package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; public interface SftpChannel extends SshChannel { /** * Opens an InputStream onto the file. If not found, throws * FileNotFoundException. */ InputStream open(File path) throws IOException; OutputStream writeFile(File path, WriteMode mode) throws IOException; void delete(File path) throws IOException; SftpStat stat(File path) throws IOException; boolean mkdirs(File path) throws IOException; void mv(File from, File to) throws IOException; boolean exists(File file) throws IOException; /** * Reads the contents of a file (watch out for big files!) If the file is * not found, returns null */ byte[] readAllBytes(File file) throws IOException; List<String> ls(File file) throws IOException; enum WriteMode { Append, Overwrite } void chmod(File file, int mode) throws IOException; void chown(File file, int uid) throws IOException; void chgrp(File file, int gid) throws IOException; }