package com.twitter.common.application.modules; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.mortbay.jetty.RequestLog; import com.twitter.common.application.ShutdownRegistry; import com.twitter.common.application.http.DefaultQuitHandler; import com.twitter.common.application.http.GraphViewer; import com.twitter.common.application.http.HttpAssetConfig; import com.twitter.common.application.http.HttpFilterConfig; import com.twitter.common.application.http.HttpServletConfig; import com.twitter.common.application.http.Registration; import com.twitter.common.application.http.Registration.IndexLink; import com.twitter.common.application.modules.LifecycleModule.ServiceRunner; import com.twitter.common.application.modules.LocalServiceRegistry.LocalService; import com.twitter.common.args.Arg; import com.twitter.common.args.CmdLine; import com.twitter.common.args.constraints.NotEmpty; import com.twitter.common.args.constraints.Range; import com.twitter.common.base.Command; import com.twitter.common.base.ExceptionalSupplier; import com.twitter.common.base.Supplier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static; /** * Binding module for injections related to the HTTP server and the default set of servlets. * * This module uses a single command line argument 'http_port'. If unset, the HTTP server will * be started on an ephemeral port. * * The default HTTP server includes several generic servlets that are useful for debugging. * * This class also offers several convenience methods for other modules to register HTTP servlets * which will be included in the HTTP server configuration. * * Bindings provided by this module: * <ul> * <li>{@code @CacheTemplates boolean} - True if parsed stringtemplates for servlets are cached. * </ul> */ public class HttpModule extends AbstractModule { @Range(lower = 0, upper = 65535) @CmdLine(name = "http_port", help = "The port to start an HTTP server on. Default value will choose a random port.") protected static final Arg<Integer> HTTP_PORT = Arg.create(0); @CmdLine(name = "http_primary_service", help = "True if HTTP is the primary service.") protected static final Arg<Boolean> HTTP_PRIMARY_SERVICE = Arg.create(false); @NotEmpty @CmdLine(name = "http_announce_port_names", help = "Names to identify the HTTP port with when advertising the service.") protected static final Arg<Set<String>> ANNOUNCE_NAMES = Arg.<Set<String>>create(ImmutableSet.of("http")); private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HttpModule.class.getName()); // TODO(William Farner): Consider making this configurable if needed. private static final boolean CACHE_TEMPLATES = true; private static class DefaultAbortHandler implements Runnable { @Override public void run() {"ABORTING PROCESS IMMEDIATELY!"); System.exit(0); } } private static class DefaultHealthChecker implements Supplier<Boolean> { @Override public Boolean get() { return Boolean.TRUE; } } private final Key<? extends Runnable> abortHandler; private final Key<? extends Runnable> quitHandlerKey; private final Key<? extends ExceptionalSupplier<Boolean, ?>> healthCheckerKey; public HttpModule() { this(builder()); } private HttpModule(Builder builder) { this.abortHandler = checkNotNull(builder.abortHandlerKey); this.quitHandlerKey = checkNotNull(builder.quitHandlerKey); this.healthCheckerKey = checkNotNull(builder.healthCheckerKey); } /** * Creates a builder to override default bindings. * * @return A new builder. */ public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } /** * Builder to customize bindings. */ public static class Builder { private Key<? extends Runnable> abortHandlerKey = Key.get(DefaultAbortHandler.class); private Key<? extends Runnable> quitHandlerKey = Key.get(DefaultQuitHandler.class); private Key<? extends ExceptionalSupplier<Boolean, ?>> healthCheckerKey = Key.get(DefaultHealthChecker.class); /** * Specifies a custom abort handler to be invoked when an HTTP abort signal is received. * * @param key Abort callback handler binding key. * @return A reference to this builder. */ public Builder abortHandler(Key<? extends Runnable> key) { this.abortHandlerKey = key; return this; } /** * Specifies a custom quit handler to be invoked when an HTTP quit signal is received. * * @param key Quit callback handler binding key. * @return A reference to this builder. */ public Builder quitHandler(Key<? extends Runnable> key) { this.quitHandlerKey = key; return this; } /** * Specifies a custom health checker to control responses to HTTP health checks. * * @param key Health check callback binding key. * @return A reference to this builder. */ public Builder healthChecker(Key<? extends ExceptionalSupplier<Boolean, ?