package codeine.mail; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import codeine.configuration.Links; import; import codeine.jsons.labels.LabelJsonProvider; import codeine.jsons.mails.AlertsCollectionType; import codeine.jsons.mails.CollectorNotificationJson; import codeine.model.Constants; import codeine.model.ExitStatus; import codeine.utils.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class AggregateMailPrepare { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AggregateMailPrepare.class); private static final int MAX_MAIL_SIZE = 100000; @Inject private Links links; @Inject private LabelJsonProvider labelJsonProvider; @Inject private GlobalConfigurationJsonStore globalConfigurationJsonStore; public List<Mail> prepare(List<NotificationContent> notificationContent, AlertsCollectionType alertsCollectionType) { List<Mail> $ = Lists.newArrayList(); for (NotificationContent item : notificationContent) { try { prepareOnMail(alertsCollectionType, $, item); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("error in mail prepare",e); } } return $; } private void prepareOnMail(AlertsCollectionType alertsCollectionType, List<Mail> $, NotificationContent item) { StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.append("Hi,\nBelow are alerts from monitors in codeine for policy " + alertsCollectionType + ".\n"); content.append("For more info: " + links.getWebServerLandingPage() + "\n"); content.append("Enjoy!\n\n"); content.append("========================================================================\n"); ImmutableListMultimap<String, CollectorNotificationJson> byNode = createSummary(item, content); for (CollectorNotificationJson notification : item.notifications()) { String nodeName = notification.node_alias(); String version = notification.version() == null ? Constants.NO_VERSION : labelJsonProvider .labelForVersion(notification.version(), notification.project_name()); content.append("Project : " + notification.project_name() + "\n"); content.append("Node : " + nodeName + "\n"); content.append("Monitor : " + notification.collector_name() + "\n"); if (null != notification.exit_status()) { String exitString = "" + notification.exit_status(); if (notification.exit_status() <= 0) { exitString += " (" + ExitStatus.fromInt(notification.exit_status()) + ")"; } content.append("Exit Status : " + exitString + "\n"); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(notification.duration())) { content.append("Duration : " + notification.duration() + "\n"); } content.append("# in last 24h : " + notification.notifications_in_24h() + "\n"); content.append("Time on node : " + getTimeOnNode(notification) + "\n"); content.append("Server : " + notification.peer() + "\n"); content.append("Version : " + version + "\n"); content.append("Link to monitor page : " + getLink(notification) + "\n"); content.append("Output\n" + notification.output() + "\n"); content.append("========================================================================\n"); } String stringContent = ""; if (content.length() > MAX_MAIL_SIZE) { log.warn("mail was too big to user " + item.user()); stringContent = content.substring(0, MAX_MAIL_SIZE) + "\n...Mail was too long..."; } else { stringContent = content.toString(); } String title = "Aggregated alerts from codeine for policy " + alertsCollectionType; if (byNode.values().size() == 1) { Entry<String, CollectorNotificationJson> e = byNode.entries().iterator().next(); title += " on [" + e.getValue().project_name() + "/" + e.getKey() + "/" + e.getValue().collector_name() + "]"; } else { title += " on nodes: " + byNode.keySet(); title = StringUtils.trimStringToMaxLength(title, 150); } $.add(new Mail(Lists.newArrayList(item.user()), title, stringContent, globalConfigurationJsonStore.get().admin_mail())); } private String getLink(CollectorNotificationJson notification) { return links.getWebServerCollectorStatus(notification.project_name(), notification.node_name(), notification.collector_name()); } private String getTimeOnNode(CollectorNotificationJson notification) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(notification.time_formatted())) { return StringUtils.formatDate(notification.time()); } else { return notification.time_formatted(); } } private ImmutableListMultimap<String, CollectorNotificationJson> createSummary(NotificationContent item, StringBuilder content) { Function<CollectorNotificationJson, String> f = new Function<CollectorNotificationJson, String>() { @Override public String apply(CollectorNotificationJson notification) { return notification.node_alias(); } }; ImmutableListMultimap<String, CollectorNotificationJson> byNode = Multimaps.index(item.notifications(), f); if (byNode.values().size() < 2) { log.debug("will not append summary"); return byNode; } content.append("Summary:\n"); for (String n : byNode.keySet()) { content.append(n + " -> " + StringUtils.trimStringToMaxLength(Collections2.transform(byNode.get(n), new NotificationToHeaderFunction()).toString(), 250) + " \n"); } content.append("========================================================================\n"); return byNode; } // public static void main(String[] args) { // System.out.println(formatTime(System.currentTimeMillis())); // } // public static void main(String[] args) { // AggregateMailPrepare aggregateMailSender = new AggregateMailPrepare(); // NotificationContent notificationContent2 = new // NotificationContent("oshai"); // NodeJson node = new NodeJson("itstl1043:12345"); // notificationContent2.add(Lists.newArrayList(new // CollectorNotificationJson("collector_name", "project_name", // "outputdfgdfg\n\n\nsadkljfhsdfaklh", false, node))); // List<NotificationContent> notificationContent = // Lists.newArrayList(notificationContent2); // List<Mail> mails = aggregateMailSender.prepare(notificationContent ); // Send.mail(mails.get(0)); // } }