package org.docx4j.jaxb; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.docx4j.Docx4jProperties; import org.docx4j.XmlUtils; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.exceptions.InvalidFormatException; import; import; import org.docx4j.wml.Body; import org.docx4j.wml.BooleanDefaultTrue; import org.docx4j.wml.CTSettings; import org.docx4j.wml.Document; import org.docx4j.wml.P; import org.docx4j.wml.PPr; import org.junit.Test; public class W15Test { /** * Example of setting mc:Ignorable="w15", * which you must do if you add eg w15:collapsed * and want Word <=14 to be happy. * * @throws InvalidFormatException * @throws JAXBException */ @Test public void testIgnorableSet() throws InvalidFormatException, JAXBException { Document document = new Document(); Body body = new Body(); document.setBody(body); P p = new P(); PPr ppr = new PPr(); p.setPPr(ppr); body.getContent().add(p); ppr.setCollapsed(new BooleanDefaultTrue() ); /* * if you do setCollapsed, you must do: */ document.setIgnorable("w15"); /* * otherwise, Word 14 and lower will complain * that the docx is invalid! * * Similar consideration apply if you set w14 attributes * eg <w:p w14:textId="3313beef" w14:paraId="3313beef"> */ // System.out.println(XmlUtils.marshaltoString(body, true, true)); MainDocumentPart mdp = new MainDocumentPart(); mdp.setJaxbElement(document); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); mdp.marshal(baos); String result = (new String(baos.toByteArray())); System.out.println(result); assertTrue(result.contains("mc:Ignorable=\"w15\"") ); // Also need the namespace declaration at that level int startPos = result.indexOf("<w:document"); String startTag= result.substring(startPos, result.indexOf(">", startPos)); //System.out.println(startTag); // xmlns:w15="" assertTrue(startTag.contains("xmlns:w15=") ); } @Test public void testSettingsWithCanonicalisation() throws InvalidFormatException, JAXBException { // this test fails in docx4j 3.3.1 Docx4jProperties.setProperty("docx4j.jaxb.marshal.canonicalize", true); testSettings(); } @Test public void testSettingsWithoutCanonicalisation() throws InvalidFormatException, JAXBException { Docx4jProperties.setProperty("docx4j.jaxb.marshal.canonicalize", false); testSettings(); } public void testSettings() throws InvalidFormatException, JAXBException { String openXML = "<w:settings mc:Ignorable=\"w15\" " + "xmlns:mc=\"\" " // + "xmlns:w15=\"\" " + "xmlns:w=\"\" " // + "xmlns:m=\"\" " // + "xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" " // + "xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\" " + ">" + "<w:zoom w:percent=\"120\"/>" + "<w:defaultTabStop w:val=\"720\"/>" + "<w:decimalSymbol w:val=\".\"/>" + "<w:listSeparator w:val=\",\"/>" + "<w15:chartTrackingRefBased xmlns:w15=\"\"/>" + "<w15:docId w15:val=\"{78FB31FD-2D0A-4042-95DA-DFD2E5520F96}\" xmlns:w15=\"\" />" +"</w:settings>"; Object o = XmlUtils.unmarshalString(openXML); DocumentSettingsPart dsp = new DocumentSettingsPart(); dsp.setContents( (CTSettings)XmlUtils.unwrap(o)); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); dsp.marshal(baos); String result = (new String(baos.toByteArray())); System.out.println(result); // mc:Ignorable=" w15" int startPos = result.indexOf("mc:Ignorable"); int valPos = result.indexOf("\"", startPos); String attVal= result.substring(valPos, result.indexOf("\"", valPos+1)+1); //System.out.println(attVal); assertTrue(attVal.contains("w15") ); // Also need the namespace declaration at that level startPos = result.indexOf("<w:settings"); String startTag= result.substring(startPos, result.indexOf(">", startPos)); //System.out.println(startTag); // xmlns:w15="" assertTrue(startTag.contains("xmlns:w15=") ); } }