/* * Copyright 2007-2008, Plutext Pty Ltd. * * This file is part of docx4j. docx4j is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.PresentationML; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.docx4j.XmlUtils; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.exceptions.InvalidFormatException; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.PartName; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.relationships.Namespaces; import org.pptx4j.jaxb.Context; import org.pptx4j.pml.CommonSlideData; import org.pptx4j.pml.Notes; import org.pptx4j.pml.ObjectFactory; public final class NotesSlidePart extends JaxbPmlPart<Notes> { // p:notes private static final String COMMON_SLIDE_NOTES = "<p:notes xmlns:a=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main\"\n" + " xmlns:r=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships\"\n" + " xmlns:p=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main\">\n" + " <p:cSld>\n" + " <p:spTree>\n" + " <p:nvGrpSpPr>\n" + " <p:cNvPr id=\"1\" name=\"\" />\n" + " <p:cNvGrpSpPr />\n" + " <p:nvPr />\n" + " </p:nvGrpSpPr>\n" + " <p:grpSpPr>\n" + " <a:xfrm>\n" + " <a:off x=\"0\" y=\"0\" />\n" + " <a:ext cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" />\n" + " <a:chOff x=\"0\" y=\"0\" />\n" + " <a:chExt cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" />\n" + " </a:xfrm>\n" + " </p:grpSpPr>\n" + " <p:sp>\n" + " <p:nvSpPr>\n" + " <p:cNvPr id=\"2\" name=\"Notes Placeholder 1\" />\n" + " <p:cNvSpPr>\n" + " <a:spLocks noGrp=\"1\" />\n" + " </p:cNvSpPr>\n" + " <p:nvPr>\n" + " <p:ph type=\"body\" idx=\"1\" />\n" + " </p:nvPr>\n" + " </p:nvSpPr>\n" + " <p:spPr />\n" + " <p:txBody>\n" + " <a:bodyPr>\n" + " <a:normAutofit />\n" + " </a:bodyPr>\n" + " <a:lstStyle />\n" + " <a:p>\n" + // " <a:r>\n" + // " <a:rPr smtClean=\"0\" />\n" + // " <a:t></a:t>\n" + // " </a:r>\n" + " <a:endParaRPr />\n" + " </a:p>\n" + " </p:txBody>\n" + " </p:sp>\n" + " </p:spTree>\n" + " </p:cSld>\n" + " <p:clrMapOvr>\n" + " <a:masterClrMapping />\n" + " </p:clrMapOvr>\n" + "</p:notes>"; public NotesSlidePart(PartName partName) throws InvalidFormatException { super(partName); init(); } public NotesSlidePart() throws InvalidFormatException { super(new PartName("/ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide1.xml")); init(); } public void init() { // Used if this Part is added to [Content_Types].xml setContentType(new org.docx4j.openpackaging.contenttype.ContentType( org.docx4j.openpackaging.contenttype.ContentTypes.PRESENTATIONML_NOTES_SLIDE)); // Used when this Part is added to a rels setRelationshipType(Namespaces.PRESENTATIONML_NOTES_SLIDE); } public static Notes createNotes() throws JAXBException { return (Notes)XmlUtils.unmarshalString(COMMON_SLIDE_NOTES, Context.jcPML, Notes.class); } public static Notes createNotesMinimal() throws JAXBException { ObjectFactory factory = Context.getpmlObjectFactory(); Notes notes = factory.createNotes(); notes.setCSld( (CommonSlideData)XmlUtils.unmarshalString(COMMON_SLIDE_DATA, Context.jcPML, CommonSlideData.class) ); // sld.setClrMapOvr(value) return notes; } }