/* DroidFish - An Android chess program. Copyright (C) 2011 Peter Ă–sterlund, peterosterlund2@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.petero.droidfish.activities; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.petero.droidfish.R; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.Pair; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.ProgressDialog; import android.content.Context; import android.widget.Toast; public class PGNFile { private final File fileName; public PGNFile(String fileName) { this.fileName = new File(fileName); } public final String getName() { return fileName.getAbsolutePath(); } static final class GameInfo { String info = ""; long startPos; long endPos; final GameInfo setNull(long currPos) { info = null; startPos = currPos; endPos = currPos; return this; } final boolean isNull() { return info == null; } public String toString() { if (info == null) return "--"; return info; } } static private final class BufferedRandomAccessFileReader { RandomAccessFile f; byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; long bufStartFilePos = 0; int bufLen = 0; int bufPos = 0; BufferedRandomAccessFileReader(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException { f = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); } final long length() throws IOException { return f.length(); } final long getFilePointer() throws IOException { return bufStartFilePos + bufPos; } final void close() throws IOException { f.close(); } private final static int EOF = -1024; final String readLine() throws IOException { // First handle the common case where the next line is entirely // contained in the buffer for (int i = bufPos; i < bufLen; i++) { byte b = buffer[i]; if ((b == '\n') || (b == '\r')) { String line = new String(buffer, bufPos, i - bufPos); for ( ; i < bufLen; i++) { b = buffer[i]; if ((b != '\n') && (b != '\r')) { bufPos = i; return line; } } break; } } // Generic case byte[] lineBuf = new byte[8192]; int lineLen = 0; int b; while (true) { b = getByte(); if (b == '\n' || b == '\r' || b == EOF) break; lineBuf[lineLen++] = (byte)b; if (lineLen >= lineBuf.length) break; } while (true) { b = getByte(); if ((b != '\n') && (b != '\r')) { if (b != EOF) bufPos--; break; } } if ((b == EOF) && (lineLen == 0)) return null; else return new String(lineBuf, 0, lineLen); } private final int getByte() throws IOException { if (bufPos >= bufLen) { bufStartFilePos = f.getFilePointer(); bufLen = f.read(buffer); bufPos = 0; if (bufLen <= 0) return EOF; } return buffer[bufPos++]; } } private final static class HeaderInfo { String event = ""; String site = ""; String date = ""; String round = ""; String white = ""; String black = ""; String result = ""; public String toString() { StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder(128); info.append(white); info.append(" - "); info.append(black); if (date.length() > 0) { info.append(' '); info.append(date); } if (round.length() > 0) { info.append(' '); info.append(round); } if (event.length() > 0) { info.append(' '); info.append(event); } if (site.length() > 0) { info.append(' '); info.append(site); } info.append(' '); info.append(result); return info.toString(); } } public static enum GameInfoResult { OK, CANCEL, NOT_PGN, OUT_OF_MEMORY; } /** Return info about all PGN games in a file. */ public final Pair<GameInfoResult,ArrayList<GameInfo>> getGameInfo(Activity activity, final ProgressDialog progress) { ArrayList<GameInfo> gamesInFile = new ArrayList<GameInfo>(); long fileLen = 0; try { int percent = -1; gamesInFile.clear(); BufferedRandomAccessFileReader f = new BufferedRandomAccessFileReader(fileName.getAbsolutePath()); fileLen = f.length(); GameInfo gi = null; HeaderInfo hi = null; boolean inHeader = false; long filePos = 0; while (true) { filePos = f.getFilePointer(); String line = f.readLine(); if (line == null) break; // EOF int len = line.length(); if (len == 0) continue; boolean isHeader = line.charAt(0) == '['; if (isHeader) { if (!line.contains("\"")) // Try to avoid some false positives isHeader = false; } if (isHeader) { if (!inHeader) { // Start of game inHeader = true; if (gi != null) { gi.endPos = filePos; gi.info = hi.toString(); gamesInFile.add(gi); final int newPercent = (int)(filePos * 100 / fileLen); if (newPercent > percent) { percent = newPercent; if (progress != null) { activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { progress.setProgress(newPercent); } }); } } if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return new Pair<GameInfoResult,ArrayList<GameInfo>>(GameInfoResult.CANCEL, null); } gi = new GameInfo(); gi.startPos = filePos; gi.endPos = -1; hi = new HeaderInfo(); } if (line.startsWith("[Event ")) { if (len >= 