/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.flatten; import static org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.deleteQuietly; import static org.apache.drill.TestBuilder.listOf; import static org.apache.drill.TestBuilder.mapOf; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.util.List; import org.apache.drill.BaseTestQuery; import org.apache.drill.TestBuilder; import org.apache.drill.common.util.FileUtils; import org.apache.drill.exec.fn.interp.TestConstantFolding; import org.apache.drill.exec.store.easy.json.JSONRecordReader; import org.apache.drill.exec.util.JsonStringHashMap; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; public class TestFlatten extends BaseTestQuery { /** * enable this if you have the following files: * - /tmp/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json * - /tmp/mapkv.json * - /tmp/drill1665.json * - /tmp/bigfile.json */ public static boolean RUN_ADVANCED_TESTS = false; @Rule public TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder(); @Test public void testFlattenFailure() throws Exception { test("select flatten(complex), rownum from cp.`/store/json/test_flatten_mappify2.json`"); // test("select complex, rownum from cp.`/store/json/test_flatten_mappify2.json`"); } @Test public void testFlatten_Drill2162_complex() throws Exception { String path = folder.getRoot().toPath().toString(); String jsonRecords = BaseTestQuery.getFile("flatten/complex_transaction_example_data.json"); int numCopies = 700; new TestConstantFolding.SmallFileCreator(folder) .setRecord(jsonRecords) .createFiles(1, numCopies, "json"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<JsonStringHashMap<String,Object>> data = Lists.newArrayList( mapOf("uid", 1l, "lst_lst_0", listOf(1l, 2l, 3l, 4l, 5l), "lst_lst_1", listOf(2l, 3l, 4l, 5l, 6l), "lst_lst", listOf( listOf(1l, 2l, 3l, 4l, 5l), listOf(2l, 3l, 4l, 5l, 6l)) ), mapOf("uid", 2l, "lst_lst_0", listOf(1l, 2l, 3l, 4l, 5l), "lst_lst_1", listOf(2l, 3l, 4l, 5l, 6l), "lst_lst", listOf( listOf(1l, 2l, 3l, 4l, 5l), listOf(2l, 3l, 4l, 5l, 6l)) ) ); List<JsonStringHashMap<String, Object>> result = flatten(flatten(flatten(data, "lst_lst_1"), "lst_lst_0"), "lst_lst"); TestBuilder builder = testBuilder() .sqlQuery("select uid, flatten(d.lst_lst[1]) lst1, flatten(d.lst_lst[0]) lst0, flatten(d.lst_lst) lst from " + "dfs.`" + path + "/bigfile/bigfile.json` d") .unOrdered() .baselineColumns("uid", "lst1", "lst0", "lst"); for (int i = 0; i < numCopies; i++) { for (JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> record : result) { builder.baselineValues(record.get("uid"), record.get("lst_lst_1"), record.get("lst_lst_0"), record.get("lst_lst")); } } builder.go(); }; @Test public void testFlattenReferenceImpl() throws Exception { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<JsonStringHashMap<String,Object>> data = Lists.newArrayList( mapOf("a",1, "b",2, "list_col", listOf(10,9), "nested_list_col",listOf( listOf(100,99), listOf(1000,999) ))); List<JsonStringHashMap<String, Object>> result = flatten(flatten(flatten(data, "list_col"), "nested_list_col"), "nested_list_col"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<JsonStringHashMap<String, Object>> expectedResult = Lists.newArrayList( mapOf("nested_list_col", 100, "list_col", 10,"a", 1, "b",2), mapOf("nested_list_col", 99, "list_col", 10,"a", 1, "b",2), mapOf("nested_list_col", 1000, "list_col", 10,"a", 1, "b",2), mapOf("nested_list_col", 999, "list_col", 10,"a", 1, "b",2), mapOf("nested_list_col", 100, "list_col", 9, "a", 1, "b",2), mapOf("nested_list_col", 99, "list_col", 9, "a", 1, "b",2), mapOf("nested_list_col", 1000, "list_col", 9, "a", 1, "b",2), mapOf("nested_list_col", 999, "list_col", 9, "a", 1, "b",2) ); int i = 0; for (JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> record : result) { assertEquals(record, expectedResult.get(i)); i++; } } private List<JsonStringHashMap<String, Object>> flatten( List<JsonStringHashMap<String,Object>> incomingRecords, String colToFlatten) { return flatten(incomingRecords, colToFlatten, colToFlatten); } private List<JsonStringHashMap<String, Object>> flatten( List<JsonStringHashMap<String,Object>> incomingRecords, String colToFlatten, String flattenedDataColName) { List<JsonStringHashMap<String,Object>> output = Lists.newArrayList(); for (JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> incomingRecord : incomingRecords) { List<?> dataToFlatten = (List<?