction.length() > 0) && options.exp.playerAction) { addExtendedInfo(out, "playeraction", playerAction); needMoveNr = true; } if ((remainingTime != Integer.MIN_VALUE) && options.exp.clockInfo) { addExtendedInfo(out, "clk", getTimeStr(remainingTime)); needMoveNr = true; } return needMoveNr; } private final void addExtendedInfo(PgnToken.PgnTokenReceiver out, String extCmd, String extData) { out.processToken(this, PgnToken.COMMENT, "[%" + extCmd + " " + extData + "]"); } private static final String getTimeStr(int remainingTime) { int secs = (int)Math.floor((remainingTime + 999) / 1000.0); boolean neg = false; if (secs < 0) { neg = true; secs = -secs; } int mins = secs / 60; secs -= mins * 60; int hours = mins / 60; mins -= hours * 60; StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); if (neg) ret.append('-'); if (hours < 10) ret.append('0'); ret.append(hours); ret.append(':'); if (mins < 10) ret.append('0'); ret.append(mins); ret.append(':'); if (secs < 10) ret.append('0'); ret.append(secs); return ret.toString(); } private final Node addChild(Node child) { child.parent = this; children.add(child); return child; } public static final void parsePgn(PgnScanner scanner, Node node, PGNOptions options) { Node nodeToAdd = new Node(); boolean moveAdded = false; while (true) { PgnToken tok = scanner.nextToken(); switch (tok.type) { case PgnToken.INTEGER: case PgnToken.PERIOD: break; case PgnToken.LEFT_PAREN: if (moveAdded) { node = node.addChild(nodeToAdd); nodeToAdd = new Node(); moveAdded = false; } if ((node.parent != null) && options.imp.variations) { parsePgn(scanner, node.parent, options); } else { int nestLevel = 1; while (nestLevel > 0) { switch (scanner.nextToken().type) { case PgnToken.LEFT_PAREN: nestLevel++; break; case PgnToken.RIGHT_PAREN: nestLevel--; break; case PgnToken.EOF: return; // Broken PGN file. Just give up. } } } break; case PgnToken.NAG: if (moveAdded && options.imp.nag) { // NAG must be after move try { nodeToAdd.nag = Integer.parseInt(tok.token); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { nodeToAdd.nag = 0; } } break; case PgnToken.SYMBOL: if (tok.token.equals("1-0") || tok.token.equals("0-1") || tok.token.equals("1/2-1/2")) { if (moveAdded) node.addChild(nodeToAdd); return; } char lastChar = tok.token.charAt(tok.token.length() - 1); if (lastChar == '+') tok.token = tok.token.substring(0, tok.token.length() - 1); if ((lastChar == '!') || (lastChar == '?')) { int movLen = tok.token.length() - 1; while (movLen > 0) { char c = tok.token.charAt(movLen - 1); if ((c == '!') || (c == '?')) movLen--; else break; } String ann = tok.token.substring(movLen); tok.token = tok.token.substring(0, movLen); int nag = 0; if (ann.equals("!")) nag = 1; else if (ann.equals("?")) nag = 2; else if (ann.equals("!!")) nag = 3; else if (ann.equals("??")) nag = 4; else if (ann.equals("!?")) nag = 5; else if (ann.equals("?!")) nag = 6; if (nag > 0) scanner.putBack(new PgnToken(PgnToken.NAG, Integer.valueOf(nag).toString())); } if (tok.token.length() > 0) { if (moveAdded) { node = node.addChild(nodeToAdd); nodeToAdd = new Node(); moveAdded = false; } nodeToAdd.moveStr = tok.token; moveAdded = true; } break; case PgnToken.COMMENT: try { while (true) { Pair<String,String> ret = extractExtInfo(tok.token, "clk"); tok.token = ret.first; String cmdPars = ret.second; if (cmdPars == null) break; nodeToAdd.remainingTime = parseTimeString(cmdPars); } while (true) { Pair<String,String> ret = extractExtInfo(tok.token, "playeraction"); tok.token = ret.first; String cmdPars = ret.second; if (cmdPars == null) break; nodeToAdd.playerAction = cmdPars; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } if (options.imp.comments) { if (moveAdded) nodeToAdd.postComment += tok.token; else nodeToAdd.preComment += tok.token; } break; case PgnToken.ASTERISK: case PgnToken.LEFT_BRACKET: case PgnToken.RIGHT_BRACKET: case PgnToken.STRING: case PgnToken.RIGHT_PAREN: case PgnToken.EOF: if (moveAdded) node.addChild(nodeToAdd); return; } } } private static final Pair<String, String> extractExtInfo(String comment, String cmd) { comment = comment.replaceAll("\n|\r|\t", " "); String remaining = comment; String param = null; String match = "[%" + cmd + " "; int start = comment.indexOf(match); if (start >= 0) { int end = comment.indexOf("]", start); if (end >= 0) { remaining = comment.substring(0, start) + comment.substring(end + 1); param = comment.substring(start + match.length(), end); } } return new Pair<String, String>(remaining, param); } /** Convert hh:mm:ss to milliseconds */ private static final int parseTimeString(String str) { str = str.trim(); int ret = 0; boolean neg = false; int i = 0; if (str.charAt(0) == '-') { neg = true; i++; } int num = 0; final int len = str.length(); for ( ; i < len; i++) { char c = str.charAt(i); if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { num = num * 10 + c - '0'; } else if (c == ':') { ret += num; num = 0; ret *= 60; } } ret += num; ret *= 1000; if (neg) ret = -ret; return ret; } public final static String nagStr(int nag) { switch (nag) { case 1: return "!"; case 2: return "?"; case 3: return "!!"; case 4: return "??"; case 5: return "!?"; case 6: return "?!"; case 11: return " ="; case 13: return " ∞"; case 14: return " +/="; case 15: return " =/+"; case 16: return " +/-"; case 17: return " -/+"; case 18: return " +-"; case 19: return " -+"; default: return ""; } } public final static int strToNag(String str) { if (str.equals("!")) return 1; else if (str.equals("?")) return 2; else if (str.equals("!!")) return 3; else if (str.equals("??")) return 4; else if (str.equals("!?")) return 5; else if (str.equals("?!")) return 6; else if (str.equals("=")) return 11; else if (str.equals("∞")) return 13; else if (str.equals("+/=")) return 14; else if (str.equals("=/+")) return 15; else if (str.equals("+/-")) return 16; else if (str.equals("-/+")) return 17; else if (str.equals("+-")) return 18; else if (str.equals("-+")) return 19; else { try { str = str.replace("$", ""); int nag = Integer.parseInt(str); return nag; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } return 0; } } } /** Set PGN header tags and values. */ void setHeaders(Map<String,String> headers) { for (Entry<String, String> entry : headers.entrySet()) { String tag = entry.getKey(); String val = entry.getValue(); if (tag.equals("Event")) event = val; else if (tag.equals("Site")) site = val; else if (tag.equals("Date")) date = val; else if (tag.equals("Round")) round = val; else if (tag.equals("White")) white = val; else if (tag.equals("Black")) black = val; else { boolean found = false; for (TagPair t : tagPairs) { if (t.tagName.equals(tag)) { t.tagValue = val; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { TagPair tp = new TagPair(); tp.tagName = tag; tp.tagValue = val; tagPairs.add(tp); } } } } /** Get PGN header tags and values. */ void getHeaders(Map<String,String> headers) { headers.put("Event", event); headers.put("Site", site); headers.put("Date", date); headers.put("Round", round); headers.put("White", white); headers.put("Black", black); for (int i = 0; i < tagPairs.size(); i++) { TagPair tp = tagPairs.get(i); headers.put(tp.tagName, tp.tagValue); } } }