package codeine.command_peer; import codeine.api.NodeWithPeerInfo; import codeine.configuration.Links; import codeine.jsons.command.CommandInfo; import codeine.jsons.command.CommandInfoForSpecificNode; import codeine.jsons.project.ProjectJson; import codeine.model.Constants; import codeine.model.Constants.UrlParameters; import codeine.model.ExitStatus; import codeine.permissions.IUserWithPermissions; import codeine.utils.ExceptionUtils; import codeine.utils.ThreadUtils; import codeine.utils.logging.LogUtils; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class PeerCommandWorker implements Runnable { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PeerCommandWorker.class); private NodeWithPeerInfo node; private AllNodesCommandExecuter allNodesCommandExecuter; private boolean shouldOutputImmediatly; private CommandInfo command_info; private Links links; private boolean success = false; private boolean POST = true; private ProjectJson project; private static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*" + Constants.COMMAND_RESULT + "(-?\\d+).*"); private IUserWithPermissions userObject; private boolean failedReported = false; public PeerCommandWorker(NodeWithPeerInfo node, AllNodesCommandExecuter allNodesCommandExecuter, CommandInfo command_info, boolean shouldOutputImmediatly, Links links, ProjectJson project, IUserWithPermissions userObject) { this.node = node; this.allNodesCommandExecuter = allNodesCommandExecuter; this.command_info = command_info; this.shouldOutputImmediatly = shouldOutputImmediatly; this.links = links; this.project = project; this.userObject = userObject; } @Override public void run() { try { execute(); } finally { } } private long getSleepTime() { return 100; } private void execute() { if (noPermissions()) { announce("no permissions for user " + userObject.user().username() + " on node " + node.alias() + "!"); } else { executeInternal(); } allNodesCommandExecuter.workerFinished(); } private void executeInternal() { String url = links.getPeerLink(node.peer_address()) + Constants.COMMAND_NODE_CONTEXT;"commandNode " + allNodesCommandExecuter.commandString() + " for " + node.alias() + " url is " + url); try { ThreadUtils.sleep(getSleepTime()); log.debug("running worker " + node); final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); Function<String, Void> function = new ReadCommandOutputFunction(result); if (shouldOutputImmediatly){ writeNodeHeader(); } if (POST && !"upgrade_old_peers")) { String key = userObject.user().encodedApiTokenWithTime(); CommandInfoForSpecificNode command_info2 = new CommandInfoForSpecificNode(, node.alias(), null, key, project.environmentVariables());"Post data of command is " + command_info2.toString()); String postData = UrlParameters.DATA_NAME + "=" + HttpUtils.encodeURL(new Gson().toJson(command_info)) +"&" + UrlParameters.DATA_ADDITIONAL_COMMAND_INFO_NAME + "=" + HttpUtils.encodeURL(new Gson().toJson(command_info2)); HttpUtils.doPOST(url, postData, function,null); } else { String link = links.getPeerCommandLink(node.peer_address(), "codeine", "switch-version", "beta"); HttpUtils.doGET(link, function,null, HttpUtils.READ_TIMEOUT_MILLI); } if (result.length() > 0) { String finishedMessage = "command " + (success ? "succeeded" : "failed") + " on node " + node.alias(); if (!shouldOutputImmediatly){ allNodesCommandExecuter.writeLine(getAnnounceMessage(getHeaderMessage()) + "\n" + result.toString() + "\n" + finishedMessage); } else { announce(finishedMessage); } } else { announce("result is empty for node " + node.alias()); } if (!success) { nodeFailed(); } } catch (Exception ex) { announce("error in node " + node.alias() + " message: " + ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(ex).getMessage()); log.warn("error in node with link " + url + " ; message " + ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(ex).getMessage()); log.debug("error details", ex); nodeFailed(); } if (command_info.block_after_execution_minutes() != null && command_info.block_after_execution_minutes() > 0) { announce("will wait after executing command on " + node.alias() + ". waiting " + command_info.block_after_execution_minutes() + " minute(s)"); ThreadUtils.sleep(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(command_info.block_after_execution_minutes())); } } private void nodeFailed() { if (!failedReported) {; failedReported = true; } else { LogUtils.assertFailed(log, "nodeFailed reported more than once"); } } private boolean noPermissions() { return !userObject.canCommand(, node.alias()); } private void writeNodeHeader() { announce(getHeaderMessage()); } private String getHeaderMessage() { return "executed on node: " + node.alias() + ", output below"; } private void announce(String line) { allNodesCommandExecuter.writeLine(getAnnounceMessage(line)); } private String getAnnounceMessage(String line) { return "===> " + line + " <==="; } private final class ReadCommandOutputFunction implements Function<String, Void> { private final StringBuilder result; private ReadCommandOutputFunction(StringBuilder result) { this.result = result; } @Override public Void apply(String line) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line.replace("\n", "")); if (matcher.matches()) { int exitStatus = Integer.valueOf(; if (ExitStatus.SUCCESS != exitStatus) { line = "\nCommand failed with exit status " + exitStatus; if (exitStatus <= 0) { line += " (" + ExitStatus.fromInt(exitStatus) + ")"; } line += "\n"; } else { allNodesCommandExecuter.nodeSuccess(node); success = true; } } if (!success) {//failed or not finished if (shouldOutputImmediatly) { allNodesCommandExecuter.writeLine(line); } result.append(line + "\n"); } return null; } } }