package com.twitter.common.stats; import; import; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Amount; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Time; import com.twitter.common.util.Clock; /** * Keep track of statistics over a set of value in a sliding window. * WARNING: The computation of the statistics needs to be explicitly requested with * {@code refresh()} before reading any statistics. * * @see Windowed class for more details about how the window is parametrized. */ public class WindowedStatistics extends Windowed<Statistics> implements StatisticsInterface { private int lastIndex = -1; private double variance = 0.0; private double mean = 0.0; private long sum = 0L; private long min = Long.MAX_VALUE; private long max = Long.MIN_VALUE; private long populationSize = 0L; public WindowedStatistics(Amount<Long, Time> window, int slices, Clock clock) { super(Statistics.class, window, slices, new Supplier<Statistics>() { @Override public Statistics get() { return new Statistics(); } }, new Function<Statistics, Statistics>() { @Override public Statistics apply(Statistics s) { s.clear(); return s; } }, clock); } /** * Construct a Statistics sliced over time in {@code slices + 1} windows. * The {@code window} parameter represents the total window, that will be sliced into * {@code slices + 1} parts. * * Ex: WindowedStatistics(Amount.of(1L, Time.MINUTES), 3) will be sliced like this: * <pre> * 20s 20s 20s 20s * [----A-----][-----B----][-----C----][-----D----] * </pre> * The current window is 'D' (the one you insert elements into) and the tenured windows * are 'A', 'B', 'C' (the ones you read elements from). */ public WindowedStatistics(Amount<Long, Time> window, int slices) { this(window, slices, Clock.SYSTEM_CLOCK); } /** * Equivalent to calling {@link #WindowedStatistics(Amount, int)} with a 1 minute window * and 3 slices. */ public WindowedStatistics() { this(Amount.of(1L, Time.MINUTES), 3, Clock.SYSTEM_CLOCK); } public void accumulate(long value) { getCurrent().accumulate(value); } /** * Compute all the statistics in one pass. */ public void refresh() { int currentIndex = getCurrentIndex(); if (lastIndex != currentIndex) { lastIndex = currentIndex; double x = 0.0; variance = 0.0; mean = 0.0; sum = 0L; populationSize = 0L; min = Long.MAX_VALUE; max = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (Statistics s : getTenured()) { if (s.populationSize() == 0) { continue; } x += s.populationSize() * (s.variance() + s.mean() * s.mean()); sum += s.sum(); populationSize += s.populationSize(); min = Math.min(min, s.min()); max = Math.max(max, s.max()); } if (populationSize != 0) { mean = ((double) sum) / populationSize; variance = x / populationSize - mean * mean; } } } /** * WARNING: You need to call refresh() to recompute the variance * @return the variance of the aggregated windows */ public double variance() { return variance; } /** * WARNING: You need to call refresh() to recompute the variance * @return the standard deviation of the aggregated windows */ public double standardDeviation() { return Math.sqrt(variance()); } /** * WARNING: You need to call refresh() to recompute the variance * @return the mean of the aggregated windows */ public double mean() { return mean; } /** * WARNING: You need to call refresh() to recompute the variance * @return the sum of the aggregated windows */ public long sum() { return sum; } /** * WARNING: You need to call refresh() to recompute the variance * @return the min of the aggregated windows */ public long min() { return min; } /** * WARNING: You need to call refresh() to recompute the variance * @return the max of the aggregated windows */ public long max() { return max; } /** * WARNING: You need to call refresh() to recompute the variance * @return the range of the aggregated windows */ public long range() { return max - min; } /** * WARNING: You need to call refresh() to recompute the variance * @return the population size of the aggregated windows */ public long populationSize() { return populationSize; } }