package org.keyczar; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory; import javax.crypto.interfaces.PBEKey; import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec; import org.keyczar.enums.KeyPurpose; import org.keyczar.enums.KeyStatus; import org.keyczar.exceptions.KeyczarException; import org.keyczar.interfaces.KeyczarReader; import org.keyczar.util.Base64Coder; import org.keyczar.util.Util; import; import; import; public class KeyczarUtils { public static AesKey unpack(byte[] data) throws KeyczarException { AesKey aesKey = AesKey.fromPackedKey(data); return aesKey; } public static KeyczarReader asReader(AesKey aesKey) { ImportedKeyReader importedKeyReader = new ImportedKeyReader(aesKey); return importedKeyReader; } public static byte[] pack(AesKey key) { return key.getEncoded(); } @Deprecated public static SecretKey getKey(AesKey key) { return key.getJceKey(); } public static byte[] generate(KeyMetadata kmd) throws KeyczarException { KeyczarKey key = createKey(kmd); byte[] packed = KeyczarUtils.pack((AesKey) key); return packed; } public static KeyczarKey createKey(KeyMetadata kmd) { try { MemoryKeyczarStore store = new MemoryKeyczarStore(); GenericKeyczar keyczar = GenericKeyczar.create(store, kmd); keyczar.addVersion(KeyStatus.PRIMARY); KeyczarKey key = keyczar.getPrimaryKey(); return key; } catch (KeyczarException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error generating key", e); } } public static AesKey generateSymmetricKey() { KeyMetadata kmd = new KeyMetadata("key", KeyPurpose.DECRYPT_AND_ENCRYPT, DefaultKeyType.AES); return (AesKey) createKey(kmd); } public static byte[] encrypt(AesKey key, byte[] plaintext) { try { Crypter crypter = buildCrypter(key); return crypter.encrypt(plaintext); } catch (KeyczarException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error encrypting data", e); } } public static Crypter buildCrypter(AesKey key) { try { KeyczarReader importedKeyReader = asReader(key); Crypter crypter = new Crypter(importedKeyReader); return crypter; } catch (KeyczarException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error wrapping key", e); } } public static AesKey deriveKey(int iterations, byte[] salt, String password) { int keyLength = 256; PBEKeySpec pbeKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec(password.toCharArray(), salt, iterations, keyLength); SecretKeyFactory factory; try { factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to get PBKDF2 provider", e); } PBEKey pbeKey; try { pbeKey = (PBEKey) factory.generateSecret(pbeKeySpec); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error generating secret", e); } byte[] aesBytes = pbeKey.getEncoded(); if (aesBytes.length != (256 / 8)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } try { HmacKey hmacKey = deriveHmac(aesBytes, salt, password); return new AesKey(aesBytes, hmacKey); } catch (KeyczarException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error building key", e); } } public static HmacKey deriveHmac(byte[] aesBytes, byte[] salt, String password) { byte[] hmacBytes; { // We need something that can be consistent // Some people say it's OK to just use the hash of the key, // but obviously there's no proof of that. We add a little // complexity // to be safer. Hasher hasher = Hashing.sha256().newHasher(); byte[] passwordBytes = password.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); hasher.putBytes(passwordBytes); hasher.putBytes(aesBytes); hasher.putBytes(passwordBytes); hasher.putBytes(salt); hasher.putBytes(passwordBytes); hmacBytes = hasher.hash().asBytes(); } if (hmacBytes.length != (256 / 8)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } try { HmacKey hmacKey = new HmacKey(hmacBytes); return hmacKey; } catch (KeyczarException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error building key", e); } } public static byte[] decrypt(AesKey newKey, byte[] ciphertext) throws KeyczarException { Crypter crypter = buildCrypter(newKey); return crypter.decrypt(ciphertext); } public static RsaPrivateKey readRsaPrivateKey(String data) throws KeyczarException { return; } public static RsaPublicKey readRsaPublicKey(String data) throws KeyczarException { return; } public static byte[] generateSecureRandom(int len) { return org.keyczar.util.Util.rand(len); } public static KeyczarPublicKey getPublicKey(KeyczarKey keypair) { return ((KeyczarPrivateKey) keypair).getPublic(); } public static RsaPrivateKey getPrivateKey(KeyczarKey keypair) { return ((RsaPrivateKey) keypair); } public static PublicKey getJce(KeyczarPublicKey keyczarKey) { return (PublicKey) keyczarKey.getJceKey(); } public static PrivateKey getJce(RsaPrivateKey keyczarPrivateKey) { return keyczarPrivateKey.getJceKey(); } private static final String PEM_FOOTER_BEGIN = "-----END "; private static final String PEM_LINE_ENDING = "-----\n"; private static final String PEM_HEADER_BEGIN = "-----BEGIN "; /** * Because sometimes we don't want a password... */ public static String toPem(RsaPrivateKey keyczarPrivateKey) { RSAPrivateCrtKey jceKey = keyczarPrivateKey.getJceKey(); byte[] keyData = jceKey.getEncoded(); String pemType = jceKey.getAlgorithm() + " PRIVATE KEY"; String base64Key = Base64Coder.encodeMime(keyData, true); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(PEM_HEADER_BEGIN); result.append(pemType); result.append(PEM_LINE_ENDING); for (String line : Util.split(base64Key, 64)) { result.append(line); result.append('\n'); } result.append(PEM_FOOTER_BEGIN); result.append(pemType); result.append(PEM_LINE_ENDING); return result.toString(); } }