>) incomingRecord.get(colToFlatten); for (int i = 0; i < dataToFlatten.size(); i++) { final JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> newRecord = new JsonStringHashMap<>(); newRecord.put(flattenedDataColName, dataToFlatten.get(i)); for (String s : incomingRecord.keySet()) { if (s.equals(colToFlatten)) { continue; } newRecord.put(s, incomingRecord.get(s)); } output.add(newRecord); } } return output; } @Test public void testFlatten_Drill2162_simple() throws Exception { String path = folder.getRoot().toPath().toString(); List<Long> inputList = Lists.newArrayList(); String jsonRecord = "{ \"int_list\" : ["; final int listSize = 30; for (int i = 1; i < listSize; i++ ) { jsonRecord += i + ", "; inputList.add((long) i); } jsonRecord += listSize + "] }"; inputList.add((long) listSize); int numRecords = 3000; new TestConstantFolding.SmallFileCreator(folder) .setRecord(jsonRecord) .createFiles(1, numRecords, "json"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<JsonStringHashMap<String,Object>> data = Lists.newArrayList( mapOf("int_list", inputList) ); List<JsonStringHashMap<String, Object>> result = flatten(data, "int_list"); TestBuilder builder = testBuilder() .sqlQuery("select flatten(int_list) as int_list from dfs.`" + path + "/bigfile/bigfile.json`") .unOrdered() .baselineColumns("int_list"); for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { for (JsonStringHashMap<String, Object> record : result) { builder.baselineValues(record.get("int_list")); } } builder.go(); }; @Test public void drill1671() throws Exception{ int rowCount = testSql("select * from (select count(*) as cnt from (select id, flatten(evnts1), flatten(evnts2), flatten(evnts3), flatten(evnts4), flatten(evnts5), flatten(evnts6), flatten(evnts7), flatten(evnts8), flatten(evnts9), flatten(evnts10), flatten(evnts11) from cp.`/flatten/many-arrays-50.json`)x )y where cnt = 2048"); assertEquals(rowCount, 1); } @Test public void drill3370() throws Exception { testBuilder() .sqlQuery("select a from (select flatten(arr) as a from cp.`/flatten/drill-3370.json`) where a > 100") .unOrdered() .baselineColumns("a") .baselineValues(131l) .baselineValues(106l) .go(); } @Test @Ignore("not yet fixed") public void drill1660() throws Exception { test("select * from cp.`/flatten/empty-rm.json`"); } @Test // repeated list within a repeated map public void drill1673() throws Exception { String path = folder.getRoot().toPath().toString(); String jsonRecords = BaseTestQuery.getFile("store/json/1673.json"); int numCopies = 25000; new TestConstantFolding.SmallFileCreator(folder) .setRecord(jsonRecords) .createFiles(1, numCopies, "json"); TestBuilder builder = testBuilder() .sqlQuery("select t.fixed_column as fixed_column, " + "flatten(t.list_column) as list_col " + "from dfs.`" + path + "/bigfile/bigfile.json` as t") .baselineColumns("fixed_column", "list_col") .unOrdered(); Object map1 = mapOf("id1", "1", "name", "zhu", "num", listOf(listOf(1l, 2l, 3l))); Object map2 = mapOf("id1", "2", "name", "hao", "num", listOf(listOf(4l, 5l, 6l))); for (int i = 0; i < numCopies; i++) { builder.baselineValues("abc", map1); builder.baselineValues("abc", map2); } builder.go(); } @Test public void drill1653() throws Exception{ int rowCount = testSql("select * from (select sum(t.flat.`value`) as sm from (select id, flatten(kvgen(m)) as flat from cp.`/flatten/missing-map.json`)t) where sm = 10 "); assertEquals(1, rowCount); } @Test public void drill1652() throws Exception { if(RUN_ADVANCED_TESTS){ test("select uid, flatten(transactions) from dfs.`/tmp/bigfile.json`"); } } @Test @Ignore("Still not working.") public void drill1649() throws Exception { test("select event_info.uid, transaction_info.trans_id, event_info.event.evnt_id\n" + "from (\n" + " select userinfo.transaction.trans_id trans_id, max(userinfo.event.event_time) max_event_time\n" + " from (\n" + " select uid, flatten(events) event, flatten(transactions) transaction from cp.`/flatten/single-user-transactions.json`\n" + " ) userinfo\n" + " where userinfo.transaction.trans_time >= userinfo.event.event_time\n" + " group by userinfo.transaction.trans_id\n" + ") transaction_info\n" + "inner join\n" + "(\n" + " select uid, flatten(events) event\n" + " from cp.`/flatten/single-user-transactions.json`\n" + ") event_info\n" + "on transaction_info.max_event_time = event_info.event.event_time;"); } @Test public void testKVGenFlatten1() throws Exception { // works - TODO and verify results test("select flatten(kvgen(f1)) as monkey, x " + "from cp.