// $Id: HqlParserTest.java 10977 2006-12-12 23:28:04Z steve.ebersole@jboss.com $ package org.hibernate.test.hql; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.Stack; import antlr.RecognitionException; import antlr.TokenStreamException; import antlr.collections.AST; import org.junit.Test; import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlTokenTypes; import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.HqlParser; import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.Node; import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ASTIterator; import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ASTPrinter; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; /** * Tests the HQL parser on various inputs, just makes sure that the first phase of the parser * works properly (i.e. no unexpected syntax errors). * todo this should be a unit test. */ public class HqlParserTest{ @Test public void testUnion() throws Exception { parse("from Animal a where a in (from Cat union from Dog) "); } /** * Section 9.2 - from * */ @Test public void testDocoExamples92() throws Exception { parse( "from eg.Cat" ); parse( "from eg.Cat as cat" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat" ); parse( "from Formula, Parameter" ); parse( "from Formula as form, Parameter as param" ); } /** * Section 9.3 - Associations and joins * */ @Test public void testDocoExamples93() throws Exception { parse( "from eg.Cat as cat inner join cat.mate as mate left outer join cat.kittens as kitten" ); parse( "from eg.Cat as cat left join cat.mate.kittens as kittens" ); parse( "from Formula form full join form.parameter param" ); parse( "from eg.Cat as cat join cat.mate as mate left join cat.kittens as kitten" ); parse( "from eg.Cat as cat\ninner join fetch cat.mate\nleft join fetch cat.kittens" ); } /** * Section 9.4 - Select * */ @Test public void testDocoExamples94() throws Exception { parse( "select mate from eg.Cat as cat inner join cat.mate as mate" ); parse( "select cat.mate from eg.Cat cat" ); parse( "select elements(cat.kittens) from eg.Cat cat" ); parse( "select cat.name from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name like 'fri%'" ); parse( "select cust.name.firstName from Customer as cust" ); parse( "select mother, offspr, mate.name from eg.DomesticCat\n" + " as mother inner join mother.mate as mate left outer join\n" + "mother.kittens as offspr" ); parse( "select new Family(mother, mate, offspr)\n" + "from eg.DomesticCat as mother\n" + "join mother.mate as mate\n" + "left join mother.kittens as offspr\n" ); } /** * Section 9.5 - Aggregate functions * */ @Test public void testDocoExamples95() throws Exception { parse( "select avg(cat.weight), sum(cat.weight), max(cat.weight), count(cat)\n" + "from eg.Cat cat" ); parse( "select cat, count( elements(cat.kittens) )\n" + " from eg.Cat cat group by cat" ); parse( "select distinct cat.name from eg.Cat cat" ); parse( "select count(distinct cat.name), count(cat) from eg.Cat cat" ); } /** * Section 9.6 - Polymorphism * */ @Test public void testDocoExamples96() throws Exception { parse( "from eg.Cat as cat" ); parse( "from java.lang.Object o" ); parse( "from eg.Named n, eg.Named m where n.name = m.name" ); } /** * Section 9.7 - Where * */ @Test public void testDocoExamples97() throws Exception { parse( "from eg.Cat as cat where cat.name='Fritz'" ); parse( "select foo\n" + "from eg.Foo foo, eg.Bar bar\n" + "where foo.startDate = bar.date\n" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat where cat.mate.name is not null" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat, eg.Cat rival where cat.mate = rival.mate" ); parse( "select cat, mate\n" + "from eg.Cat cat, eg.Cat mate\n" + "where cat.mate = mate" ); parse( "from eg.Cat as cat where cat.id = 123" ); parse( "from eg.Cat as cat where cat.mate.id = 69" ); parse( "from bank.Person person\n" + "where person.id.country = 'AU'\n" + "and person.id.medicareNumber = 123456" ); parse( "from bank.Account account\n" + "where account.owner.id.country = 'AU'\n" + "and account.owner.id.medicareNumber = 123456" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat where cat.class = eg.DomesticCat" ); parse( "from eg.AuditLog log, eg.Payment payment\n" + "where log.item.class = 'eg.Payment' and log.item.id = payment.id" ); } /** * Section 9.8 - Expressions * */ @Test public void testDocoExamples98() throws Exception { parse( "from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name between 'A' and 'B'" ); parse( "from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name in ( 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz' )" ); parse( "from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name not between 'A' and 'B'" ); parse( "from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name not in ( 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz' )" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat where cat.kittens.size > 0" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat where size(cat.kittens) > 0" ); // This is a little odd. I'm not sure whether 'current' is a keyword. // parse("from Calendar cal where cal.holidays.maxElement > current date"); // Using the token 'order' as both a keyword and an identifier works now, but // the second instance causes some problems because order is valid in the second instance. // parse("from Order order where maxindex(order.items) > 100"); // parse("from Order order where minelement(order.items) > 10000"); parse( "from Order ord where maxindex(ord.items) > 100" ); parse( "from Order ord where minelement(ord.items) > 10000" ); parse( "select mother from eg.Cat as mother, eg.Cat as kit\n" + "where kit in elements(foo.kittens)" ); parse( "select p from eg.NameList list, eg.Person p\n" + "where p.name = some elements(list.names)" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat where exists elements(cat.kittens)" ); parse( "from eg.Player p where 3 > all elements(p.scores)" ); parse( "from eg.Show show where 'fizard' in indices(show.acts)" ); // Yet another example of the pathological 'order' token. // parse("from Order order where order.items[0].id = 1234"); // parse("select person from Person person, Calendar calendar\n" // + "where calendar.holidays['national day'] = person.birthDay\n" // + "and person.nationality.calendar = calendar"); // parse("select item from Item item, Order order\n" // + "where order.items[ order.deliveredItemIndices[0] ] = item and order.id = 11"); // parse("select item from Item item, Order order\n" // + "where order.items[ maxindex(order.items) ] = item and order.id = 11"); parse( "from Order ord where ord.items[0].id = 1234" ); parse( "select person from Person person, Calendar calendar\n" + "where calendar.holidays['national day'] = person.birthDay\n" + "and person.nationality.calendar = calendar" ); parse( "select item from Item item, Order ord\n" + "where ord.items[ ord.deliveredItemIndices[0] ] = item and ord.id = 11" ); parse( "select item from Item item, Order ord\n" + "where ord.items[ maxindex(ord.items) ] = item and ord.id = 11" ); parse( "select item from Item item, Order ord\n" + "where ord.items[ size(ord.items) - 1 ] = item" ); parse( "from eg.DomesticCat cat where upper(cat.name) like 'FRI%'" ); parse( "select cust from Product prod, Store store\n" + "inner join store.customers cust\n" + "where prod.name = 'widget'\n" + "and store.location.name in ( 'Melbourne', 'Sydney' )\n" + "and prod = all elements(cust.currentOrder.lineItems)" ); } @Test public void testDocoExamples99() throws Exception { parse( "from eg.DomesticCat cat\n" + "order by cat.name asc, cat.weight desc, cat.birthdate" ); } @Test public void testDocoExamples910() throws Exception { parse( "select cat.color, sum(cat.weight), count(cat)\n" + "from eg.Cat cat group by cat.color" ); parse( "select foo.id, avg( elements(foo.names) ), max( indices(foo.names) )\n" + "from eg.Foo foo group by foo.id" ); parse( "select cat.color, sum(cat.weight), count(cat)\n" + "from eg.Cat cat group by cat.color\n" + "having cat.color in (eg.Color.TABBY, eg.Color.BLACK)" ); parse( "select cat from eg.Cat