package codeine.executer; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import codeine.utils.ExceptionUtils; import codeine.utils.StringUtils; import codeine.utils.ThreadUtils; import; public class PeriodicExecuter implements Runnable { private final long sleepTimeMilli; private Task task; private volatile boolean shouldStop; private String taskName; private boolean sleepFirst; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PeriodicExecuter.class); private Object waitForFirstExecutionSync = new Object(); private boolean firstExecutionFinished = false; public PeriodicExecuter(long sleepTimeMilli, Task task, String taskName) { super(); this.sleepTimeMilli = sleepTimeMilli; this.task = task; this.taskName = taskName; } public PeriodicExecuter(long sleepTime, Task task) { this(sleepTime, task, task.getClass().getSimpleName()); } @Override public void run() {"started for task " + taskName); if (sleepFirst) {"going to sleep first for " + StringUtils.formatTimePeriod(sleepTimeMilli)); ThreadUtils.wait(getSleepObject(), sleepTimeMilli); } while (!shouldStop) { Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.createStarted(); try { exec(); } catch (Throwable e1) { log.warn("error executing task " + taskName, e1); } s.stop(); if (!firstExecutionFinished) { firstExecutionFinished = true; synchronized (waitForFirstExecutionSync) { waitForFirstExecutionSync.notifyAll(); } }"task " + taskName + " took " + s + " ; going to sleep " + StringUtils.formatTimePeriod(sleepTimeMilli)); ThreadUtils.wait(getSleepObject(), sleepTimeMilli); }"finished for task " + taskName); } public void waitForFirstExecution(int millisToWait) { synchronized (waitForFirstExecutionSync) { if (firstExecutionFinished) { return; } try { waitForFirstExecutionSync.wait(millisToWait); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw ExceptionUtils.asUnchecked(e); } } } protected Object getSleepObject() { if (task instanceof NotifiableTask) { NotifiableTask task1 = (NotifiableTask) task; return task1.getSleepObject(); } return new Object(); } private void exec() { log.debug("executing " + taskName);; } public void stopWhenPossible() { shouldStop = true; } public void runInThread() { ThreadUtils.createThread(this, taskName).start(); } public void runInThreadSleepFirst() { this.sleepFirst = true; ThreadUtils.createThread(this, taskName).start(); } public String name() { return taskName; } }