package com.activequant.utils.checks; import; import java.util.Properties; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import com.activequant.domainmodel.MarketDataInstrument; import com.activequant.interfaces.dao.IDaoFactory; import com.activequant.interfaces.dao.IMarketDataInstrumentDao; import com.activequant.utils.Date8Time6Parser; /** * Main App. */ public class TestSetup { public static void p(String s) { System.out.println(s); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { p("************************************"); p("Checking your setup. Please be patient. "); p("************************************"); p("Checking if your database is running at what you specified in your framework properties. "); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("")); String dbUrl = properties.getProperty("db.url"); String host = dbUrl.substring(dbUrl.indexOf("//") + 2, dbUrl.lastIndexOf(":")); p("Your host runs at: " + host); String port = dbUrl.substring(dbUrl.lastIndexOf(":") + 1, dbUrl.lastIndexOf("/")); p("Your port is: " + port); p("You are using " + properties.getProperty("db.driver") + " as a driver."); try { p("Trying to connect to database"); Socket s = new Socket(host, Integer.parseInt(port)); byte[] read = new byte[30]; s.getInputStream().read(read); p("First 30 bytes read after opening db connection were: " + new String(read)); p("--------------"); p("Now let's save something in your database ... "); ApplicationContext appContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("fwspring.xml"); IDaoFactory idf = (IDaoFactory) appContext.getBean("ibatisDao"); IMarketDataInstrumentDao mdiDao = idf.mdiDao(); MarketDataInstrument mdi = new MarketDataInstrument(); mdi.setMdProvider("AQTEST"); mdi.setProviderSpecificId("TEST"); mdi.setInstrumentId(""); mdi.setScalingFactor(Math.random()); mdi.setLastHistFetchTime(new Date8Time6Parser().now()); p("Saving ..."); mdiDao.update(mdi); p("Successfully saved instrument AQTEST ... Now loading ... "); MarketDataInstrument mdiLoaded = mdiDao.load(mdi.getId()); p("Loaded: " + mdiLoaded.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // p("******************** "); // p("Now we check your HBase setup. "); // try{ // p("Trying to connect to Zookeeper"); // Socket s = new Socket(host, Integer.parseInt(port)); // byte[] read = new byte[30]; // s.getInputStream().read(read); // p("First 30 bytes read after opening db connection were: " + new // String(read)); // } // catch(Exception ex){ // ex.printStackTrace(); // } // // // ApplicationContext appContext = new // ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("fwspring.xml"); // IDaoFactory idf = (IDaoFactory) appContext.getBean("ibatisDao"); // SendMail sendMail = (SendMail) appContext.getBean("sendMail"); // IArchiveFactory archiveFactory = (IArchiveFactory) // appContext.getBean("archiveFactory"); } }