package org.docx4j.model.listnumbering; //File : gui/componenents/calculators/ //Description: A static method for converting binary integers to Roman numbers. //Illustrates: Static inner value class, StringBuffer, throw exceptions. //Author : Fred Swartz - 2006-12-29 - Placed in public domain //JH comment - under the MIT license, according to the footer at // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Roman public class NumberFormatRomanLower extends NumberFormatRomanAbstract { NumberFormatRomanLower() { ROMAN_VALUE_TABLE = ROMAN_VALUE_TABLE_LOWER; } //================================================================ constant // This could be alternatively be done with parallel arrays. // Another alternative would be Pair<Integer, String> static RomanValue[] ROMAN_VALUE_TABLE_LOWER = { new RomanValue(1000, "m"), new RomanValue( 900, "cm"), new RomanValue( 500, "d"), new RomanValue( 400, "cd"), new RomanValue( 100, "c"), new RomanValue( 90, "xc"), new RomanValue( 50, "l"), new RomanValue( 40, "xl"), new RomanValue( 10, "x"), new RomanValue( 9, "ix"), new RomanValue( 5, "v"), new RomanValue( 4, "iv"), new RomanValue( 1, "i") }; }