package com.twitter.common.base; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.Test; import com.twitter.common.base.Either.Transformer; import com.twitter.common.base.Either.UnguardedException; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; public class EitherTest { @Test public void testLeft() { Exception left = new Exception(); assertLeft(left, Either.<Exception, String>left(left)); } @Test public void testRight() { assertRight("jake", Either.<Exception, String>right("jake")); } @Test public void testSwap() { assertLeft("jake", Either.right("jake").swap()); assertRight("jake", Either.left("jake").swap()); Either<String, Object> left = Either.left("jake"); assertEquals(left, left.swap().swap()); Either<Object, String> right = Either.right("jake"); assertEquals(right, right.swap().swap()); } public static final Function<CharSequence, Integer> LENGTH = new Function<CharSequence, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(CharSequence item) { return item.length(); } }; public static final Function<Object, Integer> HASHCODE = new Function<Object, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(Object item) { return item.hashCode(); } }; @Test public void testMapLeft() { RuntimeException left = new RuntimeException() { @Override public int hashCode() { return 42; } }; assertLeft(42, Either.left(left).mapLeft(HASHCODE)); assertRight("jake", Either.right("jake").mapLeft(HASHCODE)); } @Test public void testMapRight() { assertRight(4, Either.right("jake").mapRight(LENGTH)); RuntimeException left = new RuntimeException(); assertLeft(left, Either.left(left).mapRight(HASHCODE)); } @Test public void testMap() { Transformer<Object, CharSequence, Integer> transformer = Either.transformer(HASHCODE, LENGTH); Object left = new Object() { @Override public int hashCode() { return 1137; } }; Either<Object, CharSequence> either = Either.left(left); assertEquals(1137,; assertEquals(19, Either.right("The Meaning of Life").map(transformer).intValue()); } private static final ImmutableList<Either<String, String>> LEFT_RESULTS = ImmutableList.of( Either.<String, String>left("jack"), Either.<String, String>left("jill")); private static final ImmutableList<Either<String, String>> RIGHT_RESULTS = ImmutableList.of( Either.<String, String>right("jack"), Either.<String, String>right("jill")); private static final ImmutableList<Either<String, String>> MIXED_RESULTS = ImmutableList.of( Either.<String, String>left("jack"), Either.<String, String>right("jane"), Either.<String, String>left("jill")); @Test public void testLefts() { assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("jack", "jill"), ImmutableList.copyOf(Either.lefts(LEFT_RESULTS))); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.copyOf(Either.lefts(RIGHT_RESULTS))); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("jack", "jill"), ImmutableList.copyOf(Either.lefts(MIXED_RESULTS))); } @Test public void testRights() { assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.copyOf(Either.rights(LEFT_RESULTS))); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("jack", "jill"), ImmutableList.copyOf(Either.rights(RIGHT_RESULTS))); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("jane"), ImmutableList.copyOf(Either.rights(MIXED_RESULTS))); } @Test public void testTransformer() { assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("jackjack", "4", "jilljill"), ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.transform(MIXED_RESULTS, new Transformer<String, String, String>() { @Override public String mapLeft(String left) { return left + left; } @Override public String mapRight(String right) { return String.valueOf(right.length()); } }))); } static <T, X extends Exception> ExceptionalSupplier<T, X> constantSupplier(final T value) { return new ExceptionalSupplier<T, X>() { @Override public T get() { return value; } }; } static <T, X extends Exception> ExceptionalSupplier<T, X> failedSupplier(final X failure) { return new ExceptionalSupplier<T, X>() { @Override public T get() throws X { throw failure; } }; } @Test public void testGuard() { assertRight("jake", Either.guard(IOException.class, EitherTest.<String, IOException>constantSupplier("jake"))); IOException left = new IOException(); assertLeft(left, Either.guard(IOException.class, failedSupplier(left))); try { Either.guard(IOException.class, new ExceptionalSupplier<Object, IOException>() { @Override public String get() { throw new ArithmeticException(); } }); fail("Expected an unguarded exception type to fail fast."); } catch (UnguardedException e) { assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof ArithmeticException); } Either<Exception, String> result = Either.guard(ImmutableList.of(IOException.class, InterruptedException.class), new SupplierE<String>() { @Override public String get() throws InterruptedException { throw new InterruptedException(); } }); assertTrue(result.getLeft() instanceof InterruptedException); result = Either.guard(ImmutableList.of(IOException.class, InterruptedException.class), new SupplierE<String>() { @Override public String get() throws IOException { throw new MalformedURLException(); } }); assertTrue(result.getLeft() instanceof IOException); class MyException extends Exception { } try { Either.guard(ImmutableList.of(IOException.class, InterruptedException.class), new SupplierE<String>() { @Override public String get() throws Exception { throw new MyException(); } }); fail("Expected an unguarded exception type to fail fast."); } catch (UnguardedException e) { assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof MyException); } } private static <L, R> void assertLeft(L left, Either<L, R> either) { assertEquals(Either.left(left), either); assertTrue(either.isLeft()); assertTrue(either.left().isPresent()); assertSame(left, either.getLeft()); assertSame(left, either.left().get()); assertFalse(either.isRight()); assertFalse(either.right().isPresent()); try { either.getRight(); fail("Expected a a left to throw when accessing its right."); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // expected } try { either.right().get(); fail("Expected a a left to throw when accessing its right."); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // expected } } private static <L, R> void assertRight(R right, Either<L, R> either) { assertEquals(Either.right(right), either); assertTrue(either.isRight()); assertTrue(either.right().isPresent()); assertSame(right, either.getRight()); assertSame(right, either.right().get()); assertFalse(either.isLeft()); assertFalse(either.left().isPresent()); try { either.getLeft(); fail("Expected a a right to throw when accessing its left."); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // expected } try { either.left().get(); fail("Expected a a right to throw when accessing its left."); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // expected } } }