`/store/json/test_flatten_mapify.json`"); } @Test public void testTwoFlattens() throws Exception { // second re-write rule has been added to test the fixes together, this now runs test("select `integer`, `float`, x, flatten(z), flatten(l) from cp.`/jsoninput/input2_modified.json`"); } @Test public void testFlattenRepeatedMap() throws Exception { test("select `integer`, `float`, x, flatten(z) from cp.`/jsoninput/input2.json`"); } @Test public void testFlattenKVGenFlatten() throws Exception { // currently does not fail, but produces incorrect results, requires second re-write rule to split up expressions // with complex outputs test("select `integer`, `float`, x, flatten(kvgen(flatten(z))) from cp.`/jsoninput/input2.json`"); } @Test public void testKVGenFlatten2() throws Exception { // currently runs // TODO - re-verify results by hand if(RUN_ADVANCED_TESTS){ test("select flatten(kvgen(visited_cellid_counts)) as mytb from dfs.`/tmp/mapkv.json`") ; } } @Test public void testFilterFlattenedRecords() throws Exception { // WORKS!! // TODO - hand verify results test("select t2.key from (select t.monkey.`value` as val, t.monkey.key as key from (select flatten(kvgen(f1)) as monkey, x " + "from cp.`/store/json/test_flatten_mapify.json`) as t) as t2 where t2.val > 1"); } @Test public void testFilterFlattenedRecords2() throws Exception { // previously failed in generated code // "value" is neither a method, a field, nor a member class of "org.apache.drill.exec.expr.holders.RepeatedVarCharHolder" [ 42eb1fa1-0742-4e4f-8723-609215c18900 on ] // appears to be resolving the data coming out of flatten as repeated, check fast schema stuff // FIXED BY RETURNING PROPER SCHEMA DURING FAST SCHEMA STEP // these types of problems are being solved more generally as we develp better support for chaning schema if(RUN_ADVANCED_TESTS){ test("select celltbl.catl from (\n" + " select flatten(categories) catl from dfs.`/tmp/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json` b limit 100\n" + " ) celltbl where celltbl.catl = 'Doctors'"); } } @Test public void countAggFlattened() throws Exception { if(RUN_ADVANCED_TESTS){ test("select celltbl.catl, count(celltbl.catl) from ( " + "select business_id, flatten(categories) catl from dfs.`/tmp/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json` b limit 100 " + ") celltbl group by celltbl.catl limit 10 "); } } @Test public void flattenAndAdditionalColumn() throws Exception { if(RUN_ADVANCED_TESTS){ test("select business_id, flatten(categories) from dfs.`/tmp/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json` b"); } } @Test public void testFailingFlattenAlone() throws Exception { if(RUN_ADVANCED_TESTS){ test("select flatten(categories) from dfs.`/tmp/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json` b "); } } @Test public void testDistinctAggrFlattened() throws Exception { if(RUN_ADVANCED_TESTS){ test(" select distinct(celltbl.catl) from (\n" + " select flatten(categories) catl from dfs.`/tmp/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json` b\n" + " ) celltbl"); } } @Test public void testDrill1665() throws Exception { if(RUN_ADVANCED_TESTS){ test("select id, flatten(evnts) as rpt from dfs.`/tmp/drill1665.json`"); } } @Test public void testFlattenComplexRepeatedMap() throws Exception { test("select a, flatten(r_map_1), flatten(r_map_2) from cp.`/store/json/complex_repeated_map.json`"); } @Test public void testFlatten2_levelRepeatedMap() throws Exception { test("select flatten(rm) from cp.`/store/json/2_level_repeated_map.json`"); } @Test public void testDrill_1770() throws Exception { test("select flatten(sub.fk.`value`) from (select flatten(kvgen(map)) fk from cp.`/store/json/nested_repeated_map.json`) sub"); } @Test //DRILL-2254 public void testSingleFlattenFromNestedRepeatedList() throws Exception { final String query = "select t.uid, flatten(t.odd) odd from cp.`project/complex/a.json` t"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .jsonBaselineFile("flatten/drill-2254-result-single.json") .build() .run(); } @Test //DRILL-2254 supplementary public void testMultiFlattenFromNestedRepeatedList() throws Exception { final String query = "select t.uid, flatten(flatten(t.odd)) odd from cp.`project/complex/a.json` t"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .jsonBaselineFile("flatten/drill-2254-result-multi.json") .build() .run(); } @Test //DRILL-2254 supplementary public void testSingleMultiFlattenFromNestedRepeatedList() throws Exception { final String query = "select t.uid, flatten(t.odd) once, flatten(flatten(t.odd)) twice from cp.