cat join cat.kittens kitten\n" + "group by cat having avg(kitten.weight) > 100\n" + "order by count(kitten) asc, sum(kitten.weight) desc" ); } @Test public void testDocoExamples911() throws Exception { parse( "from eg.Cat as fatcat where fatcat.weight > (\n" + "select avg(cat.weight) from eg.DomesticCat cat)" ); parse( "from eg.DomesticCat as cat where cat.name = some (\n" + "select name.nickName from eg.Name as name)\n" ); parse( "from eg.Cat as cat where not exists (\n" + "from eg.Cat as mate where mate.mate = cat)" ); parse( "from eg.DomesticCat as cat where cat.name not in (\n" + "select name.nickName from eg.Name as name)" ); } @Test public void testDocoExamples912() throws Exception { parse( "select ord.id, sum(price.amount), count(item)\n" + "from Order as ord join ord.lineItems as item\n" + "join item.product as product, Catalog as catalog\n" + "join catalog.prices as price\n" + "where ord.paid = false\n" + "and ord.customer = :customer\n" + "and price.product = product\n" + "and catalog.effectiveDate < sysdate\n" + "and catalog.effectiveDate >= all (\n" + "select cat.effectiveDate from Catalog as cat where cat.effectiveDate < sysdate)\n" + "group by ord\n" + "having sum(price.amount) > :minAmount\n" + "order by sum(price.amount) desc" ); parse( "select ord.id, sum(price.amount), count(item)\n" + "from Order as ord join ord.lineItems as item join item.product as product,\n" + "Catalog as catalog join catalog.prices as price\n" + "where ord.paid = false and ord.customer = :customer\n" + "and price.product = product and catalog = :currentCatalog\n" + "group by ord having sum(price.amount) > :minAmount\n" + "order by sum(price.amount) desc" ); parse( "select count(payment), status.name \n" + "from Payment as payment \n" + " join payment.currentStatus as status\n" + " join payment.statusChanges as statusChange\n" + "where payment.status.name <> PaymentStatus.AWAITING_APPROVAL\n" + " or (\n" + " statusChange.timeStamp = ( \n" + " select max(change.timeStamp) \n" + " from PaymentStatusChange change \n" + " where change.payment = payment\n" + " )\n" + " and statusChange.user <> :currentUser\n" + " )\n" + "group by status.name, status.sortOrder\n" + "order by status.sortOrder" ); parse( "select count(payment), status.name \n" + "from Payment as payment\n" + " join payment.currentStatus as status\n" + "where payment.status.name <> PaymentStatus.AWAITING_APPROVAL\n" + " or payment.statusChanges[ maxIndex(payment.statusChanges) ].user <> :currentUser\n" + "group by status.name, status.sortOrder\n" + "order by status.sortOrder" ); parse( "select account, payment\n" + "from Account as account\n" + " left outer join account.payments as payment\n" + "where :currentUser in elements(account.holder.users)\n" + " and PaymentStatus.UNPAID = isNull(payment.currentStatus.name, PaymentStatus.UNPAID)\n" + "order by account.type.sortOrder, account.accountNumber, payment.dueDate" ); parse( "select account, payment\n" + "from Account as account\n" + " join account.holder.users as user\n" + " left outer join account.payments as payment\n" + "where :currentUser = user\n" + " and PaymentStatus.UNPAID = isNull(payment.currentStatus.name, PaymentStatus.UNPAID)\n" + "order by account.type.sortOrder, account.accountNumber, payment.dueDate" ); } @Test public void testExamples1() throws Exception { parse( "select new org.hibernate.test.S(s.count, s.address)\n" + "from s in class Simple" ); parse( "select s.name, sysdate, trunc(s.pay), round(s.pay) from s in class Simple" ); parse( "select round(s.pay, 2) from s" ); parse( "select abs(round(s.pay)) from s in class Simple" ); parse( "select trunc(round(sysdate)) from s in class Simple" ); } @Test public void testArrayExpr() throws Exception { parse( "from Order ord where ord.items[0].id = 1234" ); } @Test public void testMultipleActualParameters() throws Exception { parse( "select round(s.pay, 2) from s" ); } @Test public void testMultipleFromClasses() throws Exception { parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat, com.toadstool.Foo f" ); parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat, org.jabberwocky.Dipstick" ); } @Test public void testFromWithJoin() throws Exception { parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat, com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb" ); parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat left join com.multijoin.JoinORama , com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb" ); } @Test public void testSelect() throws Exception { parse( "SELECT f FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat, com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb" ); parse( "SELECT DISTINCT bar FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat left join com.multijoin.JoinORama as bar, com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb" ); parse( "SELECT count(*) FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat" ); parse( "SELECT avg(qat.weight) FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat" ); } @Test public void testWhere() throws Exception { parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat where qat.name like '%fluffy%' or qat.toes > 5" ); parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat where not qat.name like '%fluffy%' or qat.toes > 5" ); parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat where not qat.name not like '%fluffy%'" ); parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat where qat.name in ('crater','bean','fluffy')" ); parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat where qat.name not in ('crater','bean','fluffy')" ); parse( "from Animal an where sqrt(an.bodyWeight)/2 > 10" ); parse( "from Animal an where (an.bodyWeight > 10 and an.bodyWeight < 100) or an.bodyWeight is null" ); } @Test public void testGroupBy() throws Exception { parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat group by qat.breed" ); parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat group by qat.breed, qat.eyecolor" ); } @Test public void testOrderBy() throws Exception { parse( "FROM eg.mypackage.Cat qat order by avg(qat.toes)" ); parse( "from Animal an order by sqrt(an.bodyWeight)/2" ); } @Test public void testDoubleLiteral() throws Exception { parse( "from eg.Cat as tinycat where fatcat.weight < 3.1415" ); parse( "from eg.Cat as enormouscat where fatcat.weight > 3.1415e3" ); } @Test public void testComplexConstructor() throws Exception { parse( "select new Foo(count(bar)) from bar" ); parse( "select new Foo(count(bar),(select count(*) from doofus d where d.gob = 'fat' )) from bar" ); } @Test public void testInNotIn() throws Exception { parse( "from foo where foo.bar in ('a' , 'b', 'c')" ); parse( "from foo where foo.bar not in ('a' , 'b', 'c')" ); } @Test public void testOperatorPrecedence() throws Exception { parse( "from foo where foo.bar = 123 + foo.baz * foo.not" ); parse( "from foo where foo.bar like 'testzzz' || foo.baz or foo.bar in ('duh', 'gob')" ); } /** * Tests HQL generated by the other unit tests. * * @throws Exception if the HQL could not be parsed. */ @Test public void testUnitTestHql() throws Exception { parse( "select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, fee in class org.hibernate.test.Fee where foo.dependent = fee order by foo.string desc, foo.component.count asc, fee.id" ); parse( "select foo.foo, foo.dependent from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.foo.string desc, foo.component.count asc, foo.dependent.id" ); parse( "select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.dependent.id, foo.dependent.fi" ); parse( "SELECT one FROM one IN CLASS org.hibernate.test.One ORDER BY one.value ASC" ); parse( "SELECT many.one FROM many IN CLASS org.hibernate.test.Many ORDER BY many.one.value ASC, many.one.id" ); parse( "select foo.id from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.joinedProp = 'foo'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo inner join fetch foo.foo" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left outer join fetch baz.fooToGlarch" ); parse( "select foo.foo.foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo = 'bar'" ); parse( "select foo.foo.foo.foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo = 'bar'" ); parse( "select foo.foo.foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo.foo.string = 'bar'" ); parse( "select foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo = 'bar' and foo.foo.foo.foo = 'baz'" ); parse( "select foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo.foo.string = 'a' and foo.foo.string = 'b'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo as foo where foo.component.glarch.name is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo as foo left outer join foo.component.glarch as glarch where glarch.name = 'foo'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo left outer join foo.foo" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo, org.hibernate.test.Bar" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.foo" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch join baz.fooSet" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch join fetch baz.fooSet foo left join fetch foo.foo" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='osama bin laden' and foo.boolean = true order by foo.string asc, foo.component.count desc" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='osama bin laden' order by foo.string asc, foo.component.count desc" ); parse( "select foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.count is null order by foo.component.count" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.name='foo'" ); parse( "select distinct foo.component.name, foo.component.name from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.name='foo'" ); parse( "select distinct foo.component.name, foo.id from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.name='foo'" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.id=?" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.key=?" ); parse( "select foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='fizard'" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.subcomponent.name='bar'" ); parse( "select foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.id=?" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo = ?" ); parse( "from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where bar.string='a string' or bar.string='a string'" ); parse( "select foo.component.name, elements(foo.component.importantDates) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.id=?" ); parse( "select max(elements(foo.component.importantDates)) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo group by foo.id" ); parse( "select foo.foo.foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, foo2 in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo = foo2.foo and not not ( not foo.string='fizard' ) and foo2.string between 'a' and (foo.foo.string) and ( foo2.string in ( 'fiz', 'blah') or 1=1 )" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='from BoogieDown -tinsel town =!@#$^&*())'" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where not foo.string='foo''bar'" ); // Added quote quote is an escape parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.glarch.next is null" ); parse( " from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where bar.baz.count=667 and bar.baz.count!=123 and not bar.baz.name='1-E-1'" ); parse( " from i in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where i.baz.name='Bazza'" ); parse( "select count(distinct foo.foo) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "select count(foo.foo.boolean) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "select count(*), foo.int from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo group by foo.int" ); parse( "select sum(foo.foo.int) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "select count(foo) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.id=?" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.boolean = ?" ); parse( "select new Foo(fo.x) from org.hibernate.test.Fo fo" ); parse( "select new Foo(fo.integer) from org.hibernate.test.Foo fo" ); parse( "select new Foo(fo.x) from org.hibernate.test.Foo fo" ); parse( "select foo.long, foo.component.name, foo, foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "select avg(foo.float), max(foo.component.name), count(distinct foo.id) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "select foo.long, foo.component, foo, foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Many" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fee" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Qux" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Y" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fumm" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.X" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Location" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Holder" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Part" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Vetoer" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Sortable" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Contained" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Immutable" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Container" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.X$XX" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.One" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fum" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Holder" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Bar" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n.name is not null" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n.name is not null" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n.name is not null" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n.name is not null" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Holder" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Bar" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name" ); parse( "from n in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n.name = :name" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Many" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fee" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Qux" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Y" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fumm" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.X" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Location" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Holder" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Part" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Vetoer" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Sortable" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Contained" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Immutable" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Container" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.X$XX" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.One" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fum" ); parse( "select baz.code, min(baz.count) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz group by baz.code" ); parse( "selecT baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.stringDateMap['foo'] is not null or baz.stringDateMap['bar'] = ?" ); parse( "select baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null" ); parse( "select baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null and baz.stringDateMap['big bang'] < baz.stringDateMap['now']" ); parse( "select index(date) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.integer not between 1 and 5 and foo.string not in ('cde', 'abc') and foo.string is not null and foo.integer<=3" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz inner join baz.collectionComponent.nested.foos foo where foo.string is null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz inner join baz.fooSet where '1' in (from baz.fooSet foo where foo.string is not null)" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz where 