package com.twitter.common.stats; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import org.junit.Test; import org.pantsbuild.junit.annotations.TestParallel; import com.twitter.common.objectsize.ObjectSizeCalculator; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Amount; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Data; import com.twitter.common.stats.ApproximateHistogram; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; @TestParallel public class ApproximateHistogramTest { final int b = 10; final int h = 3; @Test public void testCollapse() { ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(); long[] buf1 = {2,5,7}; long[] buf2 = {3,8,9}; long[] expected = {3,7,9}; long[] result = new long[3]; // [2,5,7] weight 2 and [3,8,9] weight 3 // weight x array + concat = [2,2,5,5,7,7,3,3,3,8,8,8,9,9,9] // sort = [2,2,3,3,3,5,5,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9] // select every nth elems = [3,7,9] (n = sum weight / 2, ie. 5/3 = 2) // [2,2,3,3,3,5,5,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9] // . . ^ . . . . ^ . . . . ^ . . // [-------] [-------] [-------] we make 3 packets of 5 elements and take the middle ApproximateHistogram.collapse(buf1, 2, buf2, 3, result); assertArrayEquals(result, expected); long[] buf3 = {2, 5, 7, 9}; long[] buf4 = {3, 8, 9, 12}; long[] expected2 = {3, 7, 9, 12}; long[] result2 = new long[4]; ApproximateHistogram.collapse(buf3, 2, buf4, 2, result2); assertArrayEquals(expected2, result2); } @Test public void testRecCollapse() { long[] empty = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; long[] full = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(b, h); assertArrayEquals(empty, hist.buffer[0]); assertArrayEquals(empty, hist.buffer[1]); initializeValues(hist, b, Suppliers.ofInstance(1L)); assertArrayEquals(full, hist.buffer[0]); assertArrayEquals(empty, hist.buffer[1]); initializeValues(hist, b, Suppliers.ofInstance(1L)); assertArrayEquals(full, hist.buffer[0]); assertArrayEquals(full, hist.buffer[1]); hist.add(1); assertEquals(2, hist.currentTop); // Buffers are not cleared so we can't check that! assertArrayEquals(full, hist.buffer[2]); initializeValues(hist, 2 * b, Suppliers.ofInstance(1L)); assertEquals(3, hist.currentTop); assertArrayEquals(full, hist.buffer[3]); } @Test public void testReachingMaxDepth() { ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(b, h); initializeValues(hist, 8 * b, Suppliers.ofInstance(1L)); assertEquals(3, hist.currentTop); hist.add(1); assertEquals(3, hist.currentTop); } @Test public void testMem() { for (int b = 10; b < 100; b += 10) { for (int h = 4; h < 16; h += 4) { ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(b, h); long actualSize = ObjectSizeCalculator.getObjectSize(hist); long estimatedSize = ApproximateHistogram.memoryUsage(b, h); assertTrue("Consume less memory than the constraint", actualSize < estimatedSize); } } } @Test public void testMemConstraint() { ImmutableList.Builder<Amount<Long, Data>> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); builder.add(Amount.of(1L, Data.KB)); builder.add(Amount.of(4L, Data.KB)); builder.add(Amount.of(8L, Data.KB)); builder.add(Amount.of(16L, Data.KB)); builder.add(Amount.of(32L, Data.KB)); builder.add(Amount.of(64L, Data.KB)); builder.add(Amount.of(256L, Data.KB)); builder.add(Amount.of(1L, Data.MB)); builder.add(Amount.of(16L, Data.MB)); builder.add(Amount.of(32L, Data.MB)); List<Amount<Long, Data>> sizes =; for (Amount<Long, Data> maxSize: sizes) { ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(maxSize); for (long i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000; i++) { hist.add(i); } long size = ObjectSizeCalculator.getObjectSize(hist); assertTrue(size <; } } @Test public void testLowMemoryPrecision() { double e = ApproximateHistogram.DEFAULT_PRECISION.getEpsilon(); int n = ApproximateHistogram.DEFAULT_PRECISION.getN(); int defaultDepth = ApproximateHistogram.computeDepth(e, n); int defaultBufferSize = ApproximateHistogram.computeBufferSize(defaultDepth, n); ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(Amount.of(1L, Data.KB)); int depth = hist.buffer.length - 1; int bufferSize = hist.buffer[0].length; assertTrue(depth > defaultDepth); assertTrue(bufferSize < defaultBufferSize); } @Test public void testHighMemoryPrecision() { double e = ApproximateHistogram.DEFAULT_PRECISION.getEpsilon(); int n = ApproximateHistogram.DEFAULT_PRECISION.getN(); int defaultDepth = ApproximateHistogram.computeDepth(e, n); int defaultBufferSize = ApproximateHistogram.computeBufferSize(defaultDepth, n); ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(Amount.of(1L, Data.MB)); int depth = hist.buffer.length - 1; int bufferSize = hist.buffer[0].length; assertTrue(depth < defaultDepth); assertTrue(bufferSize > defaultBufferSize); } private void initIndexArray(ApproximateHistogram hist, int b) { Arrays.fill(hist.indices, b - 1); int buf0Size = Math.min(b, hist.leafCount); int buf1Size = Math.max(0, hist.leafCount - buf0Size); hist.indices[0] = buf0Size - 1; hist.indices[1] = buf1Size - 1; } private long getBiggest(ApproximateHistogram hist) { int j = hist.biggest(hist.indices); int idx = hist.indices[j]; hist.indices[j] -= 1; return hist.buffer[j][idx]; } @Test public void testBiggestIndexFinder() { ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(b, h); int n = 3; for (int i=1; i <= n; i++) { hist.add(i); } initIndexArray(hist, b); for (int i=1; i <= n; i++) { assertEquals(n - i + 1, getBiggest(hist)); } n = 2 * b; for (int i=4; i <= n; i++) { hist.add(i); } initIndexArray(hist, b); for (int i=1; i <= n; i++) { assertEquals(n - i + 1, getBiggest(hist)); } hist.add(2*b + 1); n += 1; initIndexArray(hist, b); assertEquals(n, getBiggest(hist)); for (int i=2; i <= n; i += 2) { assertEquals(n - i + 1, getBiggest(hist)); } } @Test public void testIsBufferEmpty() { ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(b, h); for (int i=0; i < 3*b; i++) { hist.add(i); } assertEquals(false, hist.isBufferEmpty(2)); assertEquals(true, hist.isBufferEmpty(3)); for (int i=0; i < 2*b; i++) { hist.add(i); } assertEquals(true, hist.isBufferEmpty(2)); assertEquals(false, hist.isBufferEmpty(3)); } @Test public void testHistogramWithNegative() { ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(); hist.add(-1L); assertEquals(-1L, hist.getQuantile(0.0)); assertEquals(-1L, hist.getQuantile(0.5)); assertEquals(-1L, hist.getQuantile(1.0)); } @Test public void testHistogramWithEdgeCases() { ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(); hist.add(Long.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(Long.MIN_VALUE, hist.getQuantile(0.0)); assertEquals(Long.MIN_VALUE, hist.getQuantile(1.0)); hist.add(Long.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals(Long.MIN_VALUE, hist.getQuantile(0.0)); assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE, hist.getQuantile(1.0)); } @Test public void testQueryZerothQuantile() { // Tests that querying the zeroth quantile does not throw an exception ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(b, h); initializeValues(hist, 10, Suppliers.ofInstance(1L)); assertEquals(1L, hist.getQuantile(0.0)); } @Test public void testSmallDataCase() { // Tests that querying the zeroth quantile does not throw an exception ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(b, h); initializeValues(hist, 1, Suppliers.ofInstance(1L)); assertEquals(1L, hist.getQuantile(0.5)); } @Test public void testSimpleCase() { ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(); int n = 10; initializeValues(hist, n, monotonic()); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { double q = i / 10.0; assertEquals(i, hist.getQuantile(q), 1.0); } } @Test public void testGetQuantiles() { ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(); int n = 10; initializeValues(hist, n, monotonic()); double[] quantiles = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { quantiles[i] = (i + 1) / 10.0; } long[] results = hist.getQuantiles(quantiles); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { long res = results[i]; double q = quantiles[i]; assertEquals(hist.getQuantile(q), res); } } @Test public void testYetAnotherGetQuantiles() { // this test originates from issue CSL-586 ApproximateHistogram hist = new ApproximateHistogram(); hist.add(0); hist.add(4); hist.add(9); hist.add(8); double[] quantiles = new double[]{0.5, 0.9, 0.99}; long[] expected = new long[]{8,9,9}; assertArrayEquals(hist.getQuantiles(quantiles), expected); } private static void initializeValues(ApproximateHistogram hist, int n, Supplier<Long> what) { for (int i=0; i<n ; i++) { hist.add(what.get()); } } private static Supplier<Long> monotonic() { return new Supplier<Long>() { long i = 0; @Override public Long get() { return ++i; } }; } }