package org.hibernate.dialect.pagination; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.hibernate.engine.spi.RowSelection; /** * Contract defining dialect-specific LIMIT clause handling. Typically implementers might consider extending * {@link AbstractLimitHandler} class. * * @author Lukasz Antoniak (lukasz dot antoniak at gmail dot com) */ public interface LimitHandler { /** * Does this handler support some form of limiting query results * via a SQL clause? * * @return True if this handler supports some form of LIMIT. */ public boolean supportsLimit(); /** * Does this handler's LIMIT support (if any) additionally * support specifying an offset? * * @return True if the handler supports an offset within the limit support. */ public boolean supportsLimitOffset(); /** * Return processed SQL query. * * @return Query statement with LIMIT clause applied. */ public String getProcessedSql(); /** * Bind parameter values needed by the LIMIT clause before original SELECT statement. * * @param statement Statement to which to bind limit parameter values. * @param index Index from which to start binding. * @return The number of parameter values bound. * @throws SQLException Indicates problems binding parameter values. */ public int bindLimitParametersAtStartOfQuery(PreparedStatement statement, int index) throws SQLException; /** * Bind parameter values needed by the LIMIT clause after original SELECT statement. * * @param statement Statement to which to bind limit parameter values. * @param index Index from which to start binding. * @return The number of parameter values bound. * @throws SQLException Indicates problems binding parameter values. */ public int bindLimitParametersAtEndOfQuery(PreparedStatement statement, int index) throws SQLException; /** * Use JDBC API to limit the number of rows returned by the SQL query. Typically handlers that do not * support LIMIT clause should implement this method. * * @param statement Statement which number of returned rows shall be limited. * @throws SQLException Indicates problems while limiting maximum rows returned. */ public void setMaxRows(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException; }