'a' in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.foos) and 1.0 in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.floats)" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo join foo.foo where foo.foo in ('1','2','3')" ); parse( "select foo.foo from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo in ('1','2','3')" ); parse( "select foo.foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo in ('1','2','3')" ); parse( "select foo.foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3')" ); parse( "select foo.foo.long from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3')" ); parse( "select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3') or foo.foo.long in (1,2,3)" ); parse( "select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3') group by foo.foo.long" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo1 left join foo1.foo foo2 left join foo2.foo where foo1.string is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo1 left join foo1.foo.foo where foo1.string is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo1 left join foo1.foo foo2 left join foo1.foo.foo foo3 where foo1.string is not null" ); parse( "select foo.formula from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.formula > 0" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo as foo join foo.foo as foo2 where foo2.id >'a' or foo2.id <'a'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Holder" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left outer join fetch baz.manyToAny" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.manyToAny" ); parse( "select baz from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.manyToAny a where index(a) = 0" ); parse( "select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null" ); parse( "select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.baz b where b.stringDateMap['big bang'] < b.stringDateMap['now'] and b.stringDateMap['now'] is not null" ); parse( "select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.baz.stringDateMap['big bang'] < bar.baz.stringDateMap['now'] and bar.baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null" ); parse( "select foo.string, foo.component, foo.id from org.hibernate.test.Bar foo" ); parse( "select elements(baz.components) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz" ); parse( "select bc.name from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.components bc" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.integer < 10 order by foo.string" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Fee" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Holder h join h.otherHolder oh where h.otherHolder.name = 'bar'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooSet foo join foo.foo.foo foo2 where foo2.string = 'foo'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooArray foo join foo.foo.foo foo2 where foo2.string = 'foo'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date where index(date) = 'foo'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.topGlarchez g where index(g) = 'A'" ); parse( "select index(g) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.topGlarchez g" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.stringSet" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringSet str where str='foo'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.stringSet" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringSet string where string='foo'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz inner join baz.components comp where comp.name='foo'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g inner join g.fooComponents comp where comp.fee is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g inner join g.fooComponents comp join comp.fee fee where fee.count > 0" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g inner join g.fooComponents comp where comp.fee.count is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.fooBag" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Glarch" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Fee" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.sortablez order by baz.name asc" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz order by baz.name asc" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo, org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.fees" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar2" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.X x" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo" ); parse( "select distinct foo from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g where g.multiple.glarch=g and g.multiple.count=12" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like 'Bar %'" ); parse( "select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like 'Bar%'" ); parse( "select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where ( bar.name in (:nameList0_, :nameList1_, :nameList2_) or bar.name in (:nameList0_, :nameList1_, :nameList2_) ) and bar.string = :stringVal" ); parse( "select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar inner join bar.baz baz inner join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like 'Bar%'" ); parse( "select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like :name and b.name like :name" ); parse( "select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar as bar where bar.x > ? or bar.short = 1 or bar.string = 'ff ? bb'" ); parse( "select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar as bar where bar.string = ' ? ' or bar.string = '?'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz, baz.fooArray foo" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo.id = ? and s.id.id = ? and s.moreStuff.id.intId = ? and s.moreStuff.id.stringId = ?" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo.id = ? and s.id.id = ? and s.moreStuff.name = ?" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo.string is not null" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo > '0' order by s.foo" ); parse( "from ms in class org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from fee in class org.hibernate.test.Fee" ); parse( "select new Result(foo.string, foo.long, foo.integer) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "select new Result( baz.name, foo.long, count(elements(baz.fooArray)) ) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooArray foo group by baz.name, foo.long" ); parse( "select new Result( baz.name, max(foo.long), count(foo) ) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooArray foo group by baz.name" ); parse( "select max( elements(bar.baz.fooArray) ) from org.hibernate.test.Bar as bar" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch join fetch baz.fooArray foo left join fetch foo.foo" ); parse( "select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar inner join bar.baz baz inner join baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string" ); parse( "SELECT baz.name FROM org.hibernate.test.Bar AS bar INNER JOIN bar.baz AS baz INNER JOIN baz.fooSet AS foo WHERE baz.name = bar.string" ); parse( "select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.baz baz left outer join baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string" ); parse( "select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar, bar.baz baz, baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string" ); parse( "SELECT baz.name FROM org.hibernate.test.Bar AS bar, bar.baz AS baz, baz.fooSet AS foo WHERE baz.name = bar.string" ); parse( "select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string" ); parse( "select foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz.fooSet foo where bar.string = foo.string" ); parse( "select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.fooArray foo where baz.name = bar.string" ); parse( "select foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz.fooArray foo where bar.string = foo.string" ); parse( "select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar inner join bar.baz as baz inner join baz.fooSet as