>> key) { this.healthCheckerKey = key; return this; } /** * Constructs an http module. * * @return An http module constructed from this builder. */ public HttpModule build() { return new HttpModule(this); } } @Override protected void configure() { requireBinding(Injector.class); requireBinding(ShutdownRegistry.class); bind(Runnable.class) .annotatedWith(Names.named(AbortHandler.ABORT_HANDLER_KEY)) .to(abortHandler); bind(abortHandler).in(Singleton.class); bind(Runnable.class).annotatedWith(Names.named(QuitHandler.QUIT_HANDLER_KEY)) .to(quitHandlerKey); bind(quitHandlerKey).in(Singleton.class); bind(new TypeLiteral<ExceptionalSupplier<Boolean, ?>>() { }) .annotatedWith(Names.named(HealthHandler.HEALTH_CHECKER_KEY)) .to(healthCheckerKey); bind(healthCheckerKey).in(Singleton.class); // Allow template reloading in interactive mode for easy debugging of string templates. bindConstant().annotatedWith(CacheTemplates.class).to(CACHE_TEMPLATES); bind(HttpServerDispatch.class).to(JettyHttpServerDispatch.class) .in(Singleton.class); bind(RequestLog.class).to(RequestLogger.class); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/abortabortabort", AbortHandler.class, true); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/contention", ContentionPrinter.class, false); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/graphdata", TimeSeriesDataSource.class, true); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/health", HealthHandler.class, true); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/healthz", HealthHandler.class, true); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/logconfig", LogConfig.class, false); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/logs", LogPrinter.class, false); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/pprof/heap", HeapProfileHandler.class, false); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/pprof/profile", CpuProfileHandler.class, false); Registration.registerServlet( binder(), "/pprof/contention", ContentionProfileHandler.class, false); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/quitquitquit", QuitHandler.class, true); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/threads", ThreadStackPrinter.class, false); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/vars", VarsHandler.class, false); Registration.registerServlet(binder(), "/vars.json", VarsJsonHandler.class, false); GraphViewer.registerResources(binder()); LifecycleModule.bindServiceRunner(binder(), HttpServerLauncher.class); // Ensure at least an empty filter set is bound. Registration.getFilterBinder(binder()); // Ensure at least an empty set of additional links is bound. Registration.getEndpointBinder(binder()); } public static final class HttpServerLauncher implements ServiceRunner { private final HttpServerDispatch httpServer; private final Set<HttpServletConfig> httpServlets; private final Set<HttpAssetConfig> httpAssets; private final Set<HttpFilterConfig> httpFilters; private final Set<String> additionalIndexLinks; private final Injector injector; @Inject HttpServerLauncher( HttpServerDispatch httpServer, Set<HttpServletConfig> httpServlets, Set<HttpAssetConfig> httpAssets, Set<HttpFilterConfig> httpFilters, @IndexLink Set<String> additionalIndexLinks, Injector injector) { this.httpServer = checkNotNull(httpServer); this.httpServlets = checkNotNull(httpServlets); this.httpAssets = checkNotNull(httpAssets); this.httpFilters = checkNotNull(httpFilters); this.additionalIndexLinks = checkNotNull(additionalIndexLinks); this.injector = checkNotNull(injector); } @Override public LocalService launch() { if (!httpServer.listen(HTTP_PORT.get())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to start HTTP server, all servlets disabled."); } httpServer.registerListener(new GuiceServletContextListener() { @Override protected Injector getInjector() { return injector; } }); httpServer.registerFilter(GuiceFilter.class, "/*"); for (HttpServletConfig config : httpServlets) { HttpServlet handler = injector.getInstance(config.handlerClass); httpServer.registerHandler(config.path, handler, config.params, config.silent); } for (HttpAssetConfig config : httpAssets) { httpServer.registerHandler(config.path, config.handler, null, config.silent); } for (HttpFilterConfig filter : httpFilters) { httpServer.registerFilter(filter.filterClass, filter.pathSpec); } for (String indexLink : additionalIndexLinks) { httpServer.registerIndexLink(indexLink); } Command shutdown = new Command() { @Override public void execute() {"Shutting down embedded http server"); httpServer.stop(); } }; return HTTP_PRIMARY_SERVICE.get() ? LocalService.primaryService(httpServer.getPort(), shutdown) : LocalService.auxiliaryService(ANNOUNCE_NAMES.get(), httpServer.getPort(), shutdown); } } }