/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2011, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.hibernate.test.annotations.cid; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Disjunction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.testing.junit4.BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; /** * test some composite id functionalities * * @author Emmanuel Bernard */ public class CompositeIdTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase { @Test public void testOneToOneInCompositePk() throws Exception { Session s; Transaction tx; s = openSession(); tx = s.beginTransaction(); B b = new B(); C c = new C(); s.persist( b ); s.persist( c ); A a = new A(); a.setAId( new AId() ); a.getAId().setB( b ); a.getAId().setC( c ); s.persist( a ); s.flush(); s.clear(); a = (A) s.get(A.class, a.getAId() ); assertEquals( b.getId(), a.getAId().getB().getId() ); tx.rollback(); s.close(); } /** * This feature is not supported by the EJB3 * this is an hibernate extension */ @Test public void testManyToOneInCompositePk() throws Exception { Session s; Transaction tx; s = openSession(); tx = s.beginTransaction(); ParentPk ppk = new ParentPk(); ppk.setFirstName( "Emmanuel" ); ppk.setLastName( "Bernard" ); Parent p = new Parent(); p.id = ppk; s.persist( p ); ChildPk cpk = new ChildPk(); cpk.parent = p; cpk.nthChild = 1; Child c = new Child(); c.id = cpk; s.persist( c ); tx.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); tx = s.beginTransaction(); Query q = s.createQuery( "select c from Child c where c.id.nthChild = :nth" ); q.setInteger( "nth", 1 ); List results = q.list(); assertEquals( 1, results.size() ); c = (Child) results.get( 0 ); assertNotNull( c ); assertNotNull( c.id.parent ); //FIXME mke it work in unambigious cases // assertNotNull(c.id.parent.id); // assertEquals(p.id.getFirstName(), c.id.parent.id.getFirstName()); s.delete( c ); s.delete( c.id.parent ); tx.commit(); s.close(); } /** * This feature is not supported by the EJB3 * this is an hibernate extension */ @Test public void testManyToOneInCompositePkAndSubclass() throws Exception { Session s; Transaction tx; s = openSession(); tx = s.beginTransaction(); ParentPk ppk = new ParentPk(); ppk.setFirstName( "Emmanuel" ); ppk.setLastName( "Bernard" ); Parent p = new Parent(); p.id = ppk; s.persist( p ); ChildPk cpk = new ChildPk(); cpk.parent = p; cpk.nthChild = 1; LittleGenius c = new LittleGenius(); c.particularSkill = "Human Annotation parser"; c.id = cpk; s.persist( c ); tx.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); tx = s.beginTransaction(); Query q = s.createQuery( "select c from Child c where c.id.nthChild = :nth" ); q.setInteger( "nth", 1 ); List results = q.list(); assertEquals( 1, results.size() ); c = (LittleGenius) results.get( 0 ); assertNotNull( c ); assertNotNull( c.id.parent ); //FIXME mke it work in unambigious cases // assertNotNull(c.id.parent.id); // assertEquals(p.id.getFirstName(), c.id.parent.id.getFirstName()); s.delete( c ); s.delete( c.id.parent ); tx.commit(); s.close(); } @Test public void testManyToOneInCompositeId() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); Channel channel = new Channel(); s.persist( channel ); Presenter pres = new Presenter(); pres.name = "Casimir"; s.persist( pres ); TvMagazinPk pk = new TvMagazinPk(); TvMagazin mag = new TvMagazin(); mag.time = new Date(); mag.id = pk; pk.channel = channel; pk.presenter = pres; s.persist( mag ); tx.commit(); s.clear(); tx = s.beginTransaction(); mag = (TvMagazin) s.createQuery( "from TvMagazin mag" ).uniqueResult(); assertNotNull( mag.id ); assertNotNull( mag.id.channel ); assertEquals( channel.id, mag.id.channel.id ); assertNotNull( mag.id.presenter ); assertEquals( pres.name, mag.id.presenter.name ); s.delete( mag ); s.delete( mag.id.channel ); s.delete( mag.id.presenter ); tx.commit(); s.close(); } @Test public void testManyToOneInCompositeIdClass() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); Order order = new Order(); s.persist( order ); Product product = new Product(); product.name = "small car"; s.persist( product ); OrderLine orderLine = new OrderLine(); orderLine.order = order; orderLine.product = product; s.persist( orderLine ); s.flush(); s.clear(); orderLine = (OrderLine) s.createQuery( "select ol from OrderLine ol" ).uniqueResult(); assertNotNull( orderLine.order ); assertEquals( order.id, orderLine.order.id ); assertNotNull( orderLine.product ); assertEquals( product.name, orderLine.product.name ); tx.rollback(); s.close(); } @Test public void testSecondaryTableWithCompositeId() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); Channel channel = new Channel(); s.persist( channel ); Presenter pres = new Presenter(); pres.name = "Tim Russet"; s.persist( pres ); TvMagazinPk pk = new TvMagazinPk(); TvProgram program = new TvProgram(); program.time = new Date(); program.id = pk; program.text = "Award Winning Programming"; pk.channel = channel; pk.presenter = pres; s.persist( program ); tx.commit(); s.clear(); tx = s.beginTransaction(); program = (TvProgram) s.createQuery( "from TvProgram pr" ).uniqueResult(); assertNotNull( program.id ); assertNotNull( program.id.channel ); assertEquals( channel.id, program.id.channel.id ); assertNotNull( program.id.presenter ); assertNotNull( program.text ); assertEquals( pres.name, program.id.presenter.name ); s.delete( program ); s.delete( program.id.channel ); s.delete( program.id.presenter ); tx.commit(); s.close(); } @Test public void testSecondaryTableWithIdClass() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); Channel channel = new Channel(); s.persist( channel ); Presenter pres = new Presenter(); pres.name = "Bob"; s.persist( pres ); TvProgramIdClass program = new TvProgramIdClass(); program.time = new Date(); program.channel = channel; program.presenter = pres; program.text = "Jump the shark programming"; s.persist( program ); tx.commit(); s.clear(); tx = s.beginTransaction(); program = (TvProgramIdClass) s.createQuery( "from TvProgramIdClass pr" ).uniqueResult(); assertNotNull( program.channel ); assertEquals( channel.id, program.channel.id ); assertNotNull( program.presenter ); assertNotNull( program.text ); assertEquals( pres.name, program.presenter.name ); s.delete( program ); s.delete( program.channel ); s.delete( program.presenter ); tx.commit(); s.close(); } @Test public void testQueryInAndComposite() { Session s = openSession( ); Transaction transaction = s.beginTransaction(); createData( s ); s.flush(); List ids = new ArrayList<SomeEntityId>(2); ids.add( new SomeEntityId(1,12) ); ids.add( new SomeEntityId(10,23) ); Criteria criteria = s.createCriteria( SomeEntity.class ); Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); disjunction.add( Restrictions.in( "id", ids ) ); criteria.add( disjunction ); List list = criteria.list(); assertEquals( 2, list.size() ); transaction.rollback(); s.close(); } @Test public void testQueryInAndCompositeWithHQL() { Session s = openSession( ); Transaction transaction = s.beginTransaction(); createData( s ); s.flush(); List ids = new ArrayList<SomeEntityId>(2); ids.add( new SomeEntityId(1,12) ); ids.add( new SomeEntityId(10,23) ); ids.add( new SomeEntityId(10,22) ); Query query=s.createQuery( "from SomeEntity e where e.id in :idList" ); query.setParameterList( "idList", ids ); List list=query.list(); assertEquals( 3, list.size() ); transaction.rollback(); s.close(); } private void createData(Session s){ SomeEntity someEntity = new SomeEntity(); someEntity.setId( new SomeEntityId( ) ); someEntity.getId().setId( 1 ); someEntity.getId().setVersion( 11 ); someEntity.setProp( "aa" ); s.persist( someEntity ); someEntity = new SomeEntity(); someEntity.setId( new SomeEntityId( ) ); someEntity.getId().setId( 1 ); someEntity.getId().setVersion( 12 ); someEntity.setProp( "bb" ); s.persist( someEntity ); someEntity = new SomeEntity(); someEntity.setId( new SomeEntityId( ) ); someEntity.getId().setId( 10 ); someEntity.getId().setVersion( 21 ); someEntity.setProp( "cc1" ); s.persist( someEntity ); someEntity = new SomeEntity(); someEntity.setId( new SomeEntityId( ) ); someEntity.getId().setId( 10 ); someEntity.getId().setVersion( 22 ); someEntity.setProp( "cc2" ); s.persist( someEntity ); someEntity = new SomeEntity(); someEntity.setId( new SomeEntityId( ) ); someEntity.getId().setId( 10 ); someEntity.getId().setVersion( 23 ); someEntity.setProp( "cc3" ); s.persist( someEntity ); } @Override protected Class[] getAnnotatedClasses() { return new Class[] { Parent.class, Child.class, Channel.class, TvMagazin.class, TvProgramIdClass.class, TvProgram.class, Presenter.class, Order.class, Product.class, OrderLine.class, OrderLinePk.class, LittleGenius.class, A.class, B.class, C.class, SomeEntity.class }; } }