package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Provider; import javax.inject.Singleton; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fathomdb.utils.Hex; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Singleton @Transactional public class FileServiceImpl implements FileService, FileServiceInternal { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileServiceImpl.class); public static final int COMPACTION_THRESHOLD = 32; private static final boolean PARANOID = true; @Inject FileStore fileStore; @Inject BlobStoreFactory blobStoreFactory; @Inject FilesystemCompactor compactor; @Inject Provider<StorageDerivedMetadata> derivedMetadataProvider; @Override public BlobStore getBlobStore(Project project) throws IOException { String key = "obj_" + project.getId(); return blobStoreFactory.get(key); } protected NumberedItemCollection<DirectoryData> getDirectoryStorage(Project project) throws CloudException { NumberedItemCollection<DirectoryData> directoryStorage = fileStore.getDirectories(project.getId()); return directoryStorage; } BucketData getBucket(Project project, String bucketName) throws CloudException { NamedItemCollection<BucketData> bucketStorage = fileStore.getBuckets(project.getId()); BucketData bucket = bucketStorage.find(bucketName); if (bucket == null) { throw new WebApplicationException(Status.NOT_FOUND); } return bucket; } public DirectoryData storeDirectory(NumberedItemCollection<DirectoryData> directoryStorage, DirectoryData.Builder dir) throws CloudException { if (!dir.hasId()) { // A new directory // We expect this to be small DirectoryData created = directoryStorage.create(dir); assert created.getSerializedSize() < 1024; return created; } DirectoryData built =; int size = built.getSerializedSize(); if (size > 4096) { // log.warn("Excessive size of DirectoryData. Size={} Data={}", // size, // built); log.warn("Excessive size of DirectoryData. Size={}", size); } return directoryStorage.update(dir); } private DirectoryData getDirectoryData(Project project, BucketData bucket) throws CloudException { NumberedItemCollection<DirectoryData> directoryStorage = getDirectoryStorage(project); DirectoryData dir = directoryStorage.find(bucket.getRootId()); if (dir == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return dir; } @Override @Transactional public void putFile(Project project, String bucketName, String name, FileBlob blob, String contentType, Map<String, String> userAttributes, FilePutOption... options) throws CloudException, IOException { // Otherwise this causes all sorts of problems... if (name.startsWith("/")) { name = name.substring(1); } // TODO: Should we use the straight hash as the key? // Should we include a second hash? // Should we prefix the project id? getBlobStore(project).put(; BucketData bucket = getBucket(project, bucketName); DirectoryData dir = getDirectoryData(project, bucket); DirectoryData.Builder newDir = DirectoryData.newBuilder(dir); FileData.Builder file = null; int foundIndex = findFile(newDir, name); if (foundIndex != -1) { for (FilePutOption option : options) { if (option == FilePutOption.FAIL_IF_EXISTS) { throw new IOException("File already exists: " + name); } } file = newDir.getFilesBuilder(foundIndex); file.clearRanges(); } else { file = newDir.addFilesBuilder(); file.setKey(name); } file.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (contentType != null) { file.setContentType(contentType); } file.setHash(blob.hash); // NOTE: hashResume can contain plaintext. Careful around encryption! file.setHashResume(blob.hashResume); { FileRange.Builder c = file.addRangesBuilder(); c.setStart(0); c.setEnd(blob.dataLength); c.setContentKey(blob.hash); } // builder.setContents(key); file.setLength(blob.dataLength); updateAttributes(userAttributes, file.getAttributesBuilder()); if (PARANOID) { BlobStore blobStore = getBlobStore(project); sanityCheck(blobStore, file); } storeDirectory(getDirectoryStorage(project), newDir); } @Override @Transactional public void deleteFile(Project project, String bucketName, String name) throws CloudException { BucketData bucket = getBucket(project, bucketName); DirectoryData dir = getDirectoryData(project, bucket); DirectoryData.Builder newDir = DirectoryData.newBuilder(dir); int foundIndex = findFile(newDir, name); if (foundIndex < 0) { throw new WebApplicationException(Status.NOT_FOUND); } newDir.removeFiles(foundIndex); storeDirectory(getDirectoryStorage(project), newDir); } private static int findFile(DirectoryDataOrBuilder dir, String key) { int foundIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < dir.getFilesCount(); i++) { FileData file = dir.getFiles(i); if (key.equals(file.getKey())) { foundIndex = i; break; } } return foundIndex; } @Override public FsFile findFileInfo(FsBucket bucket, String name) throws CloudException { DirectoryData dir = getDirectoryData(bucket.getProject(), bucket.getData()); int foundIndex = findFile(dir, name); if (foundIndex == -1) { return null; } FileData found = dir.getFiles(foundIndex); return new FsFile(bucket, found); } @Override @Transactional public void append(Project project, String bucketName, String name, Long offset, FileBlob blob) throws CloudException, IOException { getBlobStore(project).put(; BucketData bucket = getBucket(project, bucketName); DirectoryData dir = getDirectoryData(project, bucket); DirectoryData.Builder newDir = DirectoryData.newBuilder(dir); FileData.Builder file = null; FileData oldFileData; int foundIndex = findFile(newDir, name); if (foundIndex != -1) { oldFileData = dir.getFiles(foundIndex); file = newDir.getFilesBuilder(foundIndex); } else { // We require the file to already exist because otherwise it's // tricky to set metadata etc. throw new WebApplicationException(Status.NOT_FOUND); // builder = newDir.addFilesBuilder(); // builder.setKey(name); } file.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis()); int rangeCount = file.getRangesCount() + 1; { FileRange.Builder c = file.addRangesBuilder(); long len = file.getLength(); if (offset != null) { if (len != offset) { throw new IOException("Attempt to append at non-terminal position"); } } c.setStart(len); c.setEnd(len + blob.dataLength); c.setContentKey(blob.hash); } ResumableMD5Digest md5 = ResumableMD5Digest.get(); if (file.hasHashResume() && !file.getHashResume().isEmpty()) { md5.setState(file.getHashResume(), file.getLength()); md5.update(; } else { BlobStore blobStore = getBlobStore(project); CloudObject cloudObject = new CloudObject(oldFileData); try (InputStream is = cloudObject.getInputStream(blobStore)) { md5.update(is); } md5.update(; } ByteString hashResume = md5.getState(); ByteString hash = ByteString.copyFrom(md5.digest()); file.setHash(hash); // NOTE: hashResume can contain plaintext. Careful around encryption! file.setHashResume(hashResume); file.setLength(file.getLength() + blob.dataLength); if (PARANOID) { BlobStore blobStore = getBlobStore(project); sanityCheck(blobStore, file); } storeDirectory(getDirectoryStorage(project), newDir); if (rangeCount >= COMPACTION_THRESHOLD) { compactor.enqueue(project, bucketName, name); } } @Override @Transactional public void deleteBucket(Project project, String bucketName) throws CloudException { NamedItemCollection<BucketData> bucketStorage = fileStore.getBuckets(project.getId()); BucketData bucket = bucketStorage.find(bucketName); if (bucket == null) { throw new WebApplicationException(Status.NOT_FOUND); } if (bucket.hasRootId()) { NumberedItemCollection<DirectoryData> directoryStorage = getDirectoryStorage(project); DirectoryData dir = directoryStorage.find(bucket.getRootId()); if (dir != null) { if (!isEmpty(dir)) { throw new WebApplicationException(Status.CONFLICT); } } } bucketStorage.delete(bucketName); } private boolean isEmpty(DirectoryData dir) { return dir.getFilesCount() == 0; } @Override @Transactional public Status putBucket(Project project, String bucketName, BucketAttributes bucketAttributes, Map<String, String> userAttributes) throws CloudException { NamedItemCollection<BucketData> bucketStorage = fileStore.getBuckets(project.getId()); BucketData oldBucket = bucketStorage.find(bucketName); BucketData.Builder newBucket; boolean isNew; if (oldBucket == null) { newBucket = BucketData.newBuilder(); newBucket.setKey(bucketName); newBucket.setCreatedAt(Clock.getTimestamp()); NumberedItemCollection<DirectoryData> directoryStorage = getDirectoryStorage(project); fileStore.getDirectories(project.getId()); DirectoryData.Builder dir = DirectoryData.newBuilder(); DirectoryData created = storeDirectory(directoryStorage, dir); newBucket.setRootId(created.getId()); isNew = true; } else { newBucket = BucketData.newBuilder(oldBucket); isNew = false; } updateAttributes(bucketAttributes, newBucket.getBucketAttributesBuilder()); updateAttributes(userAttributes, newBucket.getAttributesBuilder()); BucketData updated; if (isNew) { try { updated = bucketStorage.create(newBucket); } catch (DuplicateValueException e) { // TODO: Is this right? Should we retry? throw new WebApplicationException(Status.CONFLICT); } } else { updated = bucketStorage.update(newBucket); } bucketMetadataUpdated(project, updated); return isNew ? Status.CREATED : Status.ACCEPTED; } private void bucketMetadataUpdated(Project project, BucketData bucket) throws CloudException { StorageDerivedMetadata newMetadata = derivedMetadataProvider.get(); String serviceKey = "bucket/metadata/" + project.getId() + "/" + bucket.getKey(); newMetadata.apply(project, bucket, serviceKey); } private void updateAttributes(BucketAttributes src, BucketAttributes.Builder dest) { if (src != null) { // TODO: Just call merge? if (src.hasAclRead()) { dest.setAclRead(src.getAclRead()); } } } private void updateAttributes(Map<String, String> userAttributes, Attributes.Builder builder) { if (userAttributes != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : userAttributes.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); // Key cases are expected to be mangled: // key = key.toLowerCase(); boolean found = false; for (KeyValueData.Builder kv : builder.getUserAttributesBuilderList()) { if (key.equals(kv.getKey())) { kv.setValue(value); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { KeyValueData.Builder kv = builder.addUserAttributesBuilder(); kv.setKey(key); kv.setValue(value); } } } } @Override public StreamingOutput open(FsFile file, Long from, Long to) { // TODO: This can be made much more efficient CloudObject object = new CloudObject(file.getData()); final InputStream is; try { BlobStore blobStore = getBlobStore(file.getProject()); is = object.getInputStream(blobStore, from, to); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error opening file", e); } StreamingOutput stream = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write(OutputStream os) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { ByteStreams.copy(is, os); os.flush(); } }; return stream; } @Override public FsBucket findBucket(User user, Project project, String bucketName) throws CloudException { BucketData bucket = fileStore.getBuckets(project.getId()).find(bucketName); if (bucket == null) { throw new WebApplicationException(Status.NOT_FOUND); } if (user == null) { // Check that the container is public boolean allowed = false; if (bucket.hasBucketAttributes()) { BucketAttributes bucketAttributes = bucket.getBucketAttributes(); if (bucketAttributes.hasAclRead()) { StorageAcl acl = StorageAcl.parse(AclType.Read, bucketAttributes.getAclRead()); // TODO: Do we really care about referer? String referer = "unknown"; // String referer = request.getHeader("Referer"); if (acl.isRefererAllowed(referer)) { allowed = true; } } } // TODO: Check user access to the container if (!allowed) { return null; } } return new FsBucket(project, bucket); } @Override @Transactional public boolean compact(CompactOperation compaction) throws CloudException, IOException { Project project = compaction.getProject(); String bucketName = compaction.getBucketName(); String name = compaction.getName(); BucketData bucket = getBucket(project, bucketName); DirectoryData dir = getDirectoryData(project, bucket); DirectoryData.Builder newDir = DirectoryData.newBuilder(dir); FileData.Builder builder = null; FileData oldFileData; int foundIndex = findFile(newDir, name); if (foundIndex != -1) { oldFileData = dir.getFiles(foundIndex); builder = newDir.getFilesBuilder(foundIndex); } else { return false; } if (builder.getRangesCount() < COMPACTION_THRESHOLD) { log.debug("File is (now) smaller than compaction threshold: {}", compaction.getDebugPath()); return false; } if (!compaction.compact(this, builder)) { // Compactor should have logged a reason return false; } storeDirectory(getDirectoryStorage(project), newDir); return true; } public static void sanityCheck(BlobStore blobStore, FileData.Builder file) { Hasher md5 = Hashing.md5().newHasher(); try (HashingOutputStream hos = new HashingOutputStream(ByteStreams.nullOutputStream(), md5)) { List<FileRange> ranges = file.getRangesList(); for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) { FileRange range = ranges.get(i); BlobData blob = blobStore.find(range.getContentKey()); if (blob == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find blob for range: " + range); } log.debug("Sanity check: fetch blob {}", Hex.toHex(range.getContentKey().toByteArray())); if (blob.size() != (range.getEnd() - range.getStart())) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } blob.copyTo(hos); if (i != 0) { FileRange prev = ranges.get(i - 1); if (prev.getEnd() != range.getStart()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } else { if (range.getStart() != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } if (i == (ranges.size() - 1)) { if (range.getEnd() != file.getLength()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error checking file: " + file, e); } ByteString hash = ByteString.copyFrom(md5.hash().asBytes()); if (!file.getHash().equals(hash)) { log.warn("Hash mismatch: {} vs {}", Hex.toHex(file.getHash().toByteArray()), Hex.toHex(hash.toByteArray())); throw new IllegalStateException("Hash mismatch"); } } @Override @Transactional public ListenableFuture<?> watchBucket(FsBucket bucket, String ifNotEtag) throws CloudException { long projectId = bucket.getProject().getId(); long rootId = bucket.getData().getRootId(); NumberedItemCollection<DirectoryData> dirs = fileStore.getDirectories(projectId); Watched<DirectoryData> watched =; if (ifNotEtag != null) { DirectoryData dirData = watched.getValue(); String currentEtag = computeEtag(dirData); if (!ifNotEtag.equals(currentEtag)) { return Futures.immediateFuture(currentEtag); } } return watched.getFuture(); } private String computeEtag(DirectoryData dirData) { log.warn("Etag computation for directories is stub-implemented"); return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } @Override public FileInfo getFileInfo(Project project, String bucketName, String name) throws CloudException, IOException { BucketData bucketData = getBucket(project, bucketName); FsBucket fsBucket = new FsBucket(project, bucketData); FsFile fsFile = findFileInfo(fsBucket, name); return fsFile; } List<DirectoryListEntry> listFiles(Project project, FsBucket bucket) throws CloudException { NumberedItemCollection<DirectoryData> directoryStorage = getDirectoryStorage(project); if (! { return Lists.newArrayList(); } DirectoryData dir = directoryStorage.find(; if (dir == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } List<DirectoryListEntry> entries = Lists.newArrayList(); for (FileData file : dir.getFilesList()) { entries.add(new DirectoryListEntry(file.getKey(), file)); } return entries; } @Override public List<DirectoryListEntry> listFiles(Project project, FsBucket bucket, String prefix, String delimiter, String marker) throws CloudException { List<DirectoryListEntry> entries = listFiles(project, bucket); if (prefix != null) { log.warn("Prefix filter is inefficient"); List<DirectoryListEntry> matches = Lists.newArrayList(); for (DirectoryListEntry entry : entries) { String name = entry.getKey(); if (!name.startsWith(prefix)) { continue; } matches.add(entry); } entries = matches; } if (delimiter != null) { log.warn("Delimiter filter is inefficient"); List<DirectoryListEntry> realFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); Set<String> dirs = Sets.newHashSet(); boolean changed = false; int offset = prefix != null ? prefix.length() : 0; for (DirectoryListEntry entry : entries) { String name = entry.getKey(); int nextSlash = name.indexOf(delimiter, offset); if (nextSlash == -1) { realFiles.add(entry); } else { String key = name.substring(0, nextSlash); dirs.add(key); changed = true; } } if (changed) { List<DirectoryListEntry> l = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String dir : dirs) { l.add(new DirectoryListEntry(dir, null)); } l.addAll(realFiles); entries = l; } } if (marker != null) { log.warn("Marker filter is inefficient"); List<DirectoryListEntry> matches = Lists.newArrayList(); for (DirectoryListEntry entry : entries) { String name = entry.getKey(); if (name.compareTo(marker) <= 0) { continue; } matches.add(entry); } entries = matches; } Collections.sort(entries); return entries; } @Override public List<? extends FileInfo> listFiles(Project project, String bucketName, String prefix, String delimiter) throws CloudException { BucketData bucketData = getBucket(project, bucketName); FsBucket fsBucket = new FsBucket(project, bucketData); String marker = null; return listFiles(project, fsBucket, prefix, delimiter, marker); } @Override public ByteSource getData(Project project, String bucketName, String name, Long from, Long to) throws IOException, CloudException { BucketData bucketData = getBucket(project, bucketName); FsBucket fsBucket = new FsBucket(project, bucketData); FsFile fsFile = findFileInfo(fsBucket, name); if (fsFile == null) { return null; } CloudObject object = new CloudObject(fsFile.getData()); BlobStore blobStore = getBlobStore(project); return object.asByteSource(blobStore, from, to); } @Override public void ensureBucket(Project project, String bucketName) throws CloudException { BucketData bucket = fileStore.getBuckets(project.getId()).find(bucketName); if (bucket == null) { putBucket(project, bucketName, null, null); } } }