package; public class JoinZookeeper { /* * Removed until Zookeeper 3.5... * * public void join(String id, String connectString, String me) throws * KeeperException, InterruptedException, IOException { ZookeeperClient * client = new ZookeeperClient(connectString); ZooKeeper zk = * client.getZk(); * * Stat stat = new Stat(); * * byte[] config = zk.getConfig(false, stat); String configStr = new * String(config, Charsets.UTF_8); * * // TODO: Check id not in use ? * * // TODO: Auto-assign ID by connecting to ZK and registering ? * * // ZookeeperStateStore zookeeperStateStore = new // * ZookeeperStateStore(client); * * String conf = "server." + id + "=" + me; // + ":2182:2183:observer;" + // * me + ":2181"; * * List<String> joiningServers = Lists.newArrayList(conf); List<String> * leavingServers = null; List<String> newMembers = null; long fromConfig = * stat.getVersion(); * * stat = new Stat(); config = zk.reconfig(joiningServers, leavingServers, * newMembers, fromConfig, stat); configStr = new String(config, * Charsets.UTF_8); } */ }