foo" ); parse( "select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar inner join bar.baz.fooSet as foo" ); parse( "select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, bar.baz as baz, baz.fooSet as foo" ); parse( "select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, bar.baz.fooSet as foo" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.baz.fooArray foo" ); parse( "from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in elements( bar.baz.fooArray )" ); parse( "select one.id, elements(one.manies) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One" ); parse( "select max( elements(one.manies) ) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One" ); parse( "select one, elements(one.manies) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One" ); parse( "select one, max(elements(one.manies)) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One group by one" ); parse( "select elements(baz.fooArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?" ); parse( "select elements(baz.fooArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?" ); parse( "select indices(baz.fooArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?" ); parse( "select baz, max(elements(baz.timeArray)) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz group by baz" ); parse( "select baz, baz.stringSet.size, count(distinct elements(baz.stringSet)), max(elements(baz.stringSet)) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz group by baz" ); parse( "select max( elements(baz.timeArray) ) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?" ); parse( "select max(elements(baz.stringSet)) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?" ); parse( "select size(baz.stringSet) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.component.glarch.id is not null" ); parse( "from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "select elements(baz.stringArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "select elements(baz.stringList) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Bar" ); parse( "select count(*) from b in class org.hibernate.test.Bar" ); parse( "from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch" ); parse( "select baz, baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "select baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz order by baz" ); parse( "from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar" ); parse( "from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch" ); parse( "from f in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.One" ); parse( "from q in class org.hibernate.test.Qux" ); parse( "select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='foo bar'" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.string, foo.date" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.class='B'" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.class=Bar" ); parse( "select bar from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where bar.string = foo.string and not bar=foo" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='foo bar'" ); parse( "select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where bar.barString='bar bar'" ); parse( "from t in class org.hibernate.test.Trivial" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.date = ?" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Many" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fee" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Qux" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Y" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fumm" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.X" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Location" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Holder" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Part" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Vetoer" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Sortable" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Contained" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Immutable" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Container" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.X$XX" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.One" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fum" ); parse( "from q in class org.hibernate.test.Qux where q.stuff is null" ); parse( "from q in class org.hibernate.test.Qux where q.stuff=?" ); parse( "from q in class org.hibernate.test.Qux" ); parse( "from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where g.version=2" ); parse( "from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where g.next is not null" ); parse( "from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch order by g.order asc" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.string asc" ); parse( "select parent, child from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child" ); parse( "select count(distinct child.id), count(distinct parent.id) from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child" ); parse( "select child.id, parent.id, child.long from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child" ); parse( "select child.id, parent.id, child.long, child, parent.foo from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child" ); parse( "select parent, child from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child and parent.string='a string'" ); parse( "from fee in class org.hibernate.test.Fee" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.custom.s1 = 'one'" ); parse( "from im in class org.hibernate.test.Immutable where im = ?" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.char='X'" ); parse( "select elements(baz.stringArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "select distinct elements(baz.stringArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "select elements(baz.fooArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Fo" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.dependent.qux.foo.string = 'foo2'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.object.id = ? and bar.object.class = ?" ); parse( "select one from org.hibernate.test.One one, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.object.id = one.id and bar.object.class = 'O'" ); parse( "from l in class org.hibernate.test.Location where l.countryCode = 'AU' and l.description='foo bar'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar" ); parse( "From org.hibernate.test.Bar bar" ); parse( "From org.hibernate.test.Foo foo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from f in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "select fum.id from fum in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where not fum.fum='FRIEND'" ); parse( "select fum.id from fum in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where not fum.fum='FRIEND'" ); parse( "from fum in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where not fum.fum='FRIEND'" ); parse( "from fo in class org.hibernate.test.Fo where fo.id.string like 'an instance of fo'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Inner" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.detailId = ?" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.dudu is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.id.akey is not null" ); parse( "select o.id.master.id.sup.dudu from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.dudu is not null" ); parse( "select o.id.master.id.sup.id.akey from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.id.akey is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.bla = ''" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.one = ''" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Inner inn where inn.id.bkey is not null and inn.backOut.id.master.id.sup.id.akey > 'a'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Outer as o left join o.id.master m left join m.id.sup where o.bubu is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Outer as o left join o.id.master.id.sup s where o.bubu is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Outer as o left join o.id.master m left join o.id.master.id.sup s where o.bubu is not null" ); parse( "select fum1.fo from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where fum1.fo.fum is not null" ); parse( "from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where fum1.fo.fum is not null order by fum1.fo.fum" ); parse( "select elements(fum1.friends) from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum" ); parse( "from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum, fr in elements( fum1.friends )" ); parse( "select new Jay(eye) from org.hibernate.test.Eye eye" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Category cat where cat.name='new foo'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Category cat where cat.name='new sub'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Up up order by up.id2 asc" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Down down" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Up up" ); parse( "from m in class org.hibernate.test.Master" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Several" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Single" ); parse( "\n" + " from d in class \n" + " org.hibernate.test.Detail\n" + " " ); parse( "from c in class org.hibernate.test.Category where c.name = org.hibernate.test.Category.ROOT_CATEGORY" ); parse( "select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where c.oneToMany[2] = s" ); parse( "select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where c.manyToMany[2] = s" ); parse( "select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s = c.oneToMany[2]" ); parse( "select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s = c.manyToMany[2]" ); parse( "select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.oneToMany[0].name = 's'" ); parse( "select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.manyToMany[0].name = 's'" ); parse( "select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where 's' = c.oneToMany[2 - 2].name" ); parse( "select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where 's' = c.manyToMany[(3+1)/4-1].name" ); parse( "select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.manyToMany[ maxindex(c.manyToMany) ].count = 2" ); parse( "select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.oneToMany[ c.manyToMany[0].count ].name = 's'" ); parse( "select c from org.hibernate.test.Container c where c.manyToMany[ c.oneToMany[0].count ].name = 's'" ); parse( "select count(comp.name) from org.hibernate.test.Container c join c.components comp" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Parent p left join fetch p.child" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Parent p join p.child c where c.x > 0" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Child c join c.parent p where p.x > 0" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Child" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Many" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Fee" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Qux" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Fumm" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Parent" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Holder" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Part" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Vetoer" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Sortable" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Contained" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Circular" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Stuff" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Immutable" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Container" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.One" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Fo" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Glarch" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Fum" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Part" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.parts" ); parse( "from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child where c.parent.count=66" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Parent p join p.child c where p.count=66" ); parse( "select c, c.parent from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child order by c.parent.count" ); parse( "select c, c.parent from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child where c.parent.count=66 order by c.parent.count" ); parse( "select c, c.parent, c.parent.count from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child order by c.parent.count" ); parse( "FROM p IN CLASS org.hibernate.test.Parent WHERE p.count = ?" ); parse( "select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Container as c join c.components as ce join ce.simple as s where ce.name='foo'" ); parse( "select c, s from org.hibernate.test.Container as c join c.components as ce join ce.simple as s where ce.name='foo'" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "from m in class org.hibernate.test.Many" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.One" ); parse( "from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Child" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Many" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fee" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Qux" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fumm" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Parent" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Holder" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Part" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Baz" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Vetoer" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Sortable" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Contained" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Circular" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Immutable" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Container" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.One" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fo" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fum" ); parse( "from c in class org.hibernate.test.C2 where 1=1 or 1=1" ); parse( "from b in class org.hibernate.test.B" ); parse( "from a in class org.hibernate.test.A" ); parse( "from b in class org.hibernate.test.B" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.E e join e.reverse as b where b.count=1" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.E e join e.as as b where b.count=1" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.B" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.C1" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.C2" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.E e, org.hibernate.test.A a where e.reverse = a.forward and a = ?" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.E e join fetch e.reverse" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.E e" ); parse( "select max(s.count) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "select new org.hibernate.test.S(s.count, s.address) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "select max(s.count) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "select count(*) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name=:name and s.count=:count" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name in (:several0_, :several1_)" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name in (:stuff0_, :stuff1_)" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Simple s where s.name=?" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Simple s where s.name=:name" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where upper( s.name ) ='SIMPLE 1'" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where not( upper( s.name ) ='yada' or 1=2 or 'foo'='bar' or not('foo'='foo') or 'foo' like 'bar' )" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where lower( s.name || ' foo' ) ='simple 1 foo'" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where upper( s.other.name ) ='SIMPLE 2'" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where not ( upper( s.other.name ) ='SIMPLE 2' )" ); parse( "select distinct s from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where ( ( s.other.count + 3 ) = (15*2)/2 and s.count = 69) or ( ( s.other.count + 2 ) / 7 ) = 2" ); parse( "select s from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where ( ( s.other.count + 3 ) = (15*2)/2 and s.count = 69) or ( ( s.other.count + 2 ) / 7 ) = 2 order by s.other.count" ); parse( "select sum(s.count) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple group by s.count having sum(s.count) > 10" ); parse( "select s.count from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple group by s.count having s.count = 12" ); parse( "select s.id, s.count, count(t), max(t.date) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple, t in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.count = t.count group by s.id, s.count order by s.count" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name = ?" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name = ? and upper(s.name) = ?" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name = :foo and upper(s.name) = :bar or s.count=:count or s.count=:count + 1" ); parse( "select s.id from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "select all s, s.other from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s = :s" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name in (:name_list0_, :name_list1_) and s.count > :count" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Simple s" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Simple s" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Assignable" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Category" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Simple" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.A" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string=?" ); parse( "from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Po po, org.hibernate.test.Lower low where low.mypo = po" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Po po join po.set as sm where sm.amount > 0" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Po po join po.top as low where low.foo = 'po'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti sm join sm.children smc where smc.name > 'a'" ); parse( "select s, ya from org.hibernate.test.Lower s join s.yetanother ya" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Lower s1 join s1.bag s2" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Lower s1 left join s1.bag s2" ); parse( "select s, a from org.hibernate.test.Lower s join s.another a" ); parse( "select s, a from org.hibernate.test.Lower s left join s.another a" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Top s, org.hibernate.test.Lower ls" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Lower ls join ls.set s where s.name > 'a'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Po po join po.list sm where sm.name > 'a'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Lower ls inner join ls.another s where s.name is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Lower ls where ls.other.another.name is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Multi m where m.derived like 'F%'" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti m where m.derived like 'F%'" ); parse( "select s from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti as sm join sm.children as s where s.amount>-1 and s.name is null" ); parse( "select elements(sm.children) from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti as sm" ); parse( "select distinct sm from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti as sm join sm.children as s where s.amount>-1 and s.name is null" ); parse( "select distinct s from s in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti where s.moreChildren[1].amount < 1.0" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.TrivialClass where s.id = 2" ); parse( "select s.count from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where s.another.name='name'" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where s.yetanother.name='name'" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where s.yetanother.name='name' and s.yetanother.foo is null" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top where s.count=1" ); parse( "select s.count from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top, ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where ls.another=s" ); parse( "select elements(ls.bag), elements(ls.set) from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top" ); parse( "from sm in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti" ); parse( "select\n" + "\n" + "s from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top where s.count>0" ); parse( "from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi where m.count>0 and m.extraProp is not null" ); parse( "from m in class org.hibernate.test.Top where m.count>0 and m.name is not null" ); parse( "from m in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where m.other is not null" ); parse( "from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi where m.other.id = 1" ); parse( "from m in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti where m.amount > 0.0" ); parse( "from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi" ); parse( "from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi where m.class = SubMulti" ); parse( "from m in class org.hibernate.test.Top where m.class = Multi" ); parse( "from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top" ); parse( "from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower" ); parse( "from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower, s in elements(ls.bag) where s.id is not null" ); parse( "from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower, s in elements(ls.set) where s.id is not null" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Top" ); parse( "from o in class org.hibernate.test.Po" ); parse( "from ChildMap cm where cm.parent is not null" ); parse( "from ParentMap cm where cm.child is not null" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Componentizable" ); } @Test public void testUnnamedParameter() throws Exception { parse( "select foo, bar from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo left outer join foo.foo bar where foo = ?" ); // Added '?' as a valid expression. } @Test public void testInElements() throws Exception { parse( "from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in elements(bar.baz.fooArray)" ); // Added collectionExpr as a valid 'in' clause. } @Test public void testDotElements() throws Exception { parse( "select distinct foo from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, foo in elements(baz.fooArray)" ); parse( "select foo from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, foo in elements(baz.fooSet)" ); parse( "select foo from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, foo in elements(baz.fooArray)" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz where 'b' in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.foos) and 1.0 in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.floats)" ); } @Test public void testSelectAll() throws Exception { parse( "select all s, s.other from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s = :s" ); } @Test public void testNot() throws Exception { // Cover NOT optimization in HqlParser parse( "from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size < 1 )" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size > 1 )" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size >= 1 )" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size <= 1 )" ); parse( "from eg.DomesticCat cat where not ( cat.name between 'A' and 'B' ) " ); parse( "from eg.DomesticCat cat where not ( cat.name not between 'A' and 'B' ) " ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat where not ( not cat.kittens.size <= 1 )" ); parse( "from eg.Cat cat where not not ( not cat.kittens.size <= 1 )" ); } @Test public void testOtherSyntax() throws Exception { parse( "select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar order by ((bar.x - :valueX)*(bar.x - :valueX))" ); parse( "from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in elements(bar.baz.fooSet)" ); parse( "from one in class org.hibernate.test.One, many in elements(one.manies) where one.id = 1 and many.id = 1" ); parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Inner _inner join _inner.middles middle" ); parse( "FROM m IN CLASS org.hibernate.test.Master WHERE NOT EXISTS ( FROM d IN elements(m.details) WHERE NOT d.i=5 )" ); parse( "FROM m IN CLASS org.hibernate.test.Master WHERE NOT 5 IN ( SELECT d.i FROM d IN elements(m.details) )" ); parse( "SELECT m FROM m IN CLASS org.hibernate.test.Master, d IN elements(m.details) WHERE d.i=5" ); parse( "SELECT m FROM m IN CLASS org.hibernate.test.Master, d IN elements(m.details) WHERE d.i=5" ); parse( "SELECT m.id FROM m IN CLASS org.hibernate.test.Master, d IN elements(m.details) WHERE d.i=5" ); // I'm not sure about these... [jsd] // parse("select bar.string, foo.string from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar inner join bar.baz as baz inner join elements(baz.fooSet) as foo where baz.name = 'name'"); // parse("select bar.string, foo.string from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, bar.baz as baz, elements(baz.fooSet) as foo where baz.name = 'name'"); // parse("select count(*) where this.amount>-1 and this.name is null"); // parse("from sm in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti where exists sm.children.elements"); } @Test public void testEjbqlExtensions() throws Exception { parse( "select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother member of a.offspring" ); parse( "select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother member a.offspring" ); //no member of parse( "select object(a) from Animal a where a.offspring is empty" ); } @Test public void testEmptyFilter() throws Exception { parseFilter( "" ); // Blank is a legitimate filter. } @Test public void testOrderByFilter() throws Exception { parseFilter( "order by this.id" ); } @Test public void testRestrictionFilter() throws Exception { parseFilter( "where this.name = ?" ); } @Test public void testNoFrom() throws Exception { System.out.println( "***** This test ensures that an error is detected ERROR MESSAGES ARE OKAY! *****" ); HqlParser parser = HqlParser.getInstance( "" ); parser.setFilter( false ); parser.statement(); assertEquals( "Parser allowed no FROM clause!", 1, parser.getParseErrorHandler().getErrorCount() ); System.out.println( "***** END OF ERROR TEST *****" ); } @Test public void testHB1042() throws Exception { parse( "select x from fmc_web.pool.Pool x left join x.containers c0 where (upper(x.name) = upper(':') and c0.id = 1)" ); } @Test public void testKeywordInPath() throws Exception { // The keyword 'order' used as a property name. parse( "from Customer c where c.order.status = 'argh'" ); // The keyword 'order' and 'count' used as a property name. parse( "from Customer c where c.order.count > 3" ); // The keywords 'where', 'order' and 'count' used as a property name. parse( "select c.where from Customer c where c.order.count > 3" ); parse( "from Interval i where i.end <:end" ); parse( "from Letter l where l.case = :case" ); } @Test public void testPathologicalKeywordAsIdentifier() throws Exception { // Super evil badness... a legitimate keyword! parse( "from Order order" ); //parse( "from Order order join order.group" ); parse( "from X x order by x.group.by.from" ); parse( "from Order x order by x.order.group.by.from" ); parse( "select order.id from Order order" ); parse( "select order from Order order" ); parse( "from Order order where order.group.by.from is not null" ); parse( "from Order order order by order.group.by.from" ); // Okay, now this is getting silly. parse( "from Group as group group by group.by.from" ); } @Test public void testHHH354() throws Exception { parse( "from Foo f where f.full = 'yep'"); } @Test public void testWhereAsIdentifier() throws Exception { // 'where' as a package name parse( "from where.Order" ); } @Test public void testEjbqlKeywordsAsIdentifier() throws Exception { parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.object.id = ? and bar.object.class = ?" ); } @Test public void testConstructorIn() throws Exception { parse( "from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where (b.x, b.y, b.z) in (select foo, bar, baz from org.hibernate.test.Foo)" ); } @Test public void testMultiByteCharacters() throws Exception { parse ("from User user where user.name like '%nn\u4e2dnn%'"); // Test for HHH-558 parse ("from User user where user.\u432d like '%\u4e2d%'"); parse ("from \u432d \u432d where \u432d.name like '%fred%'"); } @Test public void testHHH719() throws Exception { // Some SQLs have function names with package qualifiers. parse("from Foo f order by com.fooco.SpecialFunction(f.id)"); } @Test public void testHHH1107() throws Exception { parse("from Animal where zoo.address.street = '123 Bogus St.'"); } @Test public void testHHH1247() throws Exception { parse("select distinct user.party from com.itf.iceclaims.domain.party.user.UserImpl user inner join user.party.$RelatedWorkgroups relatedWorkgroups where relatedWorkgroups.workgroup.id = :workgroup and relatedWorkgroups.effectiveTime.start <= :datesnow and relatedWorkgroups.effectiveTime.end > :dateenow "); } @Test public void testHHH1780() throws Exception { // verifies the tree contains a NOT->EXISTS subtree class Verifier { public boolean verify(AST root) { Stack<AST> queue = new Stack<AST>(); queue.push( root ); while ( !queue.isEmpty() ) { AST parent = queue.pop(); AST child = parent.getFirstChild(); while ( child != null ) { if ( parent.getType() == HqlTokenTypes.NOT && child.getType() == HqlTokenTypes.EXISTS ) { return true; } queue.push( child ); child = child.getNextSibling(); } } return false; } } // test inversion of AND AST ast = doParse( "from Person p where not ( p.name is null and exists(select a.id from Address a where a.id=p.id))", false ); assertTrue( new Verifier().verify( ast ) ); // test inversion of OR ast = doParse( "from Person p where not ( p.name is null or exists(select a.id from Address a where a.id=p.id))", false ); assertTrue( new Verifier().verify( ast ) ); } @Test public void testLineAndColumnNumber() throws Exception { AST ast = doParse("from Foo f\nwhere f.name = 'fred'",false); // Find some of the nodes and check line and column values. ASTIterator iter = new ASTIterator(ast); boolean foundFoo = false; boolean foundName = false; while (iter.hasNext()) { AST n = iter.nextNode(); if ("Foo".equals(n.getText())) { if (foundFoo) fail("Already found 'Foo'!"); foundFoo = true; Node node = (Node)n; assertEquals(1,node.getLine()); assertEquals(6,node.getColumn()); } else if ("name".equals(n.getText())) { if (foundName) fail("Already found 'name'!"); foundName = true; Node node = (Node)n; assertEquals(2,node.getLine()); assertEquals(9,node.getColumn()); } } assertTrue(foundFoo); assertTrue(foundName); } private void parseFilter(String input) throws TokenStreamException, RecognitionException { doParse( input, true ); } private void parse(String input) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException { doParse( input, false ); } private AST doParse(String input, boolean filter) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException { System.out.println( "input: ->" + ASTPrinter.escapeMultibyteChars(input) + "<-" ); HqlParser parser = HqlParser.getInstance( input ); parser.setFilter( filter ); parser.statement(); AST ast = parser.getAST(); System.out.println( "AST : " + ast.toStringTree() + "" ); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); parser.showAst( ast, new PrintStream( baos ) ); System.out.println( baos.toString() ); assertEquals( "At least one error occurred during parsing!", 0, parser.getParseErrorHandler().getErrorCount() ); return ast; } }