package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fathomdb.TimeSpan; import com.fathomdb.utils.Hex; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ReplicaRepair { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReplicaRepair.class); final StorageCluster cluster; final String blobStoreKey; public ReplicaRepair(StorageCluster cluster, String blobStoreKey) { super(); this.cluster = cluster; this.blobStoreKey = blobStoreKey; } final Map<StorageNode, PeerRequest.Builder> peerRequests = Maps.newHashMap(); PeerRequest.Builder getPeerRequest(StorageNode node) { PeerRequest.Builder peerRequest = peerRequests.get(node); if (peerRequest == null) { peerRequest = PeerRequest.newBuilder(); peerRequests.put(node, peerRequest); } return peerRequest; } public void repair(String prefix) { HashMultimap<ByteString, StorageNode> keyMap = HashMultimap.create(); { List<StorageNode> queue = Lists.newArrayList(cluster.ring.all()); // TODO: Run in parallel? for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= 3; attempt++) { List<StorageNode> retry = Lists.newArrayList(); for (StorageNode node : queue) { try { Iterable<ByteString> keys = node.getBlobStore(blobStoreKey).listWithPrefix(prefix); // TODO: intern strings // TODO: use a smarter data structure?? // TODO: These aren't really strings; they're actually // hex // of MD5s for (ByteString key : keys) { keyMap.put(key, node); } } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Failed to list storage node " + node, e); retry.add(node); } } queue = retry; if (queue.isEmpty()) { break; } TimeSpan.FIVE_SECONDS.doSafeSleep(); } if (!queue.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Some storage nodes were not reachable; treating as down: " + Joiner.on(";").join(queue)); } } // TODO: Throttle replication traffic // ------------------------------------------------- // Copy any blobs without sufficient replicas // ------------------------------------------------- // We copy anything with 1 replica first, etc... for (int i = 1; i < cluster.dataReplicaCount; i++) { for (ByteString key : keyMap.keySet()) { Set<StorageNode> nodes = keyMap.get(key); if (nodes.size() != i) { continue; }"Node under-replicated: {} count={}", forDebug(key), i); Set<StorageNode> replicated = replicate(key, nodes); if (replicated.size() < cluster.dataReplicaCount) { log.warn("Unable to copy to sufficient replicas: {}", key); } // TODO: Update map?? } } // ------------------------------------------------- // Check out any over-replicated blobs // ------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Drop thread priority now? for (ByteString key : keyMap.keySet()) { Set<StorageNode> nodes = keyMap.get(key); if (nodes.size() <= cluster.dataReplicaCount) { continue; } log.warn("Node over-replicated: {} count={}", key); Set<StorageNode> correct = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<StorageNode> shouldRemove = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<StorageNode> shouldAdd = Sets.newHashSet(); Iterator<StorageNode> walkRing = cluster.ring.walkRing(key); while (walkRing.hasNext()) { StorageNode node =; if (nodes.contains(node)) { correct.add(node); } else { shouldAdd.add(node); } if ((correct.size() + shouldAdd.size()) > cluster.dataReplicaCount) { break; } } for (StorageNode node : nodes) { if (!correct.contains(node)) { shouldRemove.add(node); } } // TODO: Remove by moving to cache // TODO: Don't move stuff around if it's a node that's down... log.warn("Should remove: {} add: {}", Joiner.on(";").join(shouldRemove), Joiner.on(";").join(shouldAdd)); } // ------------------------------------------------- // Find blobs on the wrong nodes // ------------------------------------------------- // TODO: We don't do this now; we rely on log.warn("Blob moving to correct nodes is not implemented"); flushPeerRequests(); } private void flushPeerRequests() { for (Entry<StorageNode, PeerRequest.Builder> entry : peerRequests.entrySet()) { StorageNode node = entry.getKey(); PeerRequest.Builder prb = entry.getValue(); PeerRequest pr =; try { node.requestExecutor.execute(pr.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error enqueuing peer request", e); } } peerRequests.clear(); } private String forDebug(ByteString key) { return Hex.toHex(key.toByteArray()); } private Set<StorageNode> replicate(ByteString key, Set<StorageNode> nodes) { Iterator<StorageNode> walkRing = cluster.ring.walkRing(key); Set<StorageNode> yes = Sets.newHashSet(nodes); Set<StorageNode> no = Sets.newHashSet(); // TODO: Run in parallel? while (walkRing.hasNext()) { StorageNode node =; if (yes.contains(node)) { continue; } if (no.contains(node)) { continue; } try { copy(key, yes, node); yes.add(node); if (yes.size() >= cluster.dataReplicaCount) { return yes; } } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Failed to copy to node " + node, e); no.add(node); } } return yes; } private void copy(ByteString key, Set<StorageNode> src, StorageNode dest) throws IOException { PeerRequest.Builder peerRequest = getPeerRequest(dest); FixReplica.Builder frb = peerRequest.addFixReplicaBuilder(); frb.setBlobStoreKey(blobStoreKey); frb.addBlobKey(key); } public void fixReplicate(BlobStore global, BlobStore local, ByteString key) throws IOException { if (local.has(key, false)) { return; } Iterator<StorageNode> walkRing = cluster.ring.walkRing(key); // Regardless of what the state was when the request was sent, if the // first N nodes now have the blob, then don't replicate // TODO: Check first if we're one of the N nodes; if so, just copy if we // don't have it // TODO: If any of the N nodes don't have it, early-exit the loop Set<StorageNode> yes = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<StorageNode> no = Sets.newHashSet(); // TODO: Run in parallel? while (walkRing.hasNext()) { StorageNode node =; if (yes.contains(node)) { continue; } if (no.contains(node)) { continue; } try { if (node.getBlobStore(blobStoreKey).has(key, false)) { yes.add(node); } else { no.add(node); } } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Error communicating with node " + node, e); no.add(node); } if ((yes.size() + no.size()) >= cluster.dataReplicaCount) { break; } } if (yes.size() >= cluster.dataReplicaCount) { return; } BlobData data = null; try { for (StorageNode node : yes) { try { data = node.getBlobStore(blobStoreKey).find(key); break; } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Error communicating with node " + node, e); } } if (data == null) { data = global.find(key); } if (data == null) { log.error("Unable to find blob: {}", forDebug(key)); return; } // TODO: This won't scale to big data sizes.."Writing replica on {}: {}", local, forDebug(key)); local.put(data); } finally { if (data != null) { data.close(); } } } }