package codeine.db.mysql.connectors; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import codeine.db.IAlertsDatabaseConnector; import codeine.db.mysql.DbUtils; import; import codeine.jsons.mails.AlertsCollectionType; import codeine.jsons.mails.CollectorNotificationJson; import codeine.utils.ExceptionUtils; import; import; import; import; import; //TODO remove after all components using notifications public class AlertsMysqlConnector implements IAlertsDatabaseConnector{ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AlertsMysqlConnector.class); private DbUtils dbUtils; private Gson gson; private ExperimentalConfJsonStore webConfJsonStore; private static final String TABLE_NAME = "Alerts"; @Inject public AlertsMysqlConnector(DbUtils dbUtils, Gson gson, ExperimentalConfJsonStore webConfJsonStore) { super(); this.dbUtils = dbUtils; this.gson = gson; this.webConfJsonStore = webConfJsonStore; } public void createTables() { if (webConfJsonStore.get().readonly_web_server()) {"read only mode"); return; } String colsDefinition = "id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, data text, collection_type_update_time BIGINT, collection_type BIGINT"; dbUtils.executeUpdate("create table if not exists " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + colsDefinition + ")"); } @Override public void put(CollectorNotificationJson collectorNotificationJson) { String json = gson.toJson(collectorNotificationJson); dbUtils.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO "+TABLE_NAME+" (data) VALUES (?)", json); } @Override public Multimap<String, CollectorNotificationJson> getAlertsAndUpdate(final AlertsCollectionType collType) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.createStarted(); MapWithId $ = query(collType); String queryMessage = "query took " + s; s = Stopwatch.createStarted(); updateCollectionType(collType, time, $.maxId); + ", update took " + s + " on " + dbUtils); return $.map; } private void updateCollectionType(final AlertsCollectionType collType, long time, int maxId) { if (webConfJsonStore.get().readonly_web_server()) {"read only mode"); } String updateString = "UPDATE " + TABLE_NAME + " SET collection_type_update_time=" + time + ",collection_type=" + collType.toLong() + " WHERE id<=" + maxId + " AND (" + "(collection_type < " + collType.toLong() + " AND collection_type >= " + collType.previousType().toLong() + ")"; if (collType == AlertsCollectionType.Immediately) { updateString += " OR collection_type IS NULL"; } updateString += ")"; dbUtils.executeUpdate(updateString); } private static class MapWithId { Multimap<String, CollectorNotificationJson> map; int maxId; public MapWithId(Multimap<String, CollectorNotificationJson> map, int maxId) { = map; this.maxId = maxId; } } private MapWithId query(final AlertsCollectionType collType) { final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger maxId = new AtomicInteger(0); final Multimap<String, CollectorNotificationJson> $ = HashMultimap.create(); Function<ResultSet, Void> function = new Function<ResultSet, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(ResultSet rs){ if (webConfJsonStore.get().readonly_web_server()) { return null; } try { String data = rs.getString("data"); // Long type = rs.getLong("collection_type"); int id = rs.getInt("id"); maxId.set(Math.max(maxId.get(), id)); CollectorNotificationJson n = gson.fromJson(data, CollectorNotificationJson.class); $.put(n.project_name(),n); count.incrementAndGet(); return null; } catch (SQLException e) { throw ExceptionUtils.asUnchecked(e); } } }; dbUtils.executeQueryCompressed("SELECT id, data, collection_type_update_time, collection_type FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE collection_type < " + collType.toLong() + " OR collection_type IS NULL" , function); if (count.intValue() > 0){"handled col type " + collType + " with num of events " + count.intValue() + " on " + dbUtils); } return new MapWithId($, maxId.get()); } @Override public void removeOldAlerts() { if (webConfJsonStore.get().readonly_web_server()) {"read only mode"); return; } long timeToRemove = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(3);"will remove older than " + timeToRemove + " on " + dbUtils); String deleteSql = "delete from " + TABLE_NAME + " where collection_type_update_time < " + timeToRemove + " AND collection_type = " + AlertsCollectionType.Daily.toLong(); dbUtils.executeUpdate(deleteSql); } @Override public String toString() { return "AlertsMysqlConnector [dbUtils=" + dbUtils + "]"; } }