`project/complex/a.json` t"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .jsonBaselineFile("flatten/drill-2254-result-mix.json") .build() .run(); } @Test public void testDrill_2013() throws Exception { testBuilder() .sqlQuery("select flatten(complex), rownum from cp.`/store/json/test_flatten_mappify2.json` where rownum > 5") .expectsEmptyResultSet() .build().run(); } @Test public void testDRILL_2106() throws Exception { testBuilder() .sqlQuery("select rl, flatten(rl) frl from (select `integer`, flatten(rl) as rl from cp.`jsoninput/input2.json`)") .unOrdered() .jsonBaselineFile("flatten/drill-2106-result.json") .go(); testBuilder() .sqlQuery("select rl, flatten(rl) frl from (select flatten(rl) as rl, `integer` from cp.`jsoninput/input2.json`)") .unOrdered() .jsonBaselineFile("flatten/drill-2106-result.json") .go(); } @Test // see DRILL-2146 public void testFalttenWithStar() throws Exception { String root = FileUtils.getResourceAsFile("/store/text/sample.json").toURI().toString(); String q1 = String.format("select *, flatten(j.topping) tt, flatten(j.batters.batter) bb, j.id " + "from dfs_test.`%s` j " + "where j.type = 'donut'", root); String q2 = String.format("select *, flatten(j.topping) tt, flatten(j.batters.batter) bb, j.id, j.type " + "from dfs_test.`%s` j " + "where j.type = 'donut'", root); test(q1); test(q2); } @Test // see DRILL-2012 public void testMultipleFalttenWithWhereClause() throws Exception { String root = FileUtils.getResourceAsFile("/store/text/sample.json").toURI().toString(); String q1 = String.format("select flatten(j.topping) tt " + "from dfs_test.`%s` j " + "where j.type = 'donut'", root); String q2 = String.format("select j.type, flatten(j.topping) tt " + "from dfs_test.`%s` j " + "where j.type = 'donut'", root); test(q1); test(q2); } @Test //DRILL-2099 public void testFlattenAfterSort() throws Exception { String query = "select flatten(s1.rms.rptd) rptds from " + "(select d.uid uid, flatten(d.map.rm) rms from cp.`jsoninput/flatten_post_sort.json` d order by d.uid) s1"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .jsonBaselineFile("flatten/drill-2099-result.json") .go(); } @Test //DRILL-2268 public void testFlattenAfterJoin1() throws Exception { String query = "select flatten(sub1.events) flat_events from "+ "(select t1.events events from cp.`complex/json/flatten_join.json` t1 "+ "inner join cp.`complex/json/flatten_join.json` t2 on t1.id=t2.id) sub1"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .jsonBaselineFile("complex/drill-2268-1-result.json") .go(); } @Test //DRILL-2268 public void testFlattenAfterJoin2() throws Exception { String query = "select flatten(t1.events) flat_events from cp.`complex/json/flatten_join.json` t1 " + "inner join cp.`complex/json/flatten_join.json` t2 on t1.id=t2.id"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .jsonBaselineFile("complex/drill-2268-2-result.json") .go(); } @Test //DRILL-2268 public void testFlattenAfterJoin3() throws Exception { String query = "select flatten(sub1.lst_lst) flat_lst_lst from "+ "(select t1.lst_lst lst_lst from cp.`complex/json/flatten_join.json` t1 "+ "inner join cp.`complex/json/flatten_join.json` t2 on t1.id=t2.id) sub1"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .jsonBaselineFile("complex/drill-2268-3-result.json") .go(); } @Test public void testFlattenWithScalarFunc() throws Exception { final String query = "select flatten(t.l) + 1 as c1 from cp.`/jsoninput/input2.json` t"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .baselineColumns("c1") .baselineValues(5L) .baselineValues(3L) .baselineValues(5L) .baselineValues(3L) .baselineValues(5L) .baselineValues(3L) .go(); } @Test public void testFlattenOnEmptyArrayAndNestedMap() throws Exception { File path = new File(BaseTestQuery.getTempDir("json/input")); try { path.mkdirs(); String pathString = path.toPath().toString(); try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(path, "empty_arrays.json")))) { writer.write("{\"a\" : {\"a1\" : \"a1\"}, \"b\" : [1]}\n"); for (int i = 0; i < JSONRecordReader.DEFAULT_ROWS_PER_BATCH; i++) { writer.write("{\"a\" : {\"a1\" : \"a1\"}, \"b\" : [], \"c\" : 1}\n"); } writer.write("{\"a\" : {\"a1\" : \"a1\"}, \"b\" : [1], \"c\" : 1}"); } String query = "select typeof(t1.a.a1) as col from " + "(select t.*, flatten(t.b) as b from dfs_test.`%s/empty_arrays.json` t where t.c is not null) t1"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query, pathString) .unOrdered() .baselineColumns("col") .baselineValues("VARCHAR") .go(); } finally { deleteQuietly(path); } } }