10) { hi.event = line.substring(8, len - 2); if (hi.event.equals("?")) hi.event = ""; } } else if (line.startsWith("[Site ")) { if (len >= 9) { hi.site = line.substring(7, len - 2); if (hi.site.equals("?")) hi.site = ""; } } else if (line.startsWith("[Date ")) { if (len >= 9) { hi.date = line.substring(7, len - 2); if (hi.date.equals("?")) hi.date = ""; } } else if (line.startsWith("[Round ")) { if (len >= 10) { hi.round = line.substring(8, len - 2); if (hi.round.equals("?")) hi.round = ""; } } else if (line.startsWith("[White ")) { if (len >= 10) hi.white = line.substring(8, len - 2); } else if (line.startsWith("[Black ")) { if (len >= 10) hi.black = line.substring(8, len - 2); } else if (line.startsWith("[Result ")) { if (len >= 11) { hi.result = line.substring(9, len - 2); if (hi.result.equals("1-0")) hi.result = "1-0"; else if (hi.result.equals("0-1")) hi.result = "0-1"; else if ((hi.result.equals("1/2-1/2")) || (hi.result.equals("1/2"))) hi.result = "1/2-1/2"; else hi.result = "*"; } } } else { inHeader = false; } } if (gi != null) { gi.endPos = filePos; gi.info = hi.toString(); gamesInFile.add(gi); } f.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { gamesInFile.clear(); gamesInFile = null; return new Pair<GameInfoResult,ArrayList<GameInfo>>(GameInfoResult.OUT_OF_MEMORY, null); } if ((gamesInFile.size() == 0) && (fileLen > 0)) return new Pair<GameInfoResult,ArrayList<GameInfo>>(GameInfoResult.NOT_PGN, null); return new Pair<GameInfoResult,ArrayList<GameInfo>>(GameInfoResult.OK, gamesInFile); } private final void mkDirs() { File dirFile = fileName.getParentFile(); dirFile.mkdirs(); } /** Read one game defined by gi. Return null on failure. */ final String readOneGame(GameInfo gi) { try { RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); byte[] pgnData = new byte[(int) (gi.endPos - gi.startPos)]; f.seek(gi.startPos); f.readFully(pgnData); f.close(); return new String(pgnData); } catch (IOException e) { } return null; } /** Append PGN to the end of this PGN file. */ public final void appendPGN(String pgn, Context context) { try { mkDirs(); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fileName, true); fw.write(pgn); fw.close(); Toast.makeText(context, R.string.game_saved, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } catch (IOException e) { if (context != null) Toast.makeText(context, R.string.failed_to_save_game, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } final boolean deleteGame(GameInfo gi, Context context, ArrayList<GameInfo> gamesInFile) { try { File tmpFile = new File(fileName + ".tmp_delete"); RandomAccessFile fileReader = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); RandomAccessFile fileWriter = new RandomAccessFile(tmpFile, "rw"); copyData(fileReader, fileWriter, gi.startPos); fileReader.seek(gi.endPos); copyData(fileReader, fileWriter, fileReader.length() - gi.endPos); fileReader.close(); fileWriter.close(); if (!tmpFile.renameTo(fileName)) throw new IOException(); // Update gamesInFile if (gamesInFile != null) { gamesInFile.remove(gi); final int nGames = gamesInFile.size(); final long delta = gi.endPos - gi.startPos; for (int i = 0; i < nGames; i++) { GameInfo tmpGi = gamesInFile.get(i); if (tmpGi.startPos > gi.startPos) { tmpGi.startPos -= delta; tmpGi.endPos -= delta; } } } return true; } catch (IOException e) { if (context != null) Toast.makeText(context, R.string.failed_to_delete_game, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } return false; } final boolean replacePGN(String pgnToSave, GameInfo gi, Context context) { try { File tmpFile = new File(fileName + ".tmp_delete"); RandomAccessFile fileReader = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); RandomAccessFile fileWriter = new RandomAccessFile(tmpFile, "rw"); copyData(fileReader, fileWriter, gi.startPos); fileWriter.write(pgnToSave.getBytes()); fileReader.seek(gi.endPos); copyData(fileReader, fileWriter, fileReader.length() - gi.endPos); fileReader.close(); fileWriter.close(); if (!tmpFile.renameTo(fileName)) throw new IOException(); Toast.makeText(context, R.string.game_saved, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return true; } catch (IOException e) { if (context != null) Toast.makeText(context, R.string.failed_to_save_game, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } return false; } private final static void copyData(RandomAccessFile fileReader, RandomAccessFile fileWriter, long nBytes) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; while (nBytes > 0) { int nRead = fileReader.read(buffer, 0, Math.min(buffer.length, (int)nBytes)); if (nRead > 0) { fileWriter.write(buffer, 0, nRead); nBytes -= nRead; } } } final boolean delete() { return fileName.delete(); } }