package codeine.db.mysql; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class MXJController { public static int MYSQL_KILL_DELAY = 60000; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MXJController.class); public static int MAX_STARTUP_INTERVAL = 80 * 1000; private final int RESTART_INTERVAL = 2 * 60 * 1000; public static String MAX_CONNECTIONS = "1000"; public static String QUERY_CACHE_SIZE = "134217728"; //128M public static String MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET = "4M"; public static String WAIT_TIMEOUT = "31536000"; public static String KEY_BUFFER_SIZE = "67108864"; //64M public static String TABLE_OPEN_CACHE = "256"; public static String SORT_BUFFER_SIZE = "4194304"; //4M public static String READ_BUFFER_SIZE = "1048576"; //1M public static String TMP_TABLE_SIZE = "67108864"; //64M public static String MAX_HEAP_TABLE_SIZE = "67108864"; //64M public static String MAX_SEEKS_FOR_KEY = "1000"; public static Boolean LOW_PRIORITY_UPDATES = false; public static boolean DUMP_QUERIES_LOG = false; private Map<String, String> m_mpAdditionalOptions = new HashMap<String, String>(); private SpecificMysqldResource m_mysqld = null; private String m_sBasePath; private int m_iPort; private int m_iServerID; private boolean m_bEnableBinaryLog; private static long m_lastRestart = 0; private String binDir; public MXJController(String basePath, int port, String binDir) { m_sBasePath = basePath; m_iPort = port; this.binDir = binDir; } public synchronized boolean start() { if(m_mysqld != null) { log.debug("MySQL database already started"); return false; } try { File baseDir = new File(getBaseDir()); File dataDir = new File(getDataDir()); dataDir.mkdirs(); File outFile = new File(dataDir, "mysql.out"); PrintStream mysqlOut = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(outFile)); m_mysqld = new SpecificMysqldResource(baseDir, dataDir, null, false, mysqlOut, binDir); Map<String, String> options = buildOptions(); if(m_mysqld.isRunning()) {"Found old MySQL running database - terminating..."); m_mysqld.setKillDelay(1); m_mysqld.shutdown(); }"Starting MySQL on port " + m_iPort); m_mysqld.setKillDelay(MAX_STARTUP_INTERVAL); m_mysqld.start("MySQL Controller", options); return true; } catch(Exception e) { log.error("cannot open database", e); m_mysqld = null; return false; } } public void addOptions(Map<String, String> mpAddtional) { m_mpAdditionalOptions.putAll(mpAddtional); } protected Map<String, String> buildOptions() { Map<String,String> options = new HashMap<String,String>(); options.put("port",String.valueOf(m_iPort)); options.put("max_seeks_for_key", MAX_SEEKS_FOR_KEY); options.put("max_allowed_packet", MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET); options.put("max_connections", MAX_CONNECTIONS); options.put("wait_timeout", WAIT_TIMEOUT); options.put("query_cache_size", QUERY_CACHE_SIZE); options.put("key_buffer_size", KEY_BUFFER_SIZE); options.put("table_open_cache", TABLE_OPEN_CACHE); options.put("sort_buffer_size", SORT_BUFFER_SIZE); options.put("read_buffer_size", READ_BUFFER_SIZE); options.put("innodb_buffer_pool_size", String.valueOf(512L * 1024 * 1024)); options.put("tmp_table_size", TMP_TABLE_SIZE); options.put("max_heap_table_size", MAX_HEAP_TABLE_SIZE); options.put("skip-name-resolve", "true"); if (LOW_PRIORITY_UPDATES) { options.put("low_priority_updates", "true"); } options.putAll(m_mpAdditionalOptions); if(isEnableBinaryLog()) { options.put("log-bin", "mysql-bin"); } if(getServerID() > 0) { options.put("server-id", String.valueOf(getServerID())); } // options.put("skip-innodb", null); options.put("user", MysqlConstants.DB_USER); if (DUMP_QUERIES_LOG) { options.put("log", System.getProperty("mysql.datadir") + File.separator + "queries.log"); } return options; } public synchronized void stopMysqld() { if(m_mysqld != null) { System.out.println("Shutting down, please wait...");"Shutting down MySql"); m_mysqld.setKillDelay(MYSQL_KILL_DELAY); m_mysqld.shutdown(); } m_mysqld = null; } public void stop() { try { stopMysqld(); System.out.println("done"); } catch(Throwable t) { log.warn(" - caught exception", t); } } private synchronized void restartMysqld() { stopMysqld(); delay(10); start(); delay(10); } /** * TO DO - nambar : Auto restart of mysql database causing issues * it looks like the feeder starts the mysql database when not needed * Auto restart was originally made since mysqld does not know to recover from NFS issues */ public void restartMysqldIfNotRestartedLately() { if(m_lastRestart + RESTART_INTERVAL < System.currentTimeMillis()) { restartMysqld(); m_lastRestart = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } private void delay(int sec) { try { Thread.sleep(sec * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("delay() - interrupted", e); } } public boolean isEnableBinaryLog() { return m_bEnableBinaryLog; } public void setEnableBinaryLog(boolean enableBinaryLog) { m_bEnableBinaryLog = enableBinaryLog; } public int getServerID() { return m_iServerID; } public void setServerID(int serverID) { m_iServerID = serverID; } public int getPort() { return m_iPort; } public void setPort(int port) { m_iPort = port; } public String getDataDir() { return m_sBasePath + File.separator + "data"; } public String getBaseDir() { return m_sBasePath + File.separator + "mysql"; } public void cleanReplicationLogs() { try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/rm " + getDataDir() + "/*-relay-*"}); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("unable to cleanup replication logs", e); } } public boolean isRunning() { return m_mysqld.isRunning(); } }