package com.twitter.common.util.testing; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import org.omg.CORBA.PUBLIC_MEMBER; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Amount; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Time; /** * A ticker for use in testing with a configurable value for {@link #Ticker#read()}. */ public class FakeTicker extends Ticker{ private long nowNanos; /** * Sets what {@link #read()} will return until this method is called again with a new value * for {@code now}. * * @param nowNanos the current time in nanoseconds */ public void setNowNanos(long nowNanos) { this.nowNanos = nowNanos; } @Override public long read(){ return nowNanos; } /** * Advances the current time by the given {@code period}. Time can be retarded by passing a * negative value. * * @param period the amount of time to advance the current time by */ public void advance(Amount<Long, Time> period) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(period); nowNanos = nowNanos +; } /** * Waits in fake time, immediately returning in real time; however a check of {@link #Ticker#read()} * after this method completes will consistently reveal that {@code nanos} did in fact pass while * waiting. * * @param nanos the amount of time to wait in nanoseconds */ public void waitNanos(long nanos) { advance(Amount.of(nanos, Time.NANOSECONDS)); } }