package org.docx4j.model.listnumbering; //File : gui/componenents/calculators/ //Description: A static method for converting binary integers to Roman numbers. //Illustrates: Static inner value class, StringBuffer, throw exceptions. //Author : Fred Swartz - 2006-12-29 - Placed in public domain //JH comment - under the MIT license, according to the footer at // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Roman public abstract class NumberFormatRomanAbstract extends NumberFormat { //================================================================ constant // This could be alternatively be done with parallel arrays. // Another alternative would be Pair<Integer, String> RomanValue[] ROMAN_VALUE_TABLE; //============================================================== int2roman public String format(int n) { if (n >= 4000 || n < 1) { throw new NumberFormatException("Numbers must be in range 1-3999"); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(10); //... Start with largest value, and work toward smallest. for (RomanValue equiv : ROMAN_VALUE_TABLE) { //... Remove as many of this value as possible (maybe none). while (n >= equiv.intVal) { n -= equiv.intVal; // Subtract value. result.append(equiv.romVal); // Add roman equivalent. } } return result.toString(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inner value class protected static class RomanValue { //============================================================== fields //... No need to make this fields private because they are // used only in this private value class. int intVal; // Integer value. String romVal; // Equivalent roman numeral. //========================================================= constructor RomanValue(int dec, String rom) { this.intVal = dec; this.romVal = rom; } } }