/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.drill.jdbc.test; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ServiceLoader; import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.LogicalPlan; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.PlanProperties; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.StoragePluginConfig; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.data.Filter; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.data.Join; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.data.Limit; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.data.LogicalOperator; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.data.Order; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.data.Project; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.data.Scan; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.data.Store; import org.apache.drill.common.logical.data.Union; import org.apache.drill.jdbc.JdbcTestBase; import org.apache.drill.jdbc.test.JdbcAssert.TestDataConnection; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import com.google.common.base.Charsets; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.io.Resources; /** Unit tests for Drill's JDBC driver. */ @Ignore // ignore for now. public class JdbcDataTest extends JdbcTestBase { private static String MODEL; private static String EXPECTED; @BeforeClass public static void setupFixtures() throws IOException { MODEL = Resources.toString(Resources.getResource("test-models.json"), Charsets.UTF_8); EXPECTED = Resources.toString(Resources.getResource("donuts-output-data.txt"), Charsets.UTF_8); } /** * Command-line utility to execute a logical plan. * * <p> * The forwarding method ensures that the IDE calls this method with the right classpath. * </p> */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { } /** Load driver. */ @Test public void testLoadDriver() throws ClassNotFoundException { Class.forName("org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver"); } /** * Load the driver using ServiceLoader */ @Test public void testLoadDriverServiceLoader() { ServiceLoader<Driver> sl = ServiceLoader.load(Driver.class); for(Iterator<Driver> it = sl.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Driver driver = it.next(); if (driver instanceof org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver) { return; } } Assert.fail("org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver not found using ServiceLoader"); } /** Load driver and make a connection. */ @Test public void testConnect() throws Exception { Class.forName("org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver"); final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:drill:zk=local"); connection.close(); } /** Load driver, make a connection, prepare a statement. */ @Test public void testPrepare() throws Exception { JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS").withConnection(new Function<Connection, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(Connection connection) { try { final Statement statement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from donuts"); statement.close(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); } /** Simple query against JSON. */ @Test public void testSelectJson() throws Exception { JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS").sql("select * from donuts").returns(EXPECTED); } /** Simple query against EMP table in HR database. */ @Test public void testSelectEmployees() throws Exception { JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select * from employees") .returns( "_MAP={deptId=31, lastName=Rafferty}\n" + "_MAP={deptId=33, lastName=Jones}\n" + "_MAP={deptId=33, lastName=Steinberg}\n" + "_MAP={deptId=34, lastName=Robinson}\n" + "_MAP={deptId=34, lastName=Smith}\n" + "_MAP={lastName=John}\n"); } /** Simple query against EMP table in HR database. */ @Test public void testSelectEmpView() throws Exception { JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select * from emp") .returns( "DEPTID=31; LASTNAME=Rafferty\n" + "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Jones\n" + "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Steinberg\n" + "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Robinson\n" + "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Smith\n" + "DEPTID=null; LASTNAME=John\n"); } /** Simple query against EMP table in HR database. */ @Test public void testSelectDept() throws Exception { JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select * from departments") .returns( "_MAP={deptId=31, name=Sales}\n" + "_MAP={deptId=33, name=Engineering}\n" + "_MAP={deptId=34, name=Clerical}\n" + "_MAP={deptId=35, name=Marketing}\n"); } /** Query with project list. No field references yet. */ @Test public void testProjectConstant() throws Exception { JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS").sql("select 1 + 3 as c from donuts") .returns("C=4\n" + "C=4\n" + "C=4\n" + "C=4\n" + "C=4\n"); } /** Query that projects an element from the map. */ @Test public void testProject() throws Exception { JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS").sql("select _MAP['ppu'] as ppu from donuts") .returns("PPU=0.55\n" + "PPU=0.69\n" + "PPU=0.55\n" + "PPU=0.69\n" + "PPU=1.0\n"); } /** Same logic as {@link #testProject()}, but using a subquery. */ @Test public void testProjectOnSubquery() throws Exception { JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS").sql("select d['ppu'] as ppu from (\n" + " select _MAP as d from donuts)") .returns("PPU=0.55\n" + "PPU=0.69\n" + "PPU=0.55\n" + "PPU=0.69\n" + "PPU=1.0\n"); } /** Checks the logical plan. */ @Test public void testProjectPlan() throws Exception { LogicalPlan plan = JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS") .sql("select _MAP['ppu'] as ppu from donuts") .logicalPlan(); PlanProperties planProperties = plan.getProperties(); Assert.assertEquals("optiq", planProperties.generator.type); Assert.assertEquals("na", planProperties.generator.info); Assert.assertEquals(1, planProperties.version); Assert.assertEquals(PlanProperties.PlanType.APACHE_DRILL_LOGICAL, planProperties.type); Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> seConfigs = plan.getStorageEngines(); StoragePluginConfig config = seConfigs.get("donuts-json"); // Assert.assertTrue(config != null && config instanceof ClasspathRSE.ClasspathRSEConfig); config = seConfigs.get("queue"); // Assert.assertTrue(config != null && config instanceof QueueRSE.QueueRSEConfig); Scan scan = findOnlyOperator(plan, Scan.class); Assert.assertEquals("donuts-json", scan.getStorageEngine()); Project project = findOnlyOperator(plan, Project.class); Assert.assertEquals(1, project.getSelections().size()); Assert.assertEquals(Scan.class, project.getInput().getClass()); Store store = findOnlyOperator(plan, Store.class); Assert.assertEquals("queue", store.getStorageEngine()); Assert.assertEquals("output sink", store.getMemo()); Assert.assertEquals(Project.class, store.getInput().getClass()); } /** * Query with subquery, filter, and projection of one real and one nonexistent field from a map field. */ @Test public void testProjectFilterSubquery() throws Exception { JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS") .sql( "select d['name'] as name, d['xx'] as xx from (\n" + " select _MAP as d from donuts)\n" + "where cast(d['ppu'] as double) > 0.6") .returns("NAME=Raised; XX=null\n" + "NAME=Filled; XX=null\n" + "NAME=Apple Fritter; XX=null\n"); } private static <T extends LogicalOperator> Iterable<T> findOperator(LogicalPlan plan, final Class<T> operatorClazz) { return (Iterable<T>) Iterables.filter(plan.getSortedOperators(), new Predicate<LogicalOperator>() { @Override public boolean apply(LogicalOperator input) { return input.getClass().equals(operatorClazz); } }); } private static <T extends LogicalOperator> T findOnlyOperator(LogicalPlan plan, final Class<T> operatorClazz) { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(findOperator(plan, operatorClazz)); } @Test public void testProjectFilterSubqueryPlan() throws Exception { LogicalPlan plan = JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS") .sql( "select d['name'] as name, d['xx'] as xx from (\n" + " select _MAP['donuts'] as d from donuts)\n" + "where cast(d['ppu'] as double) > 0.6") .logicalPlan(); PlanProperties planProperties = plan.getProperties(); Assert.assertEquals("optiq", planProperties.generator.type); Assert.assertEquals("na", planProperties.generator.info); Assert.assertEquals(1, planProperties.version); Assert.assertEquals(PlanProperties.PlanType.APACHE_DRILL_LOGICAL, planProperties.type); Map<String, StoragePluginConfig> seConfigs = plan.getStorageEngines(); StoragePluginConfig config = seConfigs.get("donuts-json"); // Assert.assertTrue(config != null && config instanceof ClasspathRSE.ClasspathRSEConfig); config = seConfigs.get("queue"); // Assert.assertTrue(config != null && config instanceof QueueRSE.QueueRSEConfig); Scan scan = findOnlyOperator(plan, Scan.class); Assert.assertEquals("donuts-json", scan.getStorageEngine()); Filter filter = findOnlyOperator(plan, Filter.class); Assert.assertTrue(filter.getInput() instanceof Scan); Project[] projects = Iterables.toArray(findOperator(plan, Project.class), Project.class); Assert.assertEquals(2, projects.length); Assert.assertEquals(1, projects[0].getSelections().size()); Assert.assertEquals(Filter.class, projects[0].getInput().getClass()); Assert.assertEquals(2, projects[1].getSelections().size()); Assert.assertEquals(Project.class, projects[1].getInput().getClass()); Store store = findOnlyOperator(plan, Store.class); Assert.assertEquals("queue", store.getStorageEngine()); Assert.assertEquals("output sink", store.getMemo()); Assert.assertEquals(Project.class, store.getInput().getClass()); } /** Query that projects one field. (Disabled; uses sugared syntax.) */ @Test @Ignore public void testProjectNestedFieldSugared() throws Exception { JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS").sql("select donuts.ppu from donuts") .returns("C=4\n" + "C=4\n" + "C=4\n" + "C=4\n" + "C=4\n"); } /** Query with filter. No field references yet. */ @Test public void testFilterConstantFalse() throws Exception { JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS").sql("select * from donuts where 3 > 4").returns(""); } @Test public void testFilterConstant() throws Exception { JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS").sql("select * from donuts where 3 < 4").returns(EXPECTED); } @Ignore @Test public void testValues() throws Exception { JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "DONUTS").sql("values (1)").returns("EXPR$0=1\n"); // Enable when https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DRILL-57 fixed // .planContains("store"); } // @Test // public void testDistinct() throws Exception { // JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "HR").sql("select distinct deptId from emp") // .returnsUnordered("DEPTID=null", "DEPTID=31", "DEPTID=34", "DEPTID=33") // .planContains(CollapsingAggregate.class); // } // // @Test // public void testCountNoGroupBy() throws Exception { // // 5 out of 6 employees have a not-null deptId // JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "HR").sql("select count(deptId) as cd, count(*) as c from emp").returns("CD=5; C=6\n") // .planContains(CollapsingAggregate.class); // } // // @Test // public void testDistinctCountNoGroupBy() throws Exception { // JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "HR").sql("select count(distinct deptId) as c from emp").returns("C=3\n") // .planContains(CollapsingAggregate.class); // } // // @Test // public void testDistinctCountGroupByEmpty() throws Exception { // JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "HR").sql("select count(distinct deptId) as c from emp group by ()").returns("C=3\n") // .planContains(CollapsingAggregate.class); // } // // @Test // public void testCountNull() throws Exception { // JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "HR").sql("select count(distinct deptId) as c from emp group by ()").returns("C=3\n") // .planContains(CollapsingAggregate.class); // } // // @Test // public void testCount() throws Exception { // JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "HR").sql("select deptId, count(*) as c from emp group by deptId") // .returnsUnordered("DEPTID=31; C=1", "DEPTID=33; C=2", "DEPTID=34; C=2", "DEPTID=null; C=1") // .planContains(CollapsingAggregate.class); // make sure using drill // } @Test public void testJoin() throws Exception { Join join = JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select * from emp join dept on emp.deptId = dept.deptId") .returnsUnordered("DEPTID=31; LASTNAME=Rafferty; DEPTID0=31; NAME=Sales", "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Jones; DEPTID0=33; NAME=Engineering", "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Steinberg; DEPTID0=33; NAME=Engineering", "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Robinson; DEPTID0=34; NAME=Clerical", "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Smith; DEPTID0=34; NAME=Clerical").planContains(Join.class); Assert.assertEquals(JoinRelType.INNER, join.getJoinType()); } @Test public void testLeftJoin() throws Exception { Join join = JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select * from emp left join dept on emp.deptId = dept.deptId") .returnsUnordered("DEPTID=31; LASTNAME=Rafferty; DEPTID0=31; NAME=Sales", "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Jones; DEPTID0=33; NAME=Engineering", "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Steinberg; DEPTID0=33; NAME=Engineering", "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Robinson; DEPTID0=34; NAME=Clerical", "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Smith; DEPTID0=34; NAME=Clerical", "DEPTID=null; LASTNAME=John; DEPTID0=null; NAME=null").planContains(Join.class); Assert.assertEquals(JoinRelType.LEFT, join.getJoinType()); } /** * Right join is tricky because Drill's "join" operator only supports "left", so we have to flip inputs. */ @Test @Ignore public void testRightJoin() throws Exception { Join join = JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "HR").sql("select * from emp right join dept on emp.deptId = dept.deptId") .returnsUnordered("xx").planContains(Join.class); Assert.assertEquals(JoinRelType.LEFT, join.getJoinType()); } @Test public void testFullJoin() throws Exception { Join join = JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select * from emp full join dept on emp.deptId = dept.deptId") .returnsUnordered("DEPTID=31; LASTNAME=Rafferty; DEPTID0=31; NAME=Sales", "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Jones; DEPTID0=33; NAME=Engineering", "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Steinberg; DEPTID0=33; NAME=Engineering", "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Robinson; DEPTID0=34; NAME=Clerical", "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Smith; DEPTID0=34; NAME=Clerical", "DEPTID=null; LASTNAME=John; DEPTID0=null; NAME=null", "DEPTID=null; LASTNAME=null; DEPTID0=35; NAME=Marketing").planContains(Join.class); Assert.assertEquals(JoinRelType.FULL, join.getJoinType()); } /** * Join on subquery; also tests that if a field of the same name exists in both inputs, both fields make it through * the join. */ @Test public void testJoinOnSubquery() throws Exception { Join join = JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql( "select * from (\n" + "select deptId, lastname, 'x' as name from emp) as e\n" + " join dept on e.deptId = dept.deptId") .returnsUnordered("DEPTID=31; LASTNAME=Rafferty; NAME=x; DEPTID0=31; NAME0=Sales", "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Jones; NAME=x; DEPTID0=33; NAME0=Engineering", "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Steinberg; NAME=x; DEPTID0=33; NAME0=Engineering", "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Robinson; NAME=x; DEPTID0=34; NAME0=Clerical", "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Smith; NAME=x; DEPTID0=34; NAME0=Clerical").planContains(Join.class); Assert.assertEquals(JoinRelType.INNER, join.getJoinType()); } /** Tests that one of the FoodMart tables is present. */ @Test @Ignore public void testFoodMart() throws Exception { JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "FOODMART") .sql("select * from product_class where cast(_map['product_class_id'] as integer) < 3") .returnsUnordered( "_MAP={product_category=Seafood, product_class_id=2, product_department=Seafood, product_family=Food, product_subcategory=Shellfish}", "_MAP={product_category=Specialty, product_class_id=1, product_department=Produce, product_family=Food, product_subcategory=Nuts}"); } @Test public void testUnionAll() throws Exception { Union union = JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "HR").sql("select deptId from dept\n" + "union all\n" + "select deptId from emp") .returnsUnordered("DEPTID=31", "DEPTID=33", "DEPTID=34", "DEPTID=35", "DEPTID=null") .planContains(Union.class); Assert.assertFalse(union.isDistinct()); } @Test public void testUnion() throws Exception { Union union = JdbcAssert.withModel(MODEL, "HR").sql("select deptId from dept\n" + "union\n" + "select deptId from emp") .returnsUnordered("DEPTID=31", "DEPTID=33", "DEPTID=34", "DEPTID=35", "DEPTID=null") .planContains(Union.class); Assert.assertTrue(union.isDistinct()); } @Test public void testOrderByDescNullsFirst() throws Exception { // desc nulls last JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select * from emp order by deptId desc nulls first") .returns( "DEPTID=null; LASTNAME=John\n" + "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Robinson\n" + "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Smith\n" + "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Jones\n" + "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Steinberg\n" + "DEPTID=31; LASTNAME=Rafferty\n") .planContains(Order.class); } @Test public void testOrderByDescNullsLast() throws Exception { // desc nulls first JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select * from emp order by deptId desc nulls last") .returns( "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Robinson\n" + "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Smith\n" + "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Jones\n" + "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Steinberg\n" + "DEPTID=31; LASTNAME=Rafferty\n" + "DEPTID=null; LASTNAME=John\n") .planContains(Order.class); } @Test @Ignore public void testOrderByDesc() throws Exception { // desc is implicitly "nulls first" (i.e. null sorted as +inf) // Current behavior is to sort nulls last. This is wrong. JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select * from emp order by deptId desc") .returns( "DEPTID=null; LASTNAME=John\n" + "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Robinson\n" + "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Smith\n" + "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Jones\n" + "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Steinberg\n" + "DEPTID=31; LASTNAME=Rafferty\n") .planContains(Order.class); } @Test public void testOrderBy() throws Exception { // no sort order specified is implicitly "asc", and asc is "nulls last" JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select * from emp order by deptId") .returns( "DEPTID=31; LASTNAME=Rafferty\n" + "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Jones\n" + "DEPTID=33; LASTNAME=Steinberg\n" + "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Robinson\n" + "DEPTID=34; LASTNAME=Smith\n" + "DEPTID=null; LASTNAME=John\n") .planContains(Order.class); } @Test public void testLimit() throws Exception { JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select LASTNAME from emp limit 2") .returns("LASTNAME=Rafferty\n" + "LASTNAME=Jones") .planContains(Limit.class); } @Test public void testLimitOrderBy() throws Exception { TestDataConnection tdc = JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select LASTNAME from emp order by LASTNAME limit 2") .returns("LASTNAME=John\n" + "LASTNAME=Jones"); tdc.planContains(Limit.class); tdc.planContains(Order.class); } @Test public void testOrderByWithOffset() throws Exception { JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select LASTNAME from emp order by LASTNAME asc offset 3") .returns("LASTNAME=Robinson\n" + "LASTNAME=Smith\n" + "LASTNAME=Steinberg") .planContains(Limit.class); } @Test public void testOrderByWithOffsetAndFetch() throws Exception { JdbcAssert .withModel(MODEL, "HR") .sql("select LASTNAME from emp order by LASTNAME asc offset 3 fetch next 2 rows only") .returns("LASTNAME=Robinson\n" + "LASTNAME=Smith") .planContains(Limit.class); } } // End